Fabricante : DeLonghi
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Arquivo Nome : 57d15ead-2b83-4c5c-9a39-75b46c05dc5a.pdf

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ji_:iln!=■ itiixjkl dwiïjfi lit obïfifMHj, includmy lie I-jIIuï. il. * ïeud cil iisturîions Miifülij1. * h prar-ect ggairsi rôlf oi obtta -nhork. rio noi inYliRe était mrtw asamfy nf ■:ipp!ionce in wafer or cnry dm lirjd. * (loss Supervisait ta neiEssmy Mrhen cnv ai[.[.< iinte 15 umi! by w m ihidiw. * Unplup fioni uuilsr viïiflfl rmr h use. before !>l 'i il mi № 'uk'ic l'I ports, üfi'J tehe cleaning. ■ ¿vtid contort with rwviis parts tap ¡îonds, hoii. doming, es well 05 spatdos nnrl ■D'her utorails dwqv dwing operarwr ro ifcke dis iisk of injury 10 piiwns, end/w domojje Jo he appliarce. * Do not operoie nry uppliciire with n dan oged ioid 01 plug, nr afar the njpliome ninlfuncriorïi, 01 is drap^ad № dnmrcjec in nnjf rranner. istwn rhe cppliorxc 10 De.ûNGHl Consume! Smks Deprrneri :see kinrwitee of Piriomninfl for e^niinoiion. rep^iii br slsdikcl cr mechanical ■jdju>rmem. * The use of nthdmeftts nil etininieideJoi sold !)v DeLC.oHI 1 lay r^yj:l in iiie. aletliii sheet or inpuir * Oo nqr m suiconrs * Dn nor Im -:c- H hong rue: nngn nt irhlr: nr ¡QbntB. sr tputb hor iuricccs. * Keep hnci Dud utensils QlT at qiiidef twt while :n use ro cduce ihe iisk ed injuiy to peiarns or fa the applionce iselF DO NOT Utf SHARPOBJEGS OR UlEMStt5 INSIDE THE CYUNDEi BOWL! Shüip obfcts will strait b- end dcmoge the :ns':de af the tylidde: bowl. \ luhL-si spanilo or wooden sumii niflv he uisd, r.hen the appliance is in rh& J,oFi'n potion. * ThfcQppi 'J'ke is far uuiefiLM uie. Âf y serv :irg olhEi JliLn ileming and user me rtenmog ■shc-jH !ie ¡le'farried by '[e [jcLGNGIII foiiiJirier Se-viri Deportment Lr ftjliimzed Sergiffl LENer. ■ tag» heotihe ceaenm tonTinci Thq « ciean (Hilainef is a secJ&d -eisel Heeling may resull ¡1 rupture if ihe'jëshI tind possible personal irijuiy SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 2 CAUTION :h& uidurit; ts [31 hflL'Sflhalii um. Anv ^Er^isiny ailiei liiur LhiL ¡nt u d № impBilEnpnce il 'jJd be ¡lerFin^J i; ]H ftitFoized service repiHflnlntiYfc. Reflnir slioulii be rfjiw b; ul'Iich^k) isn-ke nerno’inel only. * Check vu ‘ugs to Li Ml rtie yg 199 indknted on i\i ncfne plole agrees with ■/DUr VDllDije. ■ Fiewr use wtimi o1101 dniBr id Ml ^ water con’clnsi! U5& celc *oier only * Keep you nnnrir-. nnr _ni :11c rvv::v Irni l oi p:irK oF iR rpplimre u.\ 1opsction, * . R-.'Er (ler "i wrtti %iqlting powriss 0 he t irrplcmnrfe. Your Ktt BeLooflhi "Gelcio Supfemou eiis you creole LEilirnir&d ke ueom fhivofs, whip up luscious saiiieii, sheets. Fto/in ^pguil -ev0!| you fiMr le frozen diink 1 ¡l-s! ¿C-40 miruiei! Tnu: DeLc^N "Gfiloto Stipreimf has the ■0 lowing feotuTS: * double Inflated Bowl Double -rt\ills keep live cylindsi bod tokk Imi^ei F01 Lel'ei Fieez'mg limits. Li^'d killed w'lliin the wafts piovid^ ftwjuglh 1 j'ni even freezing ihnwghaut use. ■ See’ Thru Ud wiih F&ede? Hale Lei's you CDTTVAflHfiMy keep an ¿ye nn 1he ■lee^iny pimffli, Feeder File olkrts you Fa cirio iijgrnHicih wirhoui distorting ths freezing jjuhsh. • 'ON/WF* SwiliJi fcjy 1D usn * Anri-Slfp Rubfac-r Foe) Fr^nnK rnrwrnnn- ni ^Iie mpchine dune m. • Elfltnii Motor Assembly with Drive Stem Lotnted at die ro|: cF 1I15 unis, railing minimrf rounder spotf. 3 1. Push 1& ОрЙП 2) Lid I Е1есГ:к №gtor fawnhlf 4) On/Off Sw'-lth &) Dosber 6) Seeding Ljl:it 7) Drk'B Ы 4 BEFORE FIRST USE BetHOra all -'«r-jfurii, elt. ¡torn inwle lie ice nd cry ¿1 pc*n Ihflioucjiily. DO NOT tieom riKikef. Wcih i+iE L^indtr bawl, lid and iniriie'se elecliii moloi assembly in water. To dasliEr in 'Axirai iocpv wt'fii 0fc ijit :i iins& tlecn, wipe down wth o mrist cflaih. FREEZING THE QLINDER BOWL Tlte rnosi Tpcir'ji" i'3|: in making frwhi fesssrls is lo mcke elp& rhcl ll>s cylinder t™l is i/Ofifiriy frazen. DeLQN&HI "Gfriito ^Lpiaiia" iELlures a dkmble insulated hew i>-iJ itqiitt Ihfliflugh to ng. hr best \mh itie (ylniit' if jl :l be placed u|:ri^ I in Jiie t