Facilidade de uso
12) Make sure cord is located so that it
wil not be stepped on, tripped over,
or otherwise subjected to damage
or stress.
13) The charger and battery pack are
specifical y designed to work together.
Read Al Instructions
Do not at empt to charge any other
cordless tool or bat ery pack with this
charger. Do not at empt to charge the
bat ery pack with any other charger.
14) Do not attempt to disassemble the
manual contains important safety
battery charger and the battery pack
and operating instructions for bat-
tery charger EY0110.
15) Do not store the tool and bat ery pack
2) Before using battery charger, read
in locations where the temperature
al instructions and cautionary mark-
may reach or exceed 50°C (122°F)
ings on (1) battery charger, (2) bat-
(such as a metal tool shed, or a car in
tery pack.
the summer), which can lead to dete-
rioration of the storage bat ery.
3) CAUTION -To reduce the 16) Do not charge bat ery pack when the
risk of injury, charge only applicable
temperature is BELOW 0°C (32°F) or
battery pack. Other types of batteries
ABOVE 40°C (104°F).
may burst causing personal injury and
17) Do not incinerate the battery pack.
It can be explode in a fire.
4) Do not expose charger and battery
pack to rain or snow or use in damp
18) The charger is designed to operate on
standard household electrical power
only. Charge only on the voltage in-
5) Use of an attachment not recom-
dicated on the nameplate. Do not at-
mended may result in a risk of fire,
tempt to use it on any other voltage!
electric shock, or injury to persons.
19) Do not abuse cord. Never carry
6) To reduce risk of damaging the
charger by cord or yank it to discon-
electric plug and cord, pul by plug
nect from outlet. Keep cord away
rather than cord when disconnect-
from heat, oil and sharp edges.
ing charger.
20) Charge the battery pack in a wel
7) An extension cord should not be
ventilated place, do not cover the
charger and battery pack with a
8) Do not operate charger with dam-
cloth, etc., while charging.
aged cord or plug — replace them
21) Do not short the battery pack. A bat-
tery short can cause a large current
9) Do not operate charger if it has re-
flow, over heating and burns.
ceived a sharp blow, been dropped,
22) NOTE: If the supply cord of this ap-
or otherwise damaged in any way;
pliance is damaged, it must only be
take it to a qualified service agent.
replaced by a repair shop appointed
10) Do not disassemble charger; take
by the manufacturer, because spe-
it to a qualified service agent when
cial purpose tools are required.
service or repair is required. Incor-
23) The appliance is not intended for
rect reassembly may result in a risk
use by young children or infirm per-
of electric shock or fire.
sons without supervision.
11) To reduce risk of electric shock,
24) Young children should be supervised
unplug charger from outlet before
to ensure that they do not play with
attempting any maintenance or
the appliance.
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