Fabricante : Dell
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por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
Turn on the computer undocked, and complete
The diskettes you need in this procedure came with the
the operating system setup.
C/Dock Expansion Station.
For detailed information, see the Dell-Installed
NOTES: You must install the IDE controller driver if you
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Setup Guide.
want to use the C/Dock Expansion Station with a
If you plan to connect a C/Port APR to a network,
go to step 6. If you plan to use a C/Dock Expan-
You must have administrator privileges to perform the
sion Station for any purpose, continue with step 4.
following procedure.
With the computer still undocked, install the
Undock the computer.
driver for the IDE controller (CMD 646U Ultra
Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click
DMA controller) that supports a CD-ROM drive
Control Panel.
in the C/Dock media bay.
Double-click the SCSI Adapters icon.
NOTE: You must install the IDE controller driver if
you want to use the C/Dock Expansion Station with a
Click the Drivers tab and click Add.
In the Install Driver window, click the Have Disk
For instructions, see the next subsecton, “IDE Con-
troller Driver.”
Insert the Dell Latitude C/Dock Expansion Station
With the computer still undocked, install the
Windows NT 4.0 IDE Driver diskette into the com-
driver for the SCSI controller (Adaptec AIC-7860
puter’s diskette drive.
PCI SCSI controller).
In the Copy the manufacturer’s files from box,
For instructions, see “SCSI Controller Driver” found
type a:\ and click OK.
later in this document.
Highlight CMD CSA-646U Ultra DMA IDE
Shut down the computer, dock it, and turn it on
Adapter and click OK.
Type a:\ and click Continue.
Follow the instructions on the display to load the
10. When prompted to restart the computer, remove
appropriate drivers.
the diskette and click Yes.
If you plan to connect the C/Dock Expansion Sta-
After the driver is installed, you may configure it for
tion or C/Port APR to a network, install the
maximum performance as follows:
network driver.
Click the Start button and click Run.
For instructions, see “Network Controller Driver”
found later in this document.
Type cmdcfgnt.exe and click OK.
Create a hardware profile for use with the
Click the General tab.
C/Dock Expansion Station or C/Port APR.
Select the PCI bus speed that matches that of the
For instructions, see “Setting Up a Hardware Pro-
file” in the Windows NT documentation that
To determine the PCI bus speed of the computer, see
accompanied the computer.
the section titled “Chip Set and Bus” in Appendix A
of the Reference and Troubleshooting Guide that
IDE Controller Driver
accompanied the Latitude CP computer. If a
documentation update came with the computer,
If your computer uses Windows NT, use the following
check whether a new PCI bus speed has been added.
procedure to install the driver for the IDE controller on
the C/Dock Expansion Station. The IDE controller sup-
To enable the DMA features of the controller,
ports a CD-ROM drive in the C/Dock media bay.
click the Enable DMA box so that a check mark
appears in the box.
Dell Latitude CP Before You Turn On Your Computer