Facilidade de uso
posal 127 installing 122, 124 low charge 118 maintaining 126 monitoring power 48, 116 not charging 177 notifications 119 power plan 202 power plan hot key 121 real-time clock (RTC) 113, 115 remaining power 118 removing 123 safety precautions 125 BIOS Setup see TOSHIBA Hardware Setup Bridge Media Adapter inserting memory media 141 removing memory media 141 button power 50 start 131 buttons eject, optical drive 106 Media control buttons 107 C Call2Recycle™ battery 128 changing main battery 122 226 Index Index character keys 97 charging the battery 48 checking device properties 175 communications network connection 133 set up 132 computer caring for 93 cleaning 93 moving 94 non-system disk or disk error message 171 not accessing disk drives 170 running on battery power 113 setting up 45, 53 warning resume failure message 170 computer lock 94 computing tips 95 ConfigFree® 164 Connectivity Doctor 165 profile settings 166 starting 164 connecting AC adaptor 46 power cord/cable 47 printer 81 connection set up 133 Ctrl keys 97 D desktop creating new icon 130 major features 130 desktop exploration 129 desktop icons 130 Device Manager 175 checking properties 175 devices keyboard 81 mouse 81 Disk Defragmenter 181 disk drive corrupted/damaged data files 181 missing files/trouble accessing a drive 180 running slow 181 diskette drive cannot insert a diskette 181 cannot read a diskette 182 display does not look normal/flickers 179 external monitor not working 180 display device connecting 79 external 78 display output settings 80 display panel opening 49 display problems screen is blank 178 display, external adjusting 81 disposal information 29 disposing of used batteries 127 DVD using 105 DVD player general problems 186 E eject button optical drive 106 eject, optical drive 106 ENERGY STAR® 37 error messages non-system disk or disk error 171 problem with display settings/ current settings not working with hardware 179 warning resume failure 170 Error-checking 180 eSATA Index Index connecting to the eSATA/USB combo port 192 eSATA/USB combo port Using 142 exploring the desktop 129 external monitor not working 180 mouse 81 external display device RGB port 78 external display, adjusting 81 F FAT (File Allocation Table) 180 file extensions 103 file, backing up 96 files backing up 104 printing 103 restoring 105 saving 102 Fn keys 97 function keys 97 H HDMI™ Out Port 78 headphones using 139 Help and Support Windows® operating system 174 Hibernation mode 84 configuring 87 hot key 204 starting again from 89 hot key disabling or enabling TouchPad™ 208 disabling or enabling wireless devices 207 display brightness 206 Hibernation mode 204 keyboard overlays 210 Lock (Instant security) 201 Output (Display switch) 205 power plan 202 Sleep mode 203 volume mute 200 Zoom (Display resolution) 209 zooming in 210 zooming out 210 Hot Key Cards 196 Hot key functions 200 hot key power plan 121 http 135 I icon 130 desktop 130 moving to desktop 130 recycle bin 130 safety 40 installation memory module 52 installing main battery 122, 124 memory modules 52 mouse 81 Internet bookmarked site not found 174 connecting to 136 features 136 slow connection 174 surfing 136 uploading and downloading files 137 URL address not found 174 using 135 Internet Service Providers ISPs 135 J jack RJ-11 134 Index Index K keyboard character keys 97 function keys 97 hot keys 210 not working 170 overlay keys 98 special Windows® keys 98 troubleshooting 178 unexpected characters 178 using 96 keyboard, external 81 keyboard, full-size 97 L light AC power 46 drive in-use indicator 106 lock computer, using 94 M main battery changing 122 installing 122, 124 removing 123 safety precautions 125 manual eject hole optical drive 106 memory adding 52 problem solving 176 removing memory module slot cover 54 memory module installation 52 installing inserting into socket 55 removing 58, 60 memory module slot 54 microphone using 138 modem connecting to telephone line 133 problem solving 184 monitor 78 connecting 79 monitor problems monitor not working 179 mouse installing 81 mouse utility 156 N network accessing 133 Connect to the Internet 133 networking wireless 132 notification area 131 O optical disc handling 108 inserting 107 positioning 108 optical drive drive in-use indicator light 106 eject button 106 manual eject hole 106 problems 182 removing disc 110, 111 troubleshooting 182 using 105 optical media recording 110 other documentation 41 overlay keys 98 P password deleting a supervisor 152 disabling a user 153 setting a user 153 supervisor set up 151 types 150 Index Index passwords instant, using 150 setting 150 port RGB 78 power computer will not start 169 connecting cable to AC adaptor 47 cord/cable 47 cord/cable connectors 211 energy-saving features 112 problem solving 176 turning on 50 power button 50 power plan hot key 121 power plans 120 power source connecting 47 powering down using Hibernate 87 using Sleep 90 precautions 43 printer connecting 81 problem solving 183, 184 printing a file 103 problem solving accessing disk drives 170 battery charge does not last 177 battery not charging 177 cannot insert diskette in drive 181 cannot read a diskette 182 changing display properties 179 checking device properties 175 computer will not power up 169 contacting Toshiba 192, 193 corrupted/damaged data files 181 Device Manager 175 disk drive is slow 181 display is blank 178 external display not working 180 external monitor 179 faulty memory 176 high-pitched noise 183 Internet bookmarked site not found 174 Internet connection is slow 174 keyboard not responding 170 keyboard produces unexpected characters 178 missing files/trouble accessing a drive 180 modem not receiving or transmitting 184 no sound 183 non-system disk or disk error 171 power and batteries 176 printer 183, 184 program not responding 168 program not working properly 181 screen does not look correct/ flickers 179 Startup options 173 URL address not found 174 warning resume failure 170 Windows® operating system not working 172 program, starting 99 programs not running correctly 181 projector 78 connecting 79 R real-time clock (RTC) battery 113 recording sounds 138 recording sounds 138 recycle bin icon 130 registering computer 51 Index Index removing DVD with computer off 111 with computer on 110 main battery 123 memory module 58 RJ-11 jack 134 running the computer on battery power 113 S safety computer 128 disposing of batteries 127 icons 40 precautions 43 safety precautions main battery 125 saving files 102 screen does not look normal/flickers 179 screen problems blank screen 178 Search programs and files field 101 set up communications 132 setting up AC adaptor 46 adding memory 52 computer 45, 53 work environment 42 setting up a connection 133 Sleep mode 84 hot key 203 starting again from 93 sound problem solving 183 sounds recording 138 speakers using external 139 start button 131 starting a program 99 Search programs and files field 101 Windows® Explorer 100 Windows® Start menu 100 starting up the computer from Shut down 87 from Sleep 93 Startup menu problem solving 173 supervisor password, deleting 152 supervisor password, set up 151 T taskbar 131 telephone line connecting to modem 133 television adjusting display 81 connecting 79 Toshiba registering computer 51 worldwide offices 194 TOSHIBA Accessibility 161 Toshiba accessories memory 52 TOSHIBA Application Installer 149 TOSHIBA Assist 144 TOSHIBA Button Support 160 TOSHIBA eco power plan Using 122 TOSHIBA eco Utility 162 TOSHIBA Face Recognition Utility 154 TOSHIBA Hardware Setup 157 Toshiba online resources 111 TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool Utility 155 TOSHIBA PC Health Monitor 163 TOSHIBA Service Station 163 TOSHIBA Zooming Utility 159 TouchPad™ adjusting settings 77 Index Index disabling 78 wireless networking 132 enabling 78 wizards using 75 Connect to the Internet 133 traveling tips 128 World Wide Web 135 troubleshooting www 135 DVD player general problems 186 external keyboard 178 keyboard 178 optical drive 182 turning on the computer 50 turning on the power 50 U USB-compatible printer 81 user password, disabling 153 user password, setting 153 using a file extension 103 Utilities 143 V video cables 79 video display device connecting 79 video projector adjusting display 81 W warranty standard limited warranty 41 Web 135 Web Camera using 139 Web sites 193 Wi-Fi® wireless networking 132 Windows® Explorer 100 Windows® operating system Help and Support 174 problem solving 172 Windows® operating system desktop 129 Windows® Start menu 100 ...
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