Instruções de Operação Bacharach, Modelo 21-7012
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It will probably be necessary to apply store lubricant to the Cup, revrap, and repeat the procedure several tine» before a satisfactory thin, even filn renains. Do not apply too nuch lubricant or seepage vill result vben TRUE-SPOT is stored. After Cylinder bore is lubricated; vork lubricant renaining on uuslin cloth onto outer rim of Cup and reassemble TBDE-SPOT. Parts List for TRUE-SPOT® Smoke Tester (21-7012) 1. laeberaeh Xaeorporete4 nrrati to btjw thet at fib* tiae of 4«livery this ptoSeet vill be fri* 1res 4*iieti U ••«•rial ••4 ■•••faetati aa* vill eoafora aabataatielly to lichitMk'i applicable apecifieatioaa. leebaraeh'a liability eai liyw'i remedy a«4it thil verraaty art lia it «4 to U« rifiit or ripltcnitt, at Uekanek'i optioa, of tbia FtpSect or pant thereof reteraed to Sailer at tki factory of tafeetive; provided that vrittea so tie* of tbs MKt «ball bm bta |im by lay« to loehorach vitbia oao (1) yoar after tb< date of éolivory of tbia protect by laebaraeb. 2. laebaraeb verrata to loyer tbat it vill eoavey |oo4 title to tbia Frodact. leebaraeh'a liebility aad leyer'a reaedy uder tbia verraaty of title ere liaited to tbo removal of aay title defeeto or, at tbe eloetiea of laebaraeb* to tbo roplaceaaat of tbia Frodeet or porta thereof tbat are defective ia title. 3. Tbe verraaty aet forth ia paragraph 1 doea aot apply to porta the Operatiag Xaatroetioaa deaigaate ea heviag a limited ahelf-lif* or oa beiag eipta4oé ia aoraal 4. T1S P0UC0H6 liuunni AftI «XCLOTIT1 an au cm* in ACCtfRD a lib or (i) ar AIP ALL OSUft VAftftAITXXS, KZPUSI Oft XJ0LXD, HCL09XJ6 VinOOT LIMITATIOa TU XXPLXSB VAUAimi OP HBGURUZLm An nnoi POt A FAftTXCOLAft FVftFOgft: AID (ii) AIT 0BLXBATX01, LXABZLtn, ftXCR, CLAM Ot IttDI H CWTKACT Oft TOIT, nraift Oft I0T AftlSIK PftOK lAClAftACl'g ISCLXenCS, ACTUAL OS DCF13B» Tbe raMdiea of tbo Ivycr akall be liaited to tboee provided bereia to tbe eaelaaioa of aay aad all other rwo4iea iacladiag, vitboat liaitatioa iaHdearal or eoaeofaoatial daaagoa. So ipoeatat varyiag or eateadiag the foregoing verreatiea, roaedieo or tbia limitation vill be biadiag vpoa lacbaroch «aleea ia vritiag, eigaed by a daly aatboriaed officer of laebaraeb. SOTS* Tbe Saofce geale, Filter Faper» Valve Mae, aad hep Labricaat are aspeadable itaaa aad are eaeleded froa the terse of thie 21-0001 21-0075 21-0037 21-0072 21-0013 21-0071 | 21-1011 ! 21-0074 21-0040 ITEM Clip..... Sampling Tube Spring . . . . Rubber Hose. . Smoke Scale. . Filter Faper . Check Valve Assembly (Includes 21-0037). (Valve Disc only) . . Cylinder . . Trap .... Clamp Screw. Cylinder Cap Handle . . . Rod..... Cup..... HUMBER REQUIRED 1 1 1 1 (not shown) (not shown) Pump Lubricant (Si FI. Oz.) Wrench (not shown) CODE HUMBEE 21-0001 21-0072 21-0013 21-0071 21-0018 21-0019 21-0075 21-0037 21-1013 21-0074 21-1011 21-0032 21-0033 21-1012 21-0035 21-0040 21-0078 INSTRUCTIONS and PARTS LIST for TRUE-SPOT® Smoke Tester (21-7012) INSTRUCTION 21-9012 REV. 1 (1/82) BACHARACH Bacharach, Inc. 625 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 412/963-2000 • R. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, for Testing Oil Burners (1) Tear strip from perforated FILTER PAPER sheet (in SMOKE SCALE envelope); loosen Clamp Screw, insert end of paper strip in slot (Fig. 1) and tighten Clamp Screw; release Stalling Tube from rubber barrel Clip. (2) Insert Sampling Tube at least 2h inches into flue through 9/32 inch diameter hole located between furnace/boiler flue outlet and draft regulator. (3) Pull TRUE-SPOT Handle through TEN (10) full pump strokes (Fig. 2). (A) Remove Sampling Tube from flue, loosen Clamp Screw and remove FILTER PAPER. (5) Hatch color of smoke spot on FILTER PAPER strip to the closest spot on 10 spot OIL BURNER SHORE SCALE (RR-776). In comparing color of smoke spot to chart, slide FILTER PAPER strip between back of SHORE SCALE and white plastic slide, viewing smoke spot on FILTER PAPER through window in center of color spots on SHORE SCALE with smoke spot backed by white plastic slide (Fig. 3). (6) Take additional samples required by clamping FILTER PAPER strip in slot to previous spot is visible outside slot. OBSERVE THESE SUGGESTIONS FOR MAXIMUM («) Although TRUE-SPOT (21-7012) ha> been modified by addition of condensation Trap and Check Valve Assembly, it is still good practice to warm a cold TRUE-SPOT to room temperature before testing begins. This will retard moisture buildup in condensate traps. (b) About every 10th sample, tap Sampling Tube to loosen soot or rust, tighten Clamp Screw without FILTER PAPER in slot and purge with several rapid pump strokes (room air). (c) In sampling be sure to pull piston through 10 full strokes and hold for several ACCURACY seconds at end of each pull stroke. On pull stroke use a steady pull motion such that a full stroke is obtained in 3 or 4 seconds. (d) Check TRUE-SPOT occasionally for leakage (SEE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS). (e) For maximum ac...