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SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS CLEANER DESCRIPTION 56 2347 8 11 11 131214(Optional) 9 10 1. Handle 2. Power On/Off Button 3. Charging LED 4. Filter Access Button 5. Filter Assembly 6. Pleated Filter 7. Pre-screen 1 8. Gator Series™ Dirt Cup 9. Gator Series™ Dirt Cup Door 10. Telescopic Nozzle 11. Gator Series™ Dirt Cup Release Buttons (2) 12. Charging Port 13. Exhaust Vent 14. Powered Brushroll Attachment (optional, not included with some models) CHARGING 1. CHARGING: NOTE: Use only the charger supplied by the manufacturer to recharge. IMPORTANT: BEFORE FIRST USE, CHARGE YOUR UNIT FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS. • Power switch must be in the OFF position. • The indicator light will come on to indicate that the appliance is charging. The light will not change when the unit is charged. • It is normal for the charger to become warm to the touch when charging. • If the operating time gets shorter after repeated use, let the unit run until it stops running. Recharge for 24 hours and repeat monthly for best results. NOTE: Power Supply for use only in the USA & Canada. HOWTOUSE TO USE: Slide the power switch to the ON position. (l = ON) TO TURN UNIT OFF: Slide the power switch to the OFF position. (0 = OFF) NOTE: Empty and clean the unit and filter after each use or after large pickups when the unit becomes full. TELESCOPICNOZZLE A 1. 1. A crevice tool is built-in to the nozzle and can be extended by pulling the extension piece until it locks into position. 2. The extension can be retracted by depressing the arrow button (A) near the front of the nozzle and pushing the extension back into the nozzle. GATORSERIES™DIRTCUPEASYEMPTY Holdhandvacovertrashrecepticle.PressBOTH“GatorSeries™DirtCupReleaseButtons”,locatedonthebottomofthehandvacatthesametimetoopenandemptydebris. Note:TheGatorSeries™ DirtCupdoorcannotbeopenedwiththePoweredBrushrollattachmentassembledtotheVacuumCleaner.(notavailableonsomemodels) 1.1.Whileholdingthedirtcupandhandlepressfilteraccessbutton. USEFILTERTYPEF391.2.Removethedirtcuptoaccessfilter. 3.Removefilterassemblyfromdirtcup&separatethefilterandpre-screen. Tapfilteroveratrashreceptacletoremovedebris.Alsobesuretowipedebrisfromthepre- screen.Donotdiscardpre-screen. 4.Pleasefollowinstructionsinreversetoassemblethefilterassemblybackintothedustcup&thedustcuptothemainunit. NOTE:Thisfilterisrinseablewithwater.Donotusesoap/detergent. IMPORTANT:Filtermustbecompletelydriedbeforereuse. 3.4. FILTERREMOVALANDREPLACEMENT2. POWEREDBRUSHROLLATTACHMENTANDUSE(Notincludedonsomemodels) 1.Pushpoweredbrushrolltoolintohandvacnozzletoattach.(TelescopicnozzlemustNOTbeextended) Note:Whenunitison, thepoweredbrushrollwillbeon. 1.2. Note:Thepoweredbrushrollhasitsownmotorandamotorprotectivedevice;shoulddebrisjamthepoweredbrushrollandstopthepoweredbrushrollfromrotating,switchtheunitOff,removethepoweredbrushrollfromtheunit,removethedebrisjammingthepoweredbrushrollandassemblethepoweredbrushrollattachmentbackontheunit.ThenwaitafewminutespriortoturningtheunitOnagain. 2.ToRemove,pivottherearofthepow- eredbrushrollattach- mentdownward(A) untilyouhearaslightclick.Thenpullthepoweredbrushrollforward(B)awayfromthedirtcup. A B BATTERYDISPOSAL To preserve natural resources, please recycle or dispose of expired battery pack properly. THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY. MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. LOCAL, STATE, OR FEDERAL LAWS MAY PROHIBIT DISPOSAL OF NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERIES IN ORDINARY TRASH, CONSULT YOUR LOCAL WASTE AUTHORITY FOR INFORMATION REGARDING AVAILABLE RECYCLING AND/ OR DISPOSAL OPTIONS. FOR DISPOSAL INFORMATION, CALL THE RECHARGEABLE RECYCLING CORPORATION AT 1-800-8-BATTERY. WARNING: Upon removal, cover the battery pack’s terminals with heavy duty adhesive tape. Do not attempt to destroy or disassemble battery pack or remove any of its components. Nickel-cadmium batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. Also, never touch both terminals with metal objects and/ or body parts as short circuit may result. Keep away from children. Failure to comply with these warnings could result in fire and/or serious injury. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEM POSSIBLE REASON POSSIBLE SOLUTION Cleaner won’t run 1. Battery not charged. 1. Charge battery. For first use, charge for at least 24 hours. 2. Battery dead -won’t hold a charge. 2. Contact customer service. Visit our website at or call 1-800-321-1134. 3. Needs service. 3. Contact customer service. Visit our website at or call 1-800-321-1134. Cleaner won’t pick up or low suction 1. Dirt Cup not installed correctly or Gator Series™ door is not properly closed. 1. Review Filter Removal & Replacement or the Gator Series™ Dirt Cup Easy Empty section. 2. Dirt cup is full. 2. Empty dirt cup. 3. Battery charge is getting weak. 3. Charge battery. 4. Filter is dirty. 4. Clean or replace filter. 5. Clogged filter. 5. Remove filter and clean. 6. Nozzle/dirt passage clogged. 6. Disconnect nozzle and remove obstruction. Dust escaping from cleaner 1. Dirt cup...
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