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Instruções de Operação Yamaha, Modelo MU5

Fabricante : Yamaha
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General 1.1 Application This following MIDI information applies to the MU5. 1.2 Applicable Standards MIDI 1.0 Standard. 2. MIDI Reception / Transmission Diagrams 2.1 Transmit Condition HOST IN < sel > $Bn, $64, $00, $65, $00, $06, $mm $Bn, $64, $01, $65, $00, $06, $mm, $26, $11 $Bn, $64, $02, $65, $00, $06, $mm $F0, $43, $1n, $44, $00, $00, $00 : : : : $F0, $43, $1n, $44, $02, $00, $00 : : : : $F0, $43, $1n, $44, $02, $0F, $09 $F0, $43, $1n, $44, $03, $00, $00 . MIDI . MIDI NOTE ON $9n BANK SELECT MSB $Bn, $00 BANK SELECT LSB $Bn, $20 MAIN VOLUME $Bn, $07 PANPOT $Bn, $0A PITCH BEND SENSITIVITY FINE TUNING COARSE TUNING PROGRAM CHANGE $Cn Parameter change (System) Parameter change (Multi Part) System informaton sel = Host Select n = MIDI channel add-8 MIDI Data Format MIDI Data Format Receive Condition MIDI < Rxnm > < Rxnm > . . off . off $FE $8n $9n $Bn, $00 $Bn, $20 $Bn, $01 $Bn, $06 $Bn, $26 $Bn, $07 $Bn, $0A $Bn, $0B $Bn, $40 $Bn, $54 $Bn, $64, $00, $65, $00, $06, $mm PITCH BEND SENSITIVITY $Bn, $64, $01, $65, $00, $06, $mm, $26, $11 FINE TUNING $Bn, $64, $02, $65, $00, $06, $mm $Bn, $64, $7F, $65, $7F $Bn, $78, $00 $Bn, $79, $00 $Bn, $7B, $00 $Bn, $7C, $00 $Bn, $7D, $00 $Cn, $Dn, $En, $F0, $7F, $7F(or $xv), $04, $01 $F0, $7E, $7F(or $xv), $09, $01, $F7 $F0, $43, $1n, $27, $30, $00, $00 $F0, $43, $1n, $44, $F0, $43, $3n, $44, n = MIDI channel Rxnm = Receive note message ACTIVE SENSING NOTE OFF NOTE ON BANK SELECT MSB BANK SELECT LSB MODULATION DATA ENTRY MSB DATA ENTRY LSB MAIN VOLUME PANPOT EXPRESSION HOLD 1 PORTAMENTO CONTROL $00, $00, $00 : : : $02, $00, $00 : : : $02, $0F, $09 $00, $00, $0F $00, $00, $00 : : : $02, $00, $00 : : : $02, $00, $00 : : : $02, $0F, $09 COARSE TUNING RPN RESET ALL SOUND OFF RESET ALL CONTROLLERS ALL NOTE OFF OMNI OFF OMNI ON PROGRAM CHANGE CHANNEL PRESSURE PITCH BENDER MIDI MASTER VOLUME GENERAL MIDI MODE ON MIDI MASTER TUNING Parameter change (System) Parameter change (Multi Part) All Parameters Reset Dump request (System) Dump request (Multi Part) Dump request (System Information) add-9 3. Channel Messages 3. Channel Messages Transmission 3.1.1 Note ON/OFF Note Range = E-2 – E8 Velocity = 0 – 127 3.1.2 Control change The following parameters can be transmitted. Control # Parameter Range 0 Bank select MSB 0,127 32 Bank select LSB 0 6 Data Entry MSB 0 – 127 38 Data Entry LSB 0 – 127 7 Main volume 0 – 127 10 Pan 0 – 127 100 RPN LSB 0 – 127 101 RPN MSB 0 – 127 Bank Select Control # Parameter Range 0 Bank select MSB 0 : GM melody Voice 127 : GM rhythm Voice 32 Bank select LSB 0 : Fixed The bank select MSB switches between melody Voices and rhythm Voices. The bank select LSB is fixed at 0. Data Entry Control # Parameter Range 6 Data entry MSB 0 – 127 38 Data entry LSB 0 – 127 This is used in conjunction with the RPN parameter (see sections and 3.1.4). Volume Control # Parameter Range 7 Main volume 0 – 127 Pan Control # Parameter Range 10 Pan 0 – 127 A value of 0 corresponds to the left channel, and a value of 127 to the right. (RPN) LSB / MSB Control # Parameter Range 100 RPN LSB 0 – 127 101 RPN MSB 0 – 127 add-10 (Refer to section 3.1.4) MIDI Data Format MIDI Data Format Channel Mode Messages Channel Mode Messages are not transmitted. 3.1.4 RPN (Registered Parameter Number) The RPN MSB and RPN LSB must be sent first for the desired parameter setting, followed by the data entry values. RPN MSB LSB Data Entry MSB LSB $00 $00 $00 $00 $01 $02 $mm -$ mm $l l $mm -Pitch bend sensitivity mm : $00 – $18 (0 – 24 semitones) “--” : Not used Range is two octaves, selectable in one semitone steps. When power is turned on, this is set to two semitones. Master fine tuning (mm,l l) : ($00,$00) – ($40,$00) – ($7F,$7F) (-8192x100/8192) – 0 – (+8192x100/8192 cents) Master coarse tuning mm : $28 – $40 – $58 (-24 – 0 – +24 semitones) “--” : Not used 3.2 Reception 3.2.1 Note ON/OFF Receive note range = C-2 – G8 Velocity range = 1 – 127 (Note On velocity only.) When Receive Note Message is set to OFF, reception is disabled. When drum part data is received, the MU5 sometimes does not respond to Note Off messages (depending on the transmitted instrument). 3.2.2 Control Change The following control change parameters are applicable to the MU5: Control # Parameter Range 0 Bank select MSB 0 – 127 32 Bank select LSB 0 1 Modulation 0 – 127 6 Data entry MSB 0 – 127 38 Data entry LSB 0 – 127 7 Main volume 0 – 127 10 Pan 0 – 127 11 Expression 0 – 127 64 Hold 1 0 – 127 84 Portamento control 0 – 127 100 RPN LSB 0 – 127 101 RPN MSB 0 – 127 add-11 Control # Parameter Range 0 Bank select MSB 0 : Melody Voice of GM 1 – 126 : No sound 127 : Rhythm Voice of GM 32 Bank select LSB 0 : Fixed Processing of bank select messages is paused until a program change message is received. The bank select MSB switches between a melody Voice and rhythm Voice. The bank select LSB is fixed at 0. Modulation Control # Parameter Range 1 Modulation 0 – 127 This affect...

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