por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
VV. SS. --. 11. 66. 88. 00 . FF. rr. ee. qq. uu. ee. nn. tt. ll. yy . AA. ss. kk. ee. dd . QQ. uu. ee. ss. tt. ii. oo. nn. ss November 4th. 199. SN93 v1.. The VS-1680 has redefined recording powe. since its release in early 1998. Features such a. 16 playback tracks, 256 Virtual Tracks, 24-bi. audio recording, nonlinear editing, digital mixing. and effects processing (optional) packed into . compact table-top workstation have made th. VS-1680 one of the most popular audio recorder. of all time. The purpose of this document is t. answer some of the questions most commonl. asked of the Roland Product Support departmen. by VS-1680 owners in regards to its operation. We will cover the following topics in this document. I. How do I control the Stereo Tracks independently. . TT. oo. pp. ii. cc. ssII. Why do I hear my inputs all the time. III. What is the Fader/Mute button used for. IV. How do I burn audio CDs. V. How do I restore the mixer parameters to the. factory settings. VI. How do I create a Tempo Map. VII. How do I use Automix. VIII. How do I create a User Template with EZ Routing. IX. How do I bounce tracks. X. How do I bounce tracks with effects. XI. Why can.t I hear my effects. XII. How do . us. th. Scru. and Wavefor. displa. features. XIII. How do I record a stereo signal. XIV. How do I know how much time is left on my hard. drive? / How many megabytes does my song use. XV. How do I import VS-880/VS-880EX songs. O1998 Roland Corporation U.S. VS-1680 Frequently Asked Questions Faxback # 2106. Page . ®AOOA.. Supplemental Note. VS-1680 Frequently Asked Question. I.How Do I Control the Stereo Tracks Independently? Tracks 9-16 on the VS-1680 are configured as Stere. Tracks but they can be controlled independently. To d. this, the Channel Link function must be turned off. Tracks 9, 11, 13, and 15 can then be controlled fro. the front panel just as tracks 1-8 are. Tracks 10, 12, 14. and 16 can be controlled by holding the SHIFT butto. and adjusting the desired front panel control. For exam. ple, holding SHIFT and moving the 9/10 fader will adjus. the level for track 10 but not track 9. The following pro. cedure will guide you through the process of recording . mono signal to track 16. 1). Press the TRACK 15/16 SELECT button so that. .Track Mixer [TR = 15/16]. is displayed (Fig. 1). 2) . Use the CURSOR buttons to select .Link. and use. the TIME/VALUE dial to select .OFF.. . PP. rr. ee. ss. ss. ii. nn. gg . tt. hh. ee . TT. RR. AA. CC. KK . 11. 55. //. 11. 66 . SS. EE. LL. EE. CC. TT . bb. uu. tt. tt. oo. nn. ss . ww. ii. tt. hh . tt. hh. ee . ll. ii. nn. kk . ff. uu. nn. cc. tt. ii. oo. nn . tt. uu. rr. nn. ee. dd . oo. ff. ff . ww. ii. ll. ll . aa. ll. tt. ee. rr. nn. aa. tt. ee . bb. ee. tt. ww. ee. ee. nn . tt. hh. ee . TT. rr. aa. cc. kk . MM. ii. xx. ee. rr . ss. cc. rr. ee. ee. nn. ss . ff. oo. rr . tt. rr. aa. cc. kk. ss . 11. 55 . aa. nn. dd . 11. 66 . FF. ii. gg. .. . 11 . VV. SS. --. 11. 66. 88. 00 . TT. rr. aa. cc. kk . MM. ii. xx. ee. rr . SS. cc. rr. ee. ee. nn 3). Hold the SHIFT and Track 15/16 STATUS buttons. and press the Input SELECT button for the input yo. wish to record (it will begin to flash). 4). Hold SHIFT and press the Track 15/16 STATUS. button until it is flashing red.. 5). Use the appropriate INPUT SENS knob to set the. recording level as desired. 6). Press REC followed by PLAY to begin recording.. 7. Press STOP when you are finished. 8. Press PLAY to hear the results. Hold SHIFT and use. the Channel 15/16 fader to adjust the playback. volume of track 16 as desired. II. Why Do I Hear the Inputs All o. the Time. The .PAN ON/OFF. switch is used to determine whethe. or not a track or input is sent to the mix buss. This para. meter should be checked when you are either hearing . track or input that you don.t want to hear or when yo. are having trouble hearing a track or input that yo. should be hearing. The default setting for this switch i. .ON,. even for the inputs. This is why it is possible t. hear your inputs even if they are not routed anywhere. O1998 Roland Corporation U.S. VS-1680 Frequently Asked Questions Faxback # 2106. Page . ®AOOA.. Supplemental Note. VS-1680 Frequently Asked Question. Why Do I Hear the Inputs All o. the Time (continued. Use the following procedure to adjust the PAN ON/OFF switch. 1. Press the desired INPUT or TRACK SELECT button. 2. Use the CURSOR buttons to highlight the parameter. beneath PAN (in the upper right corner of the display). 3. Use the TIME/VALUE dial to select .ON or OFF. as. desired. For example. If you are trying to prevent an. input from being heard at the mix outputs, you would. set this switch to .OFF.. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any additional tracks or inputs. as desired. III. What is the Fader/Mute Button Used For. . FF. ii. gg. ... 22 . TT. hh. ee . FF. aa. dd. ee. rr. //. MM. uu. tt. ee . BB. uu. tt. tt. oo. nn The Fader/Mute button (Fig. 2) is used to determin. whether the faders control the track levels or the input an. effect return ...