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The maximum number of notes or intervals/chords that can be entered horizontally is 16, but within that range the number and playback speed can be set as required, allowing the creation of complex groupings when multiple Score-Mode layers are combined. Performance in the Score Mode Tap an LED button to play the sound assigned to it. At the same time the lights will flash outward from the played sound. If you hold the LED button a bit longer it will remain lit and will become an active note that will play repeatedly. Touch and hold an active note to de-activate it. The loop indicator will be continuously cycling from the left to right edge of the LED button matrix. Active notes will play when the loop indicator coincides with their positions on the matrix. • Tap the [CLEAR] button to de-activate all active notes of the current layer. The six modes •Score mode • Random mode • Draw mode • Bounce mode • Push mode •Solo mode Loop indicator Active note High D C B A G F E Pitch D C B A G F E D C Low Time Loop indicator Active notes will play and flash when the loop indicator passes over them. TNR-i Quick Guide Touch and hold [R4] button Drag the dial Layer volume Master volume Increase volume Decrease volume Master Volume Adjustment To adjust the overall volume of the TNR-i, drag the jog dial while holding the [R4] function button. The volume setting will appear in the Display. Pausing Loop Playback Current loop indicator Tap the [START/STOP] while the highlighted “STOP” indicator in the lower right corner of the Display is shown to temporarily pause loop playback. The loop indicator will stop at the position at which the [START/STOP] is tapped, and the highlighted “STOP” indicator will change to “START.” Tap the [START/STOP] a second time and loop playback will resume from the point at which it was paused. [START/STOP] button TNR-i Quick Guide Function Buttons Function Buttons Functions By holding one of the ten function buttons of the TNR-i and operating the LED buttons you can change voices, change octaves, and apply a variety of effects and variations to your performance. This unique visual/tactile interface has been specifically designed to allow intuitive, instantaneous operation of a variety of functions. • Double-tapping the Function button is equivalent to holding it. [L1] + LED buttons Changing Voices You can select any voice from the 253 voices available in one quick operation. When you touch and hold the [L1] button, vertical and horizontal lines will light on the matrix, and the button at their intersection corresponds to the currently selected voice. If you tap a different LED button while these crossed lines are showing the intersection will move to that button and the corresponding voice will be selected. Voice name Voice number (vertical/horizontal position) • The Voice number and name will appear in the Display. The Voice number corresponds to the vertical and horizontal button numbers. [L2] + LED buttons Changing Note Length Sets the length of the notes from the time they are triggered to the time they decay to silence (the gate time). While holding the [L2] button, slide your finger horizontally over the matrix to move the lit vertical line to the desired setting. Moving the line to the right increases the note length. • Not available in the Push Mode. The “L” function buttons The “R” function buttons Touching the [L1] – [L5] or [R1] – [R5] function buttons will call up the jog dial. You can use this jog dial to set the value of the current function. Matrix with voice number 07/13 selected. 07/13 16/16 16/01 01/16 01/01 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TNR-i Quick Guide Function Buttons Function Buttons Sets the playback pitch in octave increments. While holding the [L3] button, slide your finger vertically over the matrix to move the lit horizontal line to the desired octave. [L4] + LED buttons Changing Loop Points Sets the loop playback range in the Score Mode. While holding the [L4] button, slide your finger horizontally over upper half of the matrix to move the loop start point indicator to the desired point, and slide your finger horizontally over lower half of the matrix to move the loop end point indicator to the desired point, as required. • In the Random Mode this function sets the rotation direction and speed. • Not available in the Draw, Bounce, Push and Solo Modes. [L5] + LED buttons Changing Loop Speed Sets the loop playback speed (the duration of the beats). Four settings are available, set via the leftmost four columns on the matrix: quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and thirty-second notes. While holding the [L5] button, tap a button in the corresponding column. • Not available in the Push Mode. Layer [R1] + LED buttons Switching Layers Switches to a different layer. While holding the [R1] button, slide your finger vertically over the matrix to move the lit horizontal line to the desired layer. Moving the...