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Categoria : Armas

J Consult the sprayed medium manufacturer’s documentation for information about suitable thinners (water, solvents). 1. Thoroughly mix the unthinned sprayed medium and bring it to average room temperature (20-22°C). Do not increase the temperature to change the viscosity. 2. Add a suitable thinner. 3. Test the viscosity as described above (see Fig. C). NoTE: Never use nitro-thinners to thin synthetic resin paint! Example of DIN guidance material value Car body paint 16-20 DIN-sec Acrylic paint 2

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Categoria : Armas

Olvasas elott kattintson az abrakat tartalmazo mindket oldalra es vegezetul ismerje meg a keszulek mindegyik funkciojat. Pred branjem obe strani s slikami odprite navzven in se nato seznanite z vsemi funkcijami naprave. Pred ctenim si odklopte obe dve strany s obrazky a potom se seznamte se vsemi funkcemi pristroje. Pred citanim si odklopte obidve strany s obrazkami a potom sa oboznamte so vsetkymi funkciami pristroja. Rasklopite prije citanja obije stranice sa slikama i nakon toga se upoznajte

Downloads : 99   Arquivo Tamanho: 376 kb   Fabricante : Parkside  
Categoria : Armas

Äk. -*-• ^ ^ -г* , /» 02 01 Table of contents Introduction Proper use......................................................................................................................Page 6 Features and equipment...............................................................................................Page 6 Included items...............................................................................................................Page 6 Technical data.............................

Downloads : 71   Arquivo Tamanho: 313 kb   Fabricante : Parkside  
Categoria : Armas

Electrical power tools are dangerous when they are used by inexperienced people. e) Look after the device carefully. Check that moving parts are working properly and move freely. Check for any parts that are broken or damaged enough to detrimentally affect the functioning of the device. Have damaged parts repaired before you use the device. Many accidents have their origins in poorly maintained electrical power tools. f) Use the electrical power tool, accessories, inserted tools etc. in accord
