Instruções de Operação Pfaff, Modelo 114W110
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Fabrics, including fine chiffon, georgette, china silk, net and similar sheer materials, also the heavier fabrics such as broad cloth, velvet, etc., are stitched with equal satisfaction by the machine. The braid can be sewn “flat on,” or it can be sewn “edge on” for what is known as “standing” braid. When the machine is used for sewing the braid “flat on,” the invisible lock stitch is made, the stitches being placed in the centre on the underside of the braid. When the braid is sewn “edge on,” one of the edges of the braid stands upward, producing artistic effects different from those obtained when the braid is stitched on flat. (See pages 18 and 20). The braid is taken from a spool located at the top of the machine, and passed down through a tube to a suitable guide which conducts it to the needle in the desired position for stitching. Braid guides can be furnished for various descriptions of braids as shown on page 15, and samples of the braid to be used should accompany orders for guides. The usual method for sewing on the braid is to follow a pattern that has been stamped or traced upon the fabric. With a little practice the operator can produce ornamental designs without the aid of patterns. The machine has one needle and one oscillating shuttle. Speed The speed of the machine is limited only by the skill of the operator. The machine should be started at a speed of about 600 stitches per minute and this speed can be increased when the operator becomes proficient and the nature of the work permits. When the machine is in operation the balance wheel should always turn over from the operator. 1 I To Oil the Machine When the machine is received from the factory it should be thoroughly cleaned and oiled. Kic. 2. Oimnc Points at the Iuiont ok tiik Machink To clean the machine, use a little kerosene at the oiling points shown in Figs. 2, 4 and 5, run the machine rapidly for one minute then wipe clean. Fin. 3. Oiuwi Points at tiik Hack ok tub Machine 4 Oil should then be applied at each of the places designated by arrows in Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5. When the machine is in continuous use it should be oiled at least once each day. Fig. 4. End View of tub Machine, Showing Oiling Points Fig. 2 shows the front plate of the machine removed for the purpose of cleaning and oiling. The front plate can be removed after taking out the thumb screw which holds it in position. Fig. 4, above, shows the face plate of the machine removed for the purpose of cleaning and oiling. The face plate can be removed after loosening the thumb screw (B, Fig. 4). Turn the machine back on its hinges and apply oil at the places shown by arrows in Fig. 5 and all other places where Fig. 5. Oiling Points in the Base of the Machine there are parts in movable contact, then bring the machine forward into place. Needles Needles for Machine 114 w 110 are of Class and Variety 126 x 1 and are made in sizes Nos. 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25. The size of the needle to be used should be determined by the size of the thread which must pass freely through the eye of the needle. If rough or uneven thread is used the successful operation of the machine will be interfered with. Orders for needles must specify the quantity required, the size number, also the class and variety numbers separated by the letter x. The following is an example of an intelligible order: “100 No. 12, 126 x 1 Needles.” The best results will be obtained in using the needles furnished by the Singer Sewing Machine Company. 0 Thread Left twist thread should be used in the needle. Either right or left twist thread can be used in the bobbin. Hold the thread as shown above. 'Turn the thread over toward you between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand; if right twist, the strands will unwind; if left twist, the strands will wind tighter. To Remove the Bobbin (Sek Fig. 7) Turn the balance wheel over from you until the needle bar moves up to its highest point. Place the thumb of the left hand Ficj. 7. Removing tiie Shuttle under the front edge of the needle plate: raise the plate upward and draw it toward you to remove it from the machine. Insert the finger nail of the forefinger of the right hand in the notch in the side of the shuttle, as shown in Fig. 7, and lift out the shuttle. Then raise the tension latch (A, Fig. 7) on the shuttle, turn the open end of the shuttle downward and the bobbin will drop out. To Wind the Bobbin (Nmc Fic. Si Fasten the bobbin winder to the table with its driving pulley in the front of the machine belt so that the pulley will drop away from the belt when sufficient thread has been wound upon the bobbin. Fl(i. 8. W’lNDINC TIIK BoBHIN Pass the thread down through the thread guide (1) in the tension bracket, around the back and between the tension discs (2). Having placed the bobbin on the bobbin winder spindle, pass the end of the thread between the bobbin (3) and the disc (A) on the spindle, then push t...