por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
1 1: Installing ....................................4 System requirements and software.............. 4 Installing the software .................................. 6 Checking installation .................................. 12 Reading from or writing to a memory card. 15 Setting the default printer........................... 16 Removing and reinstalling the software ..... 17 2: Printing.....................................20 Printing documents .................................... 20 Changing print settings (Opening the settings dialog box)....................................... 22 Setting the paper type and print quality/ [Main] tab......................................... 24 Setting page size and number of copies/ [Page Setup] tab.............................. 27 Selecting a stamp/ [Stamp/Background] tab.................. 36 Selecting a background/ [Stamp/Background] tab.................. 44 Setting special effects/[Effects] tab ............ 47 Saving settings as a print profile/ [Profiles] tab .................................... 49 Cleaning and machine settings/ [Maintenance] tab............................ 51 Checking the status of the machine with the BJ Status Monitor............... 60 Sharing the printer and using it on a network.................................... 63 3: Scanning ..................................67 Scanning with the operation panel............. 67 Scanning with the MP Toolbox ................... 71 MP Toolbox settings ................................... 74 Scanning an image from an application..... 78 Creating one PDF file from two or more pages ..................................... 79 Scanning two or more small documents at one time.................................................. 82 Setting preferences and scanning with ScanGear MP.................................. 87 Scanning with the WIA driver (Windows XP only)........................ 106 4: Faxing (Fax model only)....... 109 Sending a fax........................................... 109 Registering or editing a recipient in the Address Book...................... 114 5: Troubleshooting ................... 122 Problems outputting................................. 122 Memory card problems (MP390/MP370)............................ 123 Problems installing and uninstalling software ..................... 124 Problems printing from your computer..... 125 Problems scanning .................................. 126 Glossary................................................... 129 Index........................................................ 133 • About this guide This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of working with Windows and starting your computer. You should be familiar with common Windows terms such as window, dialog box, point and drag. For assistance in familiarizing yourself with Windows terms, see your Microsoft Windows user documentation. As a general rule, Windows XP dialog boxes are used in this guide, but if necessary Windows 2000/ Me/98 dialog boxes are also used. Please note that dialog boxes may differ slightly depending on the Windows version you are using. Control Panel operations in Windows XP appear in Category View. Symbols used in this guide The following symbols are used in this guide for safety measures, handling restrictions, and precautions: IMPORTANT Indicates important items or precautions that should always be observed when using the product. These should always be read to avoid damage to the product due to improper operation. NOTE Indicates items for reference or supplementary information. Reading these notes is highly recommended. Conventions used in this guide The following conventions are used in this guide. [ ] Dialog box and window names, items in dialog boxes, buttons and menu commands are surrounded by square brackets. Menu names are not surrounded by square brackets. / A slash is used when the OS and version names are used together. For example, Windows 2000/XP stands for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Copyright © 2003 Canon Inc. All rights reserved. This guide may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Canon Inc. Trademark acknowledgments Adobe Photoshop is a registered trademark, and Adobe Photo Deluxe is a trademark, of Adobe Systems Corporation. Canon and BJ are registered trademarks and ScanGear are trademarks of Canon Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Exchange, Outlook, and Outlook Express are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. OmniPage is a registered trademark of ScanSoft, Inc. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners. Abbreviations used in this guide In this guide, product and model names are abbreviated as follows: Microsoft®Windows®98/98 Second Edition operating system: Windows 98 Microsoft®Windows®Millennium Edition operating system: Windows Me Microsoft®Windows®2000 Professional operating system: Windows 2000 Microsoft®Windows®XP Profession...