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For distances between 20km and 40km, a 5dB attenuator must be used. Attenuators can be purchased from most cable vendors. Mode Conditioning Patch Cord The following information applies to installations in which multimode fiber- optic cables are connected to a Gigabit-LX port. Multimode cable has a design characteristic called “Differential Mode Delay”, which requires the transmission signals be “conditioned” to compensate for the cable design and thus prevent resulting transmission errors. Running H/F 1 Cabling and Technology Information Under certain circumstances, depending on the cable used and the lengths of the cable runs, an external Mode Conditioning Patch Cord may need to be installed between the Gigabit-LX transmitting device and the multimode network cable to provide the transmission conditioning. If you experience a high number of transmission errors on those ports, usually CRC or FCS errors, you may need to install one of these patch cords between the fiber-optic port in your switch and your multimode fiber-optic network cabling, at both ends of the network link. The patch cord consists of a short length of single mode fiber cable coupled to graded-index multimode fiber cable on the transmit side, and only multi- mode cable on the receive side. The section of single mode fiber is connected in such a way that it minimizes the effects of the differential mode delay in the multimode cable. No t e Most of the time, if you are using good quality graded-index multimode fiber cable that adheres to the standards listed above, there should not be a need to use mode conditioning patch cords in your network. This is especially true if the fiber runs in your network are relatively short. Specifications Cabling and Technology Information A-6 B Safety and EMC Regulatory Statements Safety Information Documentation reference symbol. If the product is marked with this ! symbol, refer to the product documentation to get more information about the product. WARNING A WARNING in the manual denotes a hazard that can cause injury or death. CAUTION A CAUTION in the manual denotes a hazard that can damage equipment. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING or CAUTION notice until you have understood the hazardous conditions and have taken appropriate steps. Grounding These are safety class I products and have protective earthing terminals. There must be an uninterruptible safety earth ground from the main power source to the product's input wiring terminals, power cord, or supplied power cord set. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired, disconnect the power cord until the ground has been restored. For LAN cable grounding: ¦ If your LAN covers an area served by more than one power distribution system, be sure their safety grounds are securely interconnected. ¦ LAN cables may occasionally be subject to hazardous transient voltages (such as lightning or disturbances in the electrical utilities power grid). Handle exposed metal components of the network with caution. Servicing There are no user-serviceable parts inside these products. Any servicing, adjustment, maintenance, or repair must be performed only by service-trained personnel. These products do not have a power switch; they are powered on when the power cord is plugged in. Safety and EMC Regulatory Statements Safety Information Informations concernant la securite Symbole de reference a la documentation. Si le produit est marque de ! ce symbole, reportez-vous a la documentation du produit afin d'obtenir des informations plus detaillees. WARNING Dans la documentation, un WARNING indique un danger susceptible d'entrainer des dommages corporels ou la mort. CAUTION Un texte de mise en garde intitule CAUTION indique un danger susceptible de causer des dommages a l'equipement. Ne continuez pas au-dela d'une rubrique WARNING ou CAUTION avant d'avoir bien compris les conditions presentant un danger et pris les mesures appropriees. Cet appareil est un produit de classe I et possede une borne de mise a la terre. La source d'alimentation principale doit etre munie d'une prise de terre de securite installee aux bornes du cablage d'entree, sur le cordon d'alimentation ou le cordon de raccordement fourni avec le produit. Lorsque cette protection semble avoir ete endommagee, debrancher le cordon d'alimentation jusqu'a ce que la mise a la terre ait ete reparee. Mise a la terre du cable de reseau local: ¦ si votre reseau local s'etend sur une zone desservie par plus d'un systeme de distribution de puissance, assurez-vous que les prises de terre de securite soient convenablement interconnectees. ¦ Les cables de reseaux locaux peuvent occasionnellement etre soumis a des surtensions transitoires dangereuses (telles que la foudre ou des perturbations dans le reseau d'alimentation public). Manipulez les composants metalliques du reseau avec precautions. Aucune piece contenue a l'interieur de ce produit ne peut etre reparee par l'utilisateur. Tout depannage, reglage, entretien...