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Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo TU-12P

Fabricante : Roland
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(The TU-12P is turned on). © Put the instrument ciose to the microphone and play it. * Be sure to play single note. b) Using the built-in Pickup (T) To tune an electric guitar using the built-in pickup, set the Power Switch to the PICK UP position. (The TU-12P is turned on.) © Put the guitar close to the pickup and play it. * Be sure to play single note. c) Using the Input Jack © To tune an electronic/ electric musical instrument through the Input Jack, set the Power Switch to either PICK UP or MIC. {The TU-12P is turned on.) © Play the instrument. * Be sure to play single note. {How to look at the Note Name Display] e.g. t: When ■ is shown under the letter E. e.g. 2: When ■ appears between G and A, the played pitch is very close to E note. the played pitch is close to G#. I cTdTeIfTgTaTbI I rfd¥F I fTcTa'Tb'I Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß der/die/das BOSS CHROMATIC TUNER TU-12P (Gerät, Typ. Bezeichnung! in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Amtsbl. Vfg 1046 / 1984 (Amtsblauverfügung! funk-enstört ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roiand Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Herstellers/Importeurs [How to look at the Octave Display] e.g. 1: When ■ appears above "-1“, the played pitch is somewhere between C3 to B3. -1 M +1 e.g. 2: When Q appears above M, the played pitch is somewhere between C4 to B4. ■1 M + t [How to select a Standard Pitch] The standard pitch is indicated as ■ shown at the far-right of the Display. (It is set to A=440Hz at power-up.) ► Pushing the Pitch Button will alter the pitch in 1Hz steps up to 444Hz. * When the TU-12P is turned off and on again, the standard pitch is returned to A=440Hz. [How to look at tha Tuning Display] Too low: Raise Pitch Tuned Too high: Lower Pitch Undiscernible How to tune the Guitar Play the string to be tuned, adjust the string so that the relevant note name is indicated, then make finer adjustment with the aid of the tuning display. The number shown above each note name represents the string number (1 to 6). When tuning an electric bass guitar, relevant string numbers are 3 to 6. If one string is tuned and the other ones are very loose, the tuned string may become slacken after the other strings are tuned, lowering the pitch of the tuned string. (This occurs frequently on the guitar featuring an arm.) To resolve this, tune all the strings roughly, matching the note names only, then make finer tuning. ■ About the buiit-in Pickup The buiit-in pickup of the TU-12P uses the magnetic force of the pickups on an eiectric guitar, and therefore cannot be used for a guitar that does not have pickups, such as a gut-guitar or folk-guitar, or a guitar with piezoelectric pickups. ■ About the buiit-in Microphone The built-in microphone of the TU-12P is highly sensitive, therefore the display becomes unstable by picking irrelevant sounds other than the instrument to be tuned. Be sure the instrument is close to the microphone. ■ BATTERY REPLACEMENT When the display becomes dimmer, replace the battery with a new one. To avoid wasting battery, set the Power Switch to the OFF position when the tuner is not to be used. It is possible to tune a guitar even with its volume turned down. r\ {How to replace the battery] Use a manganese lithium battery (CR 2032 3V). (T) Push down the cover of the battery housing at the bottom of the unit, then remove it by sliding it outward. (2) Take out the exausted battery, and place a new battery. (Be sure that the polarity is correct.) ■ IMPORTANT NOTE (D Replace the cover securely. • When the unit is not to be used for a long period of time, remove the battery from the battery housing to prevent the trouble caused by battery leakage. • Avoid using this unit in extreme heat, humidity or where it may be affected by dust, direct sunlight or vibration. • Use a mild detergent and soft cloth for cleaning. Do not use solvents such as thinner. o o _ n ¡K © RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE "Warning - This equipment has been verified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J, of Part 15, of FCC rules. Operation with non-certified or non-verified equipment is likely to resuit in interference to radio and TV reception.” The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with our instructions, it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to compiy with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J, of Part 15, of FCC Rules. These rules are designed to provide rea...

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