Instruções de Operação Panasonic, Modelo NSR2363F
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Add water. e.g. For 12 cups rice, add water to LEVEL INDICATOR 12. LEVEL INDICATOR MAXIMUM LEVEL Do not cook with more than this level of water. Set the inner lid onto the outer lid Place the pan in the body. Make sure that the pan is directly in contact with the heating plate by turning it slightly from right to left until it seats properly. Close the outer lid. The lid is locked properly when it clicks. Plug in. Immediately press the switch. The "Rice Cooking" lamp tells you when cooking has started. When rice is done, switch will pop up. "Keep Warm" lamp lights to indicate "Keep Warm" function is working. Do not rinse rice in the rice cooker pan. I Adjust the quantity of water to your personal taste. I Soak rice in water for approximately 30 minutes. Wipe the surface of the pan before use. If it is wet, it may cause noise while cooking. rFmay also damage the unit. If outer lid is not securely closed, cooking will be affected. Do not open the outer lid when in use. Do not plug in until you get ready to cook. Otherwise, rice may be ruined. If pan is not in the cooker, cooking will not begin. As the "Rice Cooking" button is pressed down, the "Keep Warm" switch button is simultaneously turned ON. (Do not worry about the "Keep Warm" lamp, if it comes ON momentarily.) "Keep Warm" function continues until it is turned to OFF or the rice cooker is unplugged. -9- 7 8 After the switch pops up, leave the lid closed for at least 15 minutes to steam rice. 9 Fluff the rice. The rice may be sticky if it is not fluffed. Use a plastic or wooden rice scoop, not metal utensils which may damage the surface of the pan. When not operating or taking the pan out of the body, be sure to push the "Keep Warm" button up and confirm the lamp goes OFF. Unplug if you do not want to keep warm or when the unit is not in use.. Remove and clean dew collector after every use. TO KEEP COOKED RICE WARM AND TASTY Rinsing rice Bran gives an unpleasant odour to the cooked rice. Therefore,be sure to rinse rice throughly, rinsing with lukewarm water will be effective to quickly and thoroughly remove the bran. Note: Some rice suppliers suggest not to rins rice because vitamins may be lost. Keep Warm Keeping warm for more than 12 hours may cause discoloration of the cooked rice or the rice to generate objectionable odour. The sooner it is served, the better it will taste. Quantity of rice to be kept warm Be sure that the amount of rice to be kept warm is not too small. If the amount rice to be kept warm is less than approx. 10 bowls, it will gradually dry and the taste will be affected. It is advisable to serve it as soon as possible. Cooker may remain ON even during a meal For continued keep warm function, the cord should remain plugged in even during a meal. If the power cord is unplugged during keep warm, temperature of the cooked rice will lower and if warming is resumed, it will cause rice to spoil quickly. Therefore, be sure to keep the cord plugged in during keep-warm. Inner pan Be careful not to deform it. : avoid rough handling. Deforming of the pan will adversely affect the cooking and keep warm performance of the cooker. -10- со го жж •7гй¥ ИЗ &Э J* ю ' «с о ¡BÍ Щ * 31 *? ю 3Ï * XX) 4Н ЙЁЗВВ '~r''¥í рг-Я ®Ми Ж® ч^-Ж ш - W r?t^g п ,■ > т ц ' '''' ,¿í .НЩВШО im# - raí «ми !ШЗ (ШШ -В№№1 3ü0âî °Я-я НЮ тт % н+ * Йв ííui йг со о $ » W ûf и 3" - null ■ -Я т m mil (№п w> Жш п> Э- Йв ВМ®3§3§ яштия №&№№а ЗШНМ^й âtSSàt^fS1 ° Ft-SBNI • э»ж ни шш £ *о • Л мш ° РШ тП 7 8 йшнааияямив ■ т 9 £ЗДЫЯ#3|ДО » аштеш • *ййр1№**й fê « ШЁЯШ»Йя)£*ИЙЙ^ • %]т±тшъ ■ и&т а 1Ш® о йтяадовйШЁяаиедш# - -яш as 1®)й” щш^±йё ■ яввмяш 7КЖ1М ° С-ч таяаажед*»!* - шятшм - шяшятш • яютякя f i Й М * ii fi I Ц Rt Я)«£&ЯвВЭДЯЯ*ОДЯ&а » й&!№5йшж% шяшют • MuaifiBÄüffl*B$ftii»**« 'S • вЯ>Д*/1ШОТК1*Ю№|г«£1$ - ± ° ш ■■ -шшш^тш% ■ нзш§£ й “«я” ф»шяш • Щ1шят»р» $т шш ° до$ • £ишш±1>ш£-д ■ тшшт т ° sib • й«*Ф-зб»}»**Ш1± » fS/mß^^ ч «>SΧΧ 12'Jvft&Rjjig*flmKg&$№{£ РчШ æür* • ■ ттш • /jv/L'^w ивятш ■■ » штт м&ъшштжмтмтштжбмт • “«Я" ЙШж ëffi»MâS*i!?félOW ■ ШШЯЯКЙШ - д□«**§»* ° йяшм^юшш* - V ч. У -12- 1 2 ## эл1. ч-е §7|oii уд ## ^H3?0| *Ш a. mi° ИН0,| HTj Oil) 12S4 tí 3 ## £...