Instruções de Operação Toshiba, Modelo L755-S5242BN
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Due to mannufacturing and quaality variations in thhird party optical m edia (e.g., CD or DDVD) or optical meddia players/recordeers, in certain casess, your Toshiba opttical drive mayy not record on certtain optical media thhat bear the applicaable logo, or playbaack optical media rrecorded by other PPCs or optical meddia recorders. Addi tionally, certain opttical media reccorded on your opti cal drive may not pplayback or operatee properly on other PCs or optical meddia players. Thesee problems are not due to any defect in your Toshiba PCC or optical dri ve. Please refer too your PC's produc t specification for li sting of specific forrmat compatibilitiess. Recordingg or viewing of cert ain optical media mmay be limited or prrevented in accordaance with applicab le copy protection sstandards. 8 Display . Small bright dotss may appear on yoour screen display wwhen you turn on yyour PC. Your displ lay contains an ext remely large numbber of thin-film transsistors (TFT) and iss manufactuured using high-preecision technology. Any small bright ddots that may appeear on your display are an intrinsic chaaracteristic of the TTFT manufacturing technology. Over a period of ttime, and dependinng on the usage of the computer, the brightness of the sccreen will deterioraate. This is also ann intrinsic characterristic of the screen technology. When the e computer is operaated on battery powwer, the screen withh dim and you may not be able to increease the brightnesss of the screen wh ile on battery poweer. 9 Wireles s. May require pur chase of additionall software, externall hardware, or serv ices. Transmissionn speeds may varyy. Certain optional ffeatures within the wireless-n specificatiions (if available onn your system) mayy not be supported.. 10 USB Slleep & Charge. Thhe "USB Sleep & CCharge function" maay not work with ceertain external devi ces even if they ar e compliant with thhe USB specificatioon. In those cases, turn the powerr of the computer OON to charge the deevice. 11 Weightt. Weight may varyy depending on prooduct configuration, vendor componennts, manufacturing vvariability and optioons selected. 12 Batteryy Life. Rating. Meaasured by MobileMaark® 2007. MobileeMark is a tradema rk of the Business Applications Perfo rmance Corporatioon. Rating based onn either MobileMar k Productiviity 2007 modeling aa user performing ccommon mobile offfice activities or Re ader 2007 modelinng a user reading d documents. See “DDetailed Specificatioons” for test used. Details of MobileMark 2007 testing are availablle at Rating is for coomparison purposees only, and does nnot indicate the batttery life that will be obtained by any individual user. Actual batterry life may vary connsiderably from speecifications depend ing on product moddel, configuration, aapplications, powe r management setttings and features utilized, a s well as the naturaal performance varriations produced b y the design of ind ividual componentss. The battery life rating is only achieeved on the select mmodels and configurattions tested by Tosshiba under the speecific test settings aat the time of publiccation and is not ann estimate of a systtem’s battery life unnder any conditionss other than the specific teest settings. After a period of time, thee battery will lose itss ability to perform at maximum capaccity and will need too be replaced. Thiss is normal for all b atteries. 13 Softwaare. Also see 64-Bitt Computing Legal Footnote, if applicaable. Some softtware may differ froom its retail versionn (if available), and may not include usser manuals or all pprogram functional lity. © Copyrightt 2011 Toshiba Americca Information Systemms Inc. All Rights rese rved. TAIS shhall not be liable for daamages of any kind forr use of this informatioon, which is subject to change without noticee. Satellitee L755-S5242BN Page 3 off 4 Thhis product speciification is variabble and subject too change prior too product launch. Certain MMicrosoft® software products (includingg Microsoft Office SSmall Business Acccounting if applicab le) included with thhis computer may uuse technological mmeasures for copy protectionn. IN SUCH EVENTT, YOU WILL NOTT BE ABLE TO USEE THE PRODUCT IF YOU DO NOT FFULLY COMPLY WWITH THE PRODUCCT ACTIVATION PROCEDURES. Product acctivation procedure s and Microsoft’s pprivacy policy will bee detailed during innitial launch of the pproduct, or upon ceertain reinstallation s of the software products oor reconfigurations of the computer, aand may be compleeted by Internet or ttelephone (toll charrges may apply). Internet access is required too enable certain funnctionality of certai n Microsoft produccts (including Microssoft Office Small BBusiness Accountin g 2006) which mayy be included with this computerr. Includes MMicrosoft® Office 20010 preloaded. Puurchase a Product KKey to activate a fuull Microsoft Office 22010 suite. 14 Toshib a Media Controlleer. Copy protection technology, if any,, associated with thhe content may...
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