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Now, teachers, trainers, litigators and presenters in general can focus CCaannoonn’’ssDDiiggiittiizzeerrPPooiinntteerrwwiitthh LLVVpprroojjeeccttoorraannddaattttaacchhmmeenntt.. BBrriigghhtt,, SSmmaarrtt aanndd GGoooodd llooookkiinngg,, Canon’s LV-Series projectors have it all. Featuring Canon's exclusive Turbo Bright System,* these projectors produce a brightness level as much as 25% above the competition: an incredible 1500 ANSI lumens for the LV-7325; and 1250 ANSI lumens for the LV-7320. When connected to Canon's new Digitizer Pointer, they make interactive presentations with PowerPoint and other computer programs a snap! TTUURRBBOO BBRRIIGGHHTT SSYYSSTTEEMM IISS AANN EEYYEE OOPPEENNEERR With state-of-the-art optical features, including micro lens technology (LV-7325) and a newly designed, high brightness 150W UHP lamp, these projectors would already be considered exceptional. But Canon didn't stop there. Our Turbo Bright System unleashes the fullest intensity of each projector’s lamp, boosting light output as much as 25%. A 25% brighter image without any increase in power consumption, lamp wear, and cost. No other projector manufacturer can make this claim… except Canon. MMAAXXIIMMIIZZEE PPRROOJJEECCTTIIOONN VVEERRSSAATTIILLIITTYY Canon's Turbo Bright System adds a new dimension-versatility. "Turbo" brightness allows Canon's projectors to be used in more venues than ever, from the darkest auditoriums to the brightest video conferencing rooms, wherever the projector is needed. When you need the lights on, for note taking or discussion, use the Brighter mode. When the room needs to be darkened, for a video or group presentation, the Standard mode is fine. MMOORREE SSMMAARRTT FFEEAATTUURREESS Both the LV-7325 and the LV-7320 incorporate an ultra smooth digital keystone correction for distortion free presentations for projection angles up to 12 degrees. Adjustment is easy from the wireless remote control. A PCMCIA card slot (LV-7325) allows users to easily store images and presentations from their PC or digital camera using the widely available compact flash cards. This PC-free presentation capability is ideal when traveling light or to enhance portability in general. The LV Series projectors are so smart, they even tell the operator when the lamp needs to be replaced, so you're never in the dark. **PPaatteenntt PPeennddiinngg.. CCaannoonn’’ssDDiiggiittiizzeerrPPooiinntteerrwwiitthh LLVVpprroojjeeccttoorraannddaattttaacchhmmeenntt.. BBrriigghhtt,, SSmmaarrtt aanndd GGoooodd llooookkiinngg,, Canon’s LV-Series projectors have it all. Featuring Canon's exclusive Turbo Bright System,* these projectors produce a brightness level as much as 25% above the competition: an incredible 1500 ANSI lumens for the LV-7325; and 1250 ANSI lumens for the LV-7320. When connected to Canon's new Digitizer Pointer, they make interactive presentations with PowerPoint and other computer programs a snap! TTUURRBBOO BBRRIIGGHHTT SSYYSSTTEEMM IISS AANN EEYYEE OOPPEENNEERR With state-of-the-art optical features, including micro lens technology (LV-7325) and a newly designed, high brightness 150W UHP lamp, these projectors would already be considered exceptional. But Canon didn't stop there. Our Turbo Bright System unleashes the fullest intensity of each projector’s lamp, boosting light output as much as 25%. A 25% brighter image without any increase in power consumption, lamp wear, and cost. No other projector manufacturer can make this claim… except Canon. MMAAXXIIMMIIZZEE PPRROOJJEECCTTIIOONN VVEERRSSAATTIILLIITTYY Canon's Turbo Bright System adds a new dimension-versatility. "Turbo" brightness allows Canon's projectors to be used in more venues than ever, from the darkest auditoriums to the brightest video conferencing rooms, wherever the projector is needed. When you need the lights on, for note taking or discussion, use the Brighter mode. When the room needs to be darkened, for a video or group presentation, the Standard mode is fine. MMOORREE SSMMAARRTT FFEEAATTUURREESS Both the LV-7325 and the LV-7320 incorporate an ultra smooth digital keystone correction for distortion free presentations for projection angles up to 12 degrees. Adjustment is easy from the wireless remote control. A PCMCIA card slot (LV-7325) allows users to easily store images and presentations from their PC or digital camera using the widely available compact flash cards. This PC-free presentation capability is ideal when traveling light or to enhance portability in general. The LV Series projectors are so smart, they even tell the operator when the lamp needs to be replaced, so you're never in the dark. **PPaatteenntt PPeennddiinngg.. L LLE EET TTS SS Y YYO OOU UU I IIN NNT TTE EER RRA AAC CCT TT A AAG GGE EE A AAN NND DD Y YYO OOU UUR RR A AAU UUD DDI IIE EEN NNC CCE EE. .. their audience on key points, while changing images at the click of a button, and even underlining or circling areas on the projected image. It's that easy. From the conference room, to...
Este manual também é adequado para os modelos :Projetores - LV-7325 (1006.87 kb)