Instruções de Operação Coleman, Modelo Dual Fuel Stove
Fabricante : Coleman Arquivo Tamanho: 135.48 kb Arquivo Nome : bb399d5d-5cf0-7cd4-e581-34ecbc3d613c.pdf

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Si vous aparecen abajo. Si tiene que enviar el producto al Canada L5R 3V8 Los gastos de transporte del producto a Coleman o a un centro de servicio a description of problem to product and mail to postez le rechaud, joignez-y vos nom, adresse et Centro de Reparacion, incluya tambien su nombre, Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited 5975 Falbourne Street autorizado para servicio de garantia son la responsabilidad del comprador. Service Center prepaid. Do NOT send fuel. If une description du probleme. N’envoyez pas de direccion y una descripcion del problema y envielo al The costs of transporting the product to Coleman or an autho-Mississauga (Ontario) No envie productos con combustible en los tanques, o con cilindros de rized service center for warranty service is the responsibility of the Canada L5R 3V8 propano desechables. Quite los globos de cristal de las linternas y envuelvalos necessary to write the Service Center or factory, carburant. S'il y a lieu, precisez le numero de mod-Centro de Reparacion con gastos prepagados. No purchaser. por separado. refer to your stove by model number. ele de votre rechaud dans toute correspondance envie el combustible. Si necesita comunicarse con el Do not mail products with fuel in tanks, or with disposable Les frais de transport du produit a Coleman ou a un centre de service agree, NO DEVUELVA ESTE PRODUCTO AL LUGAR DONDE LO COMPRO. propane cylinders. Remove glass globes from lanterns and wrap en vue de la reparation sous garantie du produit, incombent a l’acheteur. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta garantia favor de llamar al 6. If not completely satisfied with performance of ulterieure echangee avec le centre de reparation ou Centro de Reparacion o la fabrica, use como referenseparately. N’envoyez pas de produits dont le reservoir contienne du carburant ou bien 1-800-835-3278 o al TDD 316-832-8707 en los Estados Unidos o al l'usine. cia el numero del modelo de la estufa DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PUR-auxquels soit fixee un bouteille jetable de propane. Retirez le globe en verre this product, please call one of the numbers 1-800-387-6161 en Canada. 6. Si le rendement de cet article ne vous donne pas CHASE. des lanternes et emballez-le separement. listed below. 6. Si no esta completamente satisfecho con el fun- NE RETOURNEZ PAS CE PRODUIT AU LIEU D’ACHAT. entiere satisfaction, vous pouvez nous en faire part If you have any questions regarding this warranty please call cionamiento de este producto, sirvase llamar a uno 1-800-835-3278 or TDD 316-832-8707 in the United States or Si vous avez toute question quant a cette garantie, veuillez composer le en composant l’un des numeros ci-dessous. 1 800 387-6161 in Canada. 1 800 835-3278 ou le ATS 316-832-8707 aux Etats-Unis, et le 1 800 387-6161 de los numeros que aparecen abajo. au Canada. The Coleman Company, Inc. • 3600 N. Hydraulic • Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A. 1-800-835-3278 • TDD: 316-832-8707 Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited • 5975 Falbourne Street Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5R 3V8 • 1 800 387-6161 The Coleman Company, Inc. © 2005 The Coleman Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Coleman® and are registered trademarks of The Coleman Company, Inc. Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited 3600 N. Hydraulic 5975 Falbourne Street Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A. © 2005 The Coleman Company, Inc. Tous droits reserves. Coleman® et sont des marques deposees de The Coleman Company, Inc. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5R 3V8 1-800-835-3278 1 800 387-6161 TDD: 316-832-8707 © 2005 The Coleman Company, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Coleman® y son marcas registradas de The Coleman Company, Inc. ® ® Follow instructions and warnings to avoid fires, serious injury, or death. WARNING: 1. Gasoline and Coleman® Fuel are extremely flammable; handle with care. Fuel vapors are invisible, explosive, and can be ignited by ignition sources many feet away. 2. These stoves are designed to use Coleman® Fuel or unleaded gasoline. Never use kerosene or leaded automotive fuel. 3. Store fuel in a clean, properly marked container away from flame (including pilot lights), other sources of ignition, or excessive heat. 4. Always fill outdoors. Never fill tank, loosen or remove fuel cap while tank is attached to stove, near flame (including pilot lights), or other ignition sources. Never remove tank while stove is burning. 5. Always light and use stove outdoors; never inside house, camper, tent, or other unventilated or enclosed areas. 6. These stoves consume air (oxygen). Do not use in unventilated or enclosed areas to avoid endangering your life. 7. Use for cooking only. Never alter in any way or use with any device or part not expressly approved by Coleman. Never use as a space heater. Never leave stove unattended while burning. 8. Keep stove away from flammables. Never allow fabric, clothing, or any flammable material to come within 4 ft. (1.2 m) of the top and 1 ft. (30 cm) of the side of the stove. 9. Cl...
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