Assessments - 6, GPA: 4.2 ( )

Instruções de Operação EdgeStar, Modelo AMETRIX c-Scroll

Fabricante : EdgeStar
Arquivo Tamanho: 37.36 kb
Arquivo Nome : a9bf9433-425f-482d-8aab-2d4d28b82597.pdf
Língua de Ensino: en
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of Lamps □1 1 Lamp Mounting □ PP12 Pendant 12"/Remote □ PP18 Pendant 18"/Remote □ PP24 Pendant 24"/Remote □ PP30 Pendant 30"/Remote □ PS12 Pendant Swivel 12"/Remote □ PS18 Pendant Swivel 18"/Remote □ PS24 Pendant Swivel 24"/Remote □ PS30 Pendant Swivel 30"/Remote □ P1R30 Uplight Pendant 30"/Remote □ P2R30 Two Uplight Pendant 30"/Remote □ P4R30 Four Uplight Pendant 30"/Remote Lamp/Ballast Type □ F Fluorescent (Electronic) □ T Tungsten Halogen □ E Metal Halide* (Electronic) □ M Metal Halide (Magnetic) Modification □ MOD Provide description of the modification. (Consult factory) Wattage □ 026 26W (F) □ 039 39W (E, M) □ 070 70W (E, M) □ 100 100W (T) □ 150 150W (E, M, T) □ 250 250W (T) Accessories □ L45 45° Cross Blade Louver □ L25 25° Cross Blade Louver Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. * Not available with all sources or options. (Consult factory) ** Only available for fluorescent option. 1260...

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