Fabricante : Kawasaki
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.WW. .GG AMPERE 10FT. 25FT. 50FT. 100FT. 3-6 18 18 18 18 6-8 18 18 18 16 8-10 18 18 18 14 10-12 16 16 14 14 12-16 14 12 12 - 16-20 12 12 12 - Use only mild soap and the casing. Never immerse openings clear. 11 12 BBAALLAANNCCIINNGGIINNSSEERRTTIINNGG/ /RREEMMOOVVIINNGG AACCCCEESSSSOORRIIEESS IINNSSEERRTTIINNGG/ /RREEMMOOVVIINNGG AACCCCEESSSSOORRIIEESS A AAl llw wwa aay yys ss u uun nnp ppl llu uug gg r rro oot tta aar rry yy t tto ooo ool ll b bbe eef ffo oor rre ee c cch hha aan nng ggi iin nng gg a aac ccc cce ees sss sso oor rri iie ees ss, ,, c cch hha aan nng ggi iin nng gg c cco ool lll lle eet tts ss o oor rr s sse eer rrv vvi iic cci iin nng gg. .. T TTh hhe ee t tto ooo ool ll c cco oou uul lld dd s sst tta aar rrt tt u uun nne eex xxp ppe eec cct tte eed ddl lly yy, ,, c cca aau uus ssi iin nng gg s sse eer rri iio oou uus ss i iin nnj jju uur rry yy. .. T TTO OO L LLO OOO OOS SSE EEN NN T TTH HHE EE C CCO OOL LLL LLE EET TT N NNU UUT TT: :: 1. Press the shaft lock button. Rotate the shaft manually until the lock engages and prevents further rotation. D DDo oo n nno oot tt a aat ttt tte eem mmp ppt tt t tto oo e een nng gga aag gge ee t tth hhe ee s ssh hha aaf fft tt l llo ooc cck kk w wwh hhi iil lle ee t tth hhe ee t tto ooo ool ll i iis ss r rru uun nnn nni iin nng gg. .. 2. If the collet nut has a hexagonal shape, use a wrench to loosen the collet nut by turning in the direction of the arrow labeled L in the illustration. The collet nut must be loose in order to insert or remove accessories. 3. Remove the old accessory (if any) and install the new accessory, being sure to push it as far as possible into the collet. 4. Tighten the collet nut by hand until snug. 5. Finish tightening the collet by turning the wrench in the direction of the arrow labeled T in the illustration. Do not overtighten. CCOOLLLLEETT SSIIZZEESS Your rotary tool kit may have multiple collets to accommodate different accessories with varying shank sizes. T TTO OO C CCH HHA AAN NNG GGE EE A AA C CCO OOL LLL LLE EET TT: :: 1. Loosen the collet nut as described above, then remove 2. Remove the old collet. 3. Insert the loose collet. 4. Tighten the collet nut as described above. Each collet has a series of rings on its • 1/32” – one (1) ring • 1/16” – two (2) rings • 3/32” – three (3) rings • 1/8” – no rings 13 For best results, be sure to balance each accessory in the collet. Your tool’s high RPM makes imbalances easily detectable as a wobble while the tool is running. To balance an accessory: 1. Stop the tool. 2. Loosen the collet nut. 3. Rotate the accessory 1/4 turn. 4. Tighten the collet. 5. Run the tool. 6. Continue adjusting as needed. You will hear and feel when the accessory is properly balanced. CCOONNNNEECCTTIINNGG FFLLEEXXIIBBLLEE SSHHAAFFTT TTOO TTOOOOLL F FFO OOR RR M MMO OOD DDE EEL LLS SS 8 884 440 001 116 668 88 A AAN NND DD 8 884 440 001 116 669 99: :: FLEXIBLE COLLET NUT SHAFT COLLET N NNe eev vve eer rr b bbe een nnd dd t tth hhe ee f ffl lle eex xxi iib bbl lle ee s ssh hha aaf fft tt w wwi iit tth hh a aa r rra aad ddi iiu uus ss o oof ff l lle ees sss ss t tth hha aan nn 6 66” ”” w wwh hhe een nn o oop ppe eer rra aat tti iin nng gg. .. Please store the flexible shaft in the designated compartment when not in use. N NNo oot tt f ffo oor rr u uus sse ee w wwi iit tth hh r rro oou uut tte eer rr b bbi iit tts ss. .. Use with router bits with cause kickback. 1. Remove spindle nut and collet nut from the 2. Remove the collet from motor shaft. 3. Insert flexible shaft inner cable into the motor shaft. 4. Thread flexible shaft collet Tighten with collet wrench. 5. Thread flexible shaft 14 Only tighten flexible shaft nut finger tight. D DD O OO N NN O OO T TT use pliers or wrench. C CC H HH A AA N NN G GG I II N NN G GG C CC O OO L LL L LL E EE T TT A AA N NN D DD A AA C CC C CC E EE S SS S SS O OO R RR I II E EE S SS I II N NN F FF L LL E EE X XX I II B BB L LL E EE S SS H HH A AA F FF T TT To change the collet or install an accessory in the flexible shaft, follow the same general procedure as for changing the collet and for installing accessories on the rotary tool. To lock the spindle, rotate the collet until the hole in the shaft is aligned with the hole in the flexible collar. Insert the L-key through the holes to lock the shaft. DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo lloooosseenn oorr ttiigghhtteenn tthhee ccoolllleett wwiitthhoouutt lloocckkiinngg tthhee sshhaafftt aass nnootteedd aabboovvee. . DDaammaaggee ttoo tthhee fflleexxiibbllee sshhaafftt wwiitthh rreessuulltt. . IINNSSTTAALLLLIINNGG RRIIGGHHTT AANNGGLLEE AATTTTAACCHHMMEENNTT L-KEY F FFO OOR RR M MMO OOD DDE EEL LLS SS 8 884 440 001 116 668 88 A AAN NND DD 8 884 440 001 116 669 99: :: 4. Slide the collet nut over the drive shaft and thread it onto the motor shaft by turning the collet nut clockwise. Tighten the collet nut using the collet wrench. 5. Remove the right angle attachment adapter and collar from the right angle attachment by turning the collar...