por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
7. Restart your computer. The utilities will not be fully functional until your computer has been restarted. T TTTTo oooo install llll I IIIIm mmmmag agagagage eeeeB BBBBr rrrrowse owseowseowseowser and r andr andr andr and Ph PhPhPhPhoto otootootootoS SSSStitc titctitctitctitch hhhh in inininin Mac MacMacMacMac O OOOOS SSSS: :::: in ininins ssst tttal alalal 1. Close any open applications. 2. Insert the Setup Software & User’s Guide CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the Ca CaCa n nn_ __ C CCa aan nnnno oooon_ n_n_B BBBBJ JJJJ icon on your desktop, then double-click the App AppAppAppAppl llllic icicicica aaaat ttttion ionionionion folder. 3. Double-click on the software folder to be installed, then double-click the Insta InstaInstaInstaInstal llllle leleleler rrrr icon. 4. Click Instal lInstaInstallsta I IIn nnstall llll. .... The Destination Folder dialog box will appear. 5. Select the destination folder, click Star StarStarStart ttt Start, then follow the on-screen instructions. 6. When the Installation Has Finished dialog box appears, click OK OK OKOKOK. 7. Restart your computer. The utilities will not be fully functional until your computer has been restarted. Usi UsiUsiUsin nnng ggg t ttth hhhe eeePhoto A Photo APhoto APhoto Ap pppplication ationplicationplicplicationations ssss Using the Photo Applic V VVVVi iiiiewing I ewing Iewing Iewing Iewing Im mmmma aaaag gggges eseseses with withwithwithwith a Brows a Browsa Browsa Browsa Browse eeeer rrrr You can use the ZoomBrowser EX (Windows) or the ImageBrowser (Mac OS) to view or organize digital images stored on your computer, or to view and copy from other sources, such as digital cameras, scanners, Zip® disks or CD-ROMs. 26 Using Your Photo Applications Using Your Photo Applications To ToToToTo o oooop ppppe eeeen nnnn Z ZZZZo ooooo oooom mmmmBr BrBrBrBrowse owseowseowseowser rrrr EX EXEXEXEX i iiiin nnnn Win WinWinWinWindows dowsdowsdowsdows: :::: 1. Make sure the images you want to view are on your hard drive or other accessible media. 2. Double-click the non ZoomBrowser EXowser EX owser EXowser EX C CCCCa aaaanon nonnonnon Z ZZZoomBr oomBroomBroomBrowser EX icon 3. From this window, you can: viga vigavigavigate tetete Na NaNaNaNavigate through available files from the panel on the left. Vi ViViVi Vie eeeew wwww thumbnail images of the files in a folder in the panel on the right. Org OrgOrgOrgOrga aaaani ninininiz zzzze eeee or delete files. For a full description of all features and options available, press F1 F1 F1F1F1 to view the online help, or consult the Photo Application Guide on your CD-ROM. To open Im ImImImIma aaaag ggggeBro eBroeBroeBroeBrow wwwws sssse eeeer in r inr inr inr in M MMMMa aaaac cccc O OOOOS SSSS: :::: To ToToTo o ooop pppe eeen nnn 1. Make sure the images you want to view are on your hard drive or other accessible media. 2. Double-click the n I ageBrowser rro oow wws sser reerr C CCa aanon Image eeeB BBBrowser Can nCaCanno ooon nn Im mIImma aag gg on the desktop. 3. From this window you can: Na NaNaNaviga vigavigaviga Navigate tetetete through available files from the panel on the left. Vi ViViVi Vie eeeew wwww thumbnail images of the files in a folder in the panel on the right. Org OrgOrgOrgOrga aaaani ninininiz zzzze eeee or delete files. For a full description of all features and options available, use Mac Balloon help, or consult the Photo Application Guide on your CD-ROM. icon on the desktop. Using Your Photo Applications UsingUsingUsingUsing Your Photo Applications UsingUsingUsing Using P PPPPh hhhhotoRe otoReotoReotoReotoRec ccccord ordordordord f ffffo oooor W r Wr Wr Wr Wi iiiin nnnnd ddddows owsowsowsows PhotoRecord is a software application that lets you create fun and unique photo albums with the click of your mouse. You can import your photos or graphics from your hard disk, digital camera or scanner, then, using the “drag and drop” feature, you can arrange your album layout. You can rotate your pictures, add captions, change page backgrounds or add a frame around each picture. T TTTTo oooo u uuuus sssse eeee P PPPPh hhhhot ototototoR oRoRoRoRec ececececor orororord: d:d:d:d: 1. Click Start tStarStarttrams S SSt tta aar rrt, then Pr Pro oProPrProog ggggra rararam mmms sss, then C CCCCa aaaanon PhotoR non PhotoRnon PhotoRnon PhotoRnon PhotoRec ececececor orororord dddd, then PhotoR PhotoRPhotoRPhotoRPhotoRec ececececor orororord dddd. 2. By default, the PhPhot otPhotPhPhototo ooooR RRRRe eeec cccord Print ord Printord Printord Print ecord Print Mode ModeModeModeModes ssss wizard will appear. You can use this wizard to select your settings, or you can cancel the wizard. 3. Click Fi FiFiotos F FFi iil lllle eeee, then click Fetch P Fet FetFetFetc ccch hhh Ph hPhPPhho ooot tttos ososos. You can also use the Fetch Photos F FFFe eeetc tctctch Photos feature on the Alb AlbAlbAlbAlbu uuuum Co om Com Cm Coontrol Pa antrol Pantrol Pntrol Paan nnnel leleell.m C ntrol P ne h Photos h Photosh Photos 4. Navigate to the...