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Instruções de Operação Yamaha, Modelo RS85A

Fabricante : Yamaha
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Língua de Ensino: itenes

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* Before setup, please make sure that you have all of the items listed below. If anything is missing, please contact the dealer from whom you purchased the unit. q RS85A Overall Assembly x 1 (when the box is opened) w Rubber Foot x 2 e Cable Band x 6 r Assembly Manual (this sheet) x 1 * Vergewissern Sie sich vor dem Aufbau, dass alle unten aufgelisteten Teile vorhanden sind. Wenn irgend etwas fehlt, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Handler, bei dem Sie das Produkt erworben haben. q RS85A Gesamtkonstruktion x 1 (beim Offnen der Verpackung) w Gummifu. x 2 e Kabelbinder x 6 r Montageanleitung (dieses Blatt) x 1 * Avant de proceder a l’installation, verifiez que vous disposez de tous les elements contenus dans la liste ci-dessous. Si vous constatez l’absence d’un element, contactez le revendeur aupres duquel vous avez achete l’unite. q Assemblage general RS85A x 1 (lorsque l’emballage est ouvert) w Pied en caoutchouc x 2 e Bande pour cable x 6 r Manuel d’assemblage (cette fiche) x 1 * Antes del montaje, asegurese de que dispone de todos los articulos mencionados a continuacion. Si faltara alguno, pongase en contacto con el punto de venta. q Una unidad completa RS85A (al abrir la caja) w Patas de goma (2) e Banda de cables (6) r Manual de montaje (esta hoja) (1) Package Contents Lieferumfang Contenu de l’emballage Contenido del paquete English The purpose of the precautions detailed below is to ensure that this product is used safely without fear either of accidental injury to you or other people or of damage to property. As a means, furthermore, of indicating the severity and immediacy of any risk of injury or damage associated with incorrect operation, these precautions are classified as either WARNING or CAUTION. The instructions presented together with precautions are extremely important in terms of ensuring safety, and therefore, they should be fully observed. After reading this Owner’s Manual, ensure that it is kept in a safe, convenient location for future reference. NOTICE • Do not step on or place heavy objects on the product. Doing so may result in damage. • Do not use or keep the product in places with extremely high temperature (places in direct sunlight, close to a heater, in a closed car, etc.) or high humidity (bathroom, outside on a rainy day, etc.). Doing so may result in deformation, discoloration, stickiness, damage or deterioration. Wh l i th d t d t b i thi l h l it lt i di l ti d f ti PRECAUTIONS Please read carefully before proceeding. WARNING If this symbol is ignored and the equipment is used improperly, fatal injury to persons or serious damage could occur. • Always set the product on a flat and solid surface. Placement on a sloping, unstable surface or on steps may result in the product being unstable and subject to overturning. • Make sure all bolts are tightened firmly. Loose bolts may result in the rack overturning or in parts dropping, causing injury. • When adjusting the height or angle, do not suddenly loosen the bolts. The pad may drop, the rack or pipes may slip, pinching or causing injury to hands or fingers. • Do not sit or step on the rack. The rack may overturn or be damaged, resulting in injury. • Please be careful when children are close to or touching the product. Since the product has many pipes and arms, careless movement around the product may result in injury. • When setting the pads and modules, please pay close attention in regards to the handling and setting of cables. Carelessly placed cables may cause the user and others to trip and fall. • Do not alter the product. Doing so may result in injury or damage/deterioration to the product. CAUTION If this symbol is ignored and the equipment is used improperly, there is a danger or injury to persons handling the equipment, and material damage could occur. • Do not put your hands or feet under the foot pedal or foot switch. They may be pinched, resulting in injury. • Watch your fingers when adjusting clamps. They may become pinched, resulting in injury. • Be careful around pipe ends, inside the pipe and screw ends. Metal shavings, etc. may injure your fingers. • Do not attach acoustic drums to the electronic drum rack. Clamps may be damaged and drums may drop, causing injury. RS85A EN DE FR ES A1 RS85A Assembly Manual / Montageanleitung Manuel d’assemblage / Manual de montaje EN DE FR ES A1 Francais Les precautions detaillees ci-dessous visent a vous permettre d’utiliser ce produit en toute securite, en evitant de vous blesser ou de blesser autrui accidentellement ou de provoquer des degats materiels. En outre, pour specifier le degre de gravite ou d’urgence associe a tout risque de blessure ou de dommage lie a une manipulation incorrecte, les precautions ont ete classees sous AVERTISSEMENT et ATTENTION. Les instructions accompagnant les precautions sont extremement importantes en termes de securite et doivent, par consequent, etre observees dans leur totalite. Apres avoir lu ce mode d’emploi, conservez-le a portee de main...

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