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Instruções de Operação Omega Speaker Systems, Modelo DRX-P

Fabricante : Omega Speaker Systems
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COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS: This is one byte data and specifies BAUD, PARITY, DATA, and STOP bit. BAUD = bits 2,1,0 are: 000-001 not used 010 for 1200 011 for 2400 100 for 4800 101 for 9600 110 for 19200 111 not used Page 12 PARITY = bits 4,3 and are: 00 for NO 01 for ODD 10 for EVEN 11 not used DATA BIT = bit 5 and is: 0 for 7 data 1 for 8 data STOP BIT = bit 6 and is: 0 for 1 stop 1 for 2 stop Bit 7 : always 0 Note 1: Stop bit is always 1. Unless 7 data, no parity is selected then unit will use 2 stop bits. Note 2: When 8 Data bit is selected, only NO PARITY is allowed. 8. BUS FORMAT: This is one byte data as: Bit 0 = 0/1 means checksum not included/included Bit 1 not used Bit 2 = 0/1 means no echo/echo Bit 3 = 1 means 485 mode Bit 4 = 0/1 means continuous/command mode Bits 7-5 not used For models (PR/ST/FP): Bit 7 = 0/1 Enable/Disable peak and valley comparison NOTE 1 : ECHO mode means the unit will echo back the command letter and index. NOTE 2 : Do not use checksum option unless you have to use it. Page 13 9. DATA FORMAT: This is one byte and specifies the data which will be transmitted against the "V01" command. Bit pattern: bit 0 = 0/1 Means do not include/include peak & valley status register. bit 1 = 0/1 Means do not include/include reading. For models(TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): bit 2 = 0/1 Means do not include/include peak reading. For models(PR/ST): bit 2 = 0/1 Means do not include/include process totalize. For models(TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): bit 3 = 0/1 Means do not include/include valley reading. For models(PR/ST/FP): bit 3 = 0/1 Means do not include/include peak reading. For models(TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): bits 4 Not used. Set to 0. For models(PR/ST/FP): bits 4 = 0/1 Means do not include/include valley reading. bit 5 Not used. Set to 0. bit 6 = 0/1 Means do not include/include unit of measure. bit 7 = 0/1 Means space/carriage return between values. 10. DEVICE ADDRESS : This is one byte data and specifies the address of the unit when in RS485 multipoint mode. Addresses are in hexadecimal from 01 to FF. NOTE: Address 00 is for broadcasting. All units on the same BUS will perform any command with this address but will not respond. 11. RECOGNITION CHARACTER: This is one byte security character. (Default is *) Page 14 12. UNIT OF MEASURE: This is 3 bytes. It is ASCII value of unit of measure. 13. GATE TIME(For FP model only): This is 1 byte from 00 to FF. For value = 00 to FA: Each count equals 10ms. If 0 then gate time = 3ms. Example : 1 second gate time = 64 hex. For value = FB to FF: Value Gate time FB 5 seconds FC 10 seconds FD 20 seconds FE 40 seconds FF 80 seconds 14. DEBOUNCE TIME(For FP model only): This is 1 byte from 01 to FF. Each count equals 5ms. If 0 then error. 15. TRANSMIT TIME: This is 2 bytes data in second and specifies the time of the transmission by the meter. Page 15 VI. COMMANDS FOR MEASUREMENT VALUES: Command Receiving value *01X01 (For all models): Reading value. After reading scale and offset. Note: In order to have continuous update on reading. Customer should send X01 command every time reading is requested. Models(TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): *01X02 Peak reading value. *01X03 Valley reading. Models(PR/ST/FP): *01X03 Peak reading value. *01X04 Valley reading. *01V01 (For all models): String of values. Received values are in decimal with decimal point and no sign for positive and minus sign for negative. Example : 00345.6 or -00345.6 If value is overflowed a “?” will be transmitted along with value (?-99999. or ?999999). VII. COMMANDS FOR READING MODEL/INPUT TYPE: Command Receiving value *01U01 One byte for model number VALUE MODEL 00 FP 01 PR 02 ST 03 TC 04 RTD 05 ACV 06 ACC Page 16 VIII. RESET COMMANDS : *01Z01 (For all models): Hard reset (reading data from EEPROM). *01Z02 (For all models): Soft reset (Initialize reading). *01Z03 (For models: TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): Reset peak and valley. (For models: PR/ST): Reset process totalize value. *01Z04 (For models: (PR/ST/FP): Reset peak value. *01Z05 (For models: PR/ST/FP): Reset valley value. *01Z07 (For models: TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): Reset peak only. *01Z08 (For models: TC/RTD/ACV/ACC): Reset valley only. NOTE: * : Recognition character 01(Follow “*”) : Address IX. SAMPLE PROGRAM: ’ ASSUMING : ’ BAUD RATE = 9600 ’ PARITY = ODD ’ DATA BIT = 7 ’ STOP BIT = 1 ’ COMM PORT = 1 ’ ADDRESS = 01 ’ RECOG. CHAR = * ’ SERIAL PORT = COM1 ’ FOR COMM PORT = 2 -> CHANGE "COM1:" TO "COM2:" ’ THIS PROGRAM WILL GET READING AND DISPLAY IT EVERY 1 SECOND ON ERROR GOTO ER ON TIMER(1) GOSUB RDG CLS CLOSE #1 COLOR 1, 7 LOCATE 22, 30 PRINT "PRESS TO END" OPEN "COM1:" + "9600,O,7,1,CS,DS" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LOCATE 10, 30 PRINT "READING = " TIMER ON DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) Page 17 COLOR 7, 0 CLS END RDG: PRINT #1, "*01X01" DAT1$ = "" DAT$ = "" T$ = TIME$ T1$ = MID$(T$, LEN(T$) - 1, 2) T1 = VAL(T1$) DO IF LOC(1) > 0 THEN CNT = 0 DAT1$ = INPUT$(LOC(1), #1) DAT$ = DAT$ + DAT1$ ELSE T$ = TIME$ T2$ = MID$(T$, LEN(T$) - 1, 2) T2 = VAL(T2$) IF T2 < T1 THEN T2 = T2 + 60 IF T2 - T1 >= 2 THEN CNT =...

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