Instruções de Operação ADC, Modelo AVIDIA SWD4573I1
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No right, license, or interest to such trademarks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to such trademark. Information contained in this document is company private to ADC DSL Systems, Inc., and shall not be modified, used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without the written consent of ADC. Other product names mentioned in this practice are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual About This Manual About This Manual This manual documents the new configuration and management features included in SwitchWare Version 2.0. This manual is intended for system engineers responsible for configuring and managing an Avidia System. It assumes a basic understanding of voice and data communications, including xDSL and ATM technologies. This manual is organized as follows: Part I: Introduction and Setup The chapters in this section provide an Avidia system configuration and management overview, and specific instructions for preparing to configure and manage a system. This section also provides an overview of applications and features of the Avidia system. These overview sections also indicate procedures you must complete using either the command-line interface or the Web interface to implement these features. Part II: The Avidia command-line interface These chapters provide instructions for configuring a system, monitoring performance, and maintaining and administering a system using the Avidia system command-line interface. Part III: The Avidia Web interface These chapters provide instructions for configuring a system, monitoring performance, and maintaining and administering a system using the Avidia system Web interface. Appendix A provides guidance for troubleshooting and diagnostics. Appendix B provides information about obtaining technical support, Avidia product warranty and return procedures. Appendix C provides a key to generated error message codes. Appendix D provides a glossary of the terms used in this manual. Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual Document Conventions Document Conventions Two types of messages, identified by icons, appear throughout the document: Notes contain information about special circumstances. Cautions indicate the possibility of equipment damage or the possibility of personal injury. COMMAND-LINE INTERFACE CONVENTIONS The following typeface conventions are specific to the Command-Line Interface chapters of this manual. • Bold courier type indicates text to be typed exactly as shown. • Unbolded courier type indicates onscreen messages or prompts. • indicate a parameter for which you need to provide an appropriate value. • [Square Brackets] indicate an optional parameter. • [] indicate an optional parameter that, should you include it, requires you to provide an appropriate value. • (Multiple|Values) in parenthesis separated by a vertical line indicate that you must select one of the values for that parameter. However, parentheses may also contain parameters for which you need to provide a value. For example, (all|) indicates that you can type all to view all ports or type a port number to view a specific port. • Some optional parameters contain both a command and a parameter for which you need to select from a finite set of values. For example, [-admin (up|down)] requires you to type -admin upor -admin down, should you choose to include the parameter. Optional parameters follow the required parameters in the command line, and can be included in any order. • Italic type indicates the format in which you type the information specified in the procedure. Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual Web Interface Conventions Web Interface Conventions The following typeface conventions are specific to the Web-Based Interface chapters of this manual. • This font indicates a reference to an element on the screen. • Italic type indicates the format in which you type the information specified in the procedure. SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR VERSION 2.0 The following are features of the Avidia SwitchWare Version 2.0 software release: • Avidia 2200 remote chassis with three slots including: – a combination DS1 and management card – ADSL user interface card – POTS splitter card • subtending for Avidia 2200 remote chassis • SDSL cell-based user interface card • IDSL frame-based user interface card including: – Avidia system support for TLS, RAMP1483, and PPP services – physical-layer loopback test • Frame Relay for use with IDSL frame-based user interface card, including selection for either FRF.5 or FRF.8 interworking • card redundancy • dual homing including redundant VCCs and VPC and static load-sharing • rt-VBR and nrt-VBR traffic classes • OAM F4 flow loopback Avidia System Configuration and ...