Facilidade de uso
Vasa odgovornost je, da to in preostalo elektricno in elektronsko opremo oddate na posebna zbiralisca, ki jih dolocijo drzavne ustanove ali lokalne oblasti. S pravilnim odlaganjem in recikliranjem boste preprecili morebitne skodljive vplive na okolje in zdravje ljudi. Ce zelite izvedeti vec o odlaganju stare opreme, se obrnite na lokalne oblasti, odlagalisce odpadkov ali trgovino, kjer ste izdelek kupili. Suomi (Finnish) -Ymparistoa koskevia tietoja EUalueen asiakkaille EU-direktiivi 2002/96/EY edellyttaa, etta jos laitteistossa on tama symboli itse tuotteessa ja/tai sen pakkauksessa, laitteistoa ei saa havittaa lajittelemattoman yhdyskuntajatteen mukana. Symboli merkitsee sita, etta tama tuote on havitettava erillaan tavallisesta kotitalousjatteesta. Sinun vastuullasi on havittaa tama elektroniikkatuote ja muut vastaavat elektroniikkatuotteet viemalla tuote tai tuotteet viranomaisten maaraamaan kerayspisteeseen. Laitteiston oikea havittaminen estaa mahdolliset kielteiset vaikutukset ymparistoon ja ihmisten terveyteen. Lisatietoja vanhan laitteiston oikeasta havitystavasta saa paikallisilta viranomaisilta, jatteenhavityspalvelusta tai siita myymalasta, josta ostit tuotteen. Svenska (Swedish) -Miljoinformation for kunder i Europeiska unionen Det europeiska direktivet 2002/96/EC kraver att utrustning med denna symbol pa produkten och/eller forpackningen inte far kastas med osorterat kommunalt avfall. Symbolen visar att denna produkt bor kastas efter att den avskiljts fran vanligt hushallsavfall. Det faller pa ditt ansvar att kasta denna och annan elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning pa faststallda insamlingsplatser utsedda av regeringen eller lokala myndigheter. Korrekt kassering och atervinning skyddar mot eventuella negativa konsekvenser for miljon och personhalsa. For mer detaljerad information om kassering av din gamla utrustning kontaktar du dina lokala myndigheter, avfallshanteringen eller butiken dar du kopte produkten. WEB: For additional information, please visit PrintServer for USB with 4-Port Switch Appendix E Appendix E Software End User License Agreement Appendix E: Software End User License Agreement Cisco Products This product from Cisco Systems, Inc. or its subsidiary licensing the Software instead of Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”) contains software (including firmware) originating from Cisco and its suppliers and may also contain software from the open source community. Any software originating from Cisco and its suppliers is licensed under the Cisco Software License Agreement contained at Schedule 1 below. You may also be prompted to review and accept the Cisco Software License Agreement upon installation of the software. Separate terms and features of Network Magic, a Cisco Software product, are set forth in Schedule 2 below. Any software from the open source community is licensed under the specific license terms applicable to that software made available by Cisco at or as provided for in Schedule 3 below. By using the Software, you acknowledge that you have reviewed such license terms and that you agree to be bound by the terms of such licenses. Where such specific license terms entitle you to the source code of such software, that source code is available upon request at cost from Cisco for at least three years from the purchase date of this product and may also be available for download from For detailed license terms and additional information on open source software in Cisco products please look at the Cisco public web site at: or Schedule 3 below as applicable. If you would like a copy of the GPL or certain other open source code in this Software on a CD, Cisco will mail to you a CD with such code for $9.99 plus the cost of shipping, upon request. THIS SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND CISCO. READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING AND USING THE SOFTWARE. IT PROVIDES A LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE AND CONTAINS WARRANTY INFORMATION AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMERS. BY CHECKING THE “I ACCEPT”BOX, DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, OR USING THE PRODUCT CONTAINING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE CONFIRMING YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THESE TERMS, THEN DO NOT CLICK ON THE “I ACCEPT” BUTTON AND DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. YOU MAY RETURN UNUSED SOFTWARE (OR, IF THE SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED AS PART OF ANOTHER PRODUCT, THE UNUSED PRODUCT) FOR A FULL REFUND UP TO 30 DAYS AFTER ORIGINAL PURCHASE, SUBJECT TO THE RETURN PROCESS AND POLICIES OF THE PARTY FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASED SUCH PRODUCT OR SOFTWARE. IN THE EVENT THAT YOU HAVE ELECTED TO OBTAIN A SUBSCRIPTION LICENSE, AS INDICATED IN YOUR ORDER, YOU ADDITIONALLY AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE “TERMS OF SERVICE” SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE 2 IF APPLICABLE. Software Licenses The software licenses applicable to software from Cisco are made av...
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