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AVR 3650,AVR 365 AVR 2650,AVR 265 Audio/video receiver Owner’s Manual ENGLISHAVR 3650,AVR 365 AVR 2650,AVR 265 Audio/video receiver Owner’s Manual ENGLISH AVR Table of Contents IntroductIon 3 SupplIed AcceSSorIeS 3 ImportAnt SAfety InformAtIon 3 plAce the receIver 3 front-pAnel controlS 4 reAr-pAnel connectorS 6 SyStem remote control functIonS 8 Zone 2 remote control functIonS (Avr 3650/Avr 365 only) 10 IntroductIon to home theAter 12 typIcAl home theAter SyStem 12 multIchAnnel AudIo 12 Surround modeS 12 plAce your SpeAkerS 13 plAcIng the left, center And rIght SpeAkerS 13 plAcIng the Surround SpeAkerS In A 5.1-chAnnel SyStem 13 plAcIng the Surround SpeAkerS In A 7.1-chAnnel SyStem 13 plAcIng front heIght SpeAkerS In A 7.1-chAnnel SyStem 13 plAcIng the Subwoofer 13 typeS of home theAter SyStem connectIonS 14 SpeAker connectIonS 14 Subwoofer connectIonS 14 Source devIce connectIonS 14 vIdeo connectIonS 15 rAdIo connectIonS 16 network connector 16 uSb port 16 rS-232 connector 16 mAkIng connectIonS 17 connect your SpeAkerS 17 connect your Subwoofer 17 connect your tv or vIdeo dISplAy 17 connect your AudIo And vIdeo Source devIceS 18 connect the brIdge IIIp 20 connect to your home network 20 connect the rAdIo AntennAS 20 InStAll A multIZone SyStem 21 connect Ir equIpment (Avr 3650/Avr 365 only) 22 connect the 12v trIgger output 23 connect to Ac power 23 Set up the remote control 23 InStAll the bAtterIeS In the remote control 23 progrAm the remote to control your Source devIceS And tv 23 Set up the Avr 25 turn on the Avr 25 uSIng the on-Screen menu SyStem 25 confIgure the Avr for your SpeAkerS 25 Set up your SourceS 26 Set up the network 27 operAtIng your Avr 28 controllIng the volume 28 mutIng the Sound 28 dolby® volume 28 lIStenIng through heAdphoneS 28 SelectIng A Source 28 lIStenIng to fm And Am rAdIo 29 lIStenIng to SIrIuS® SAtellIte rAdIo 29 lIStenIng to medIA on A uSb devIce (Avr 3650/Avr 365) 30 lIStenIng to An ipod/iphone devIce 30 lIStenIng to Internet rAdIo 31 lIStenIng to medIA vIA your home network 32 SelectIng A Surround mode 32 AudIo effectS 32 vIdeo modeS 32 AdvAnced functIonS 33 AudIo proceSSIng And Surround Sound 33 vIdeo proceSSIng 34 mAnuAl SpeAker Setup 36 lIStenIng In Zone 2 39 SyStem SettIngS 39 SettIngS lock 40 AdvAnced remote control progrAmmIng 41 recordIng 41 Sleep tImer 41 reSettIng the remote 42 proceSSor reSet 42 troubleShootIng 43 SpecIfIcAtIonS 44 AppendIx 45 Introduction, Supplied Accessories, AVR Important Safety Information and Place the Receiver Introduction Thank you for choosing this Harman Kardon product! for more than fifty years,the harman kardon mission has been to share a passion for music and entertainment, using leading-edge technology to achieve premium perform...
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