Instruções de Operação Singer, Modelo 112W110
Fabricante : Singer Arquivo Tamanho: 1.74 mb Arquivo Nome : 112W110.pdf
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. Hü 224044 1.42.44 HocI Slidn (front), for uso with Throat. Plates in ganges froni to 1 inch .. 55 224044 14244 Mod Slidn (front), for uso with Thront. Plates in ganges froni 1 r,'i to 1 ¿, inches 5 5 20.4470 142.42 llolihin (2) ............................ (10 *24 1005 -------- “ Oase ............................ ■ - 204048 14242 “ l.atch ...................... 10 *202050 ......Pin .................. 204(7.4 14242 “ " “ Plunger .............. 10 204474 142П5 “ “ “ Spring ............... Ol 224004 14225 “ Opener ..................... :;r( 224005 1.4225 “ " " l.ever wilh ”111: (!'<", 201512c and 204101 .................. 2 00 201440c 1.4242 Hohhin (’¡iso Opener l.ever l>riving Serew St ml ................................ 15 20154 2n 14242 Hobbin (’iise Opener l.ever hriving Srrew S't ml Nut............................. 05 204101 ---- llobbin Oase ()|iener l.ever Uriving Serew' Sind Oil Paeking (wlekl ............. tu 224022 1.4242 Hobbin Case Opener l.ever lllnge Html with 202277 .......................... 45 202277 - Hobbin Oase Opener l.ever llingo Stild Oil Paclnng (wiek) .................. 01 200404c 14205 Hobbin Cnse Open er l.ever Hinge Sind Set Serow ........................... 04 224024 14242 Hobbin Oase Opener l.ever Link........ 75 200118k 14242 “ “ “ Serow .............. 02 204214 14242 “ “ 'l’ensioii Spring ............ II) 200084к 11 OOS “ “ “ Kegulating Sei'<'w .............................. (M 200504k 14 242 Hobbin Oase Tension Spring Serew ..... 02 204210 “ Washer (elotb) .... Per 101) 25 244009 14242 Hobbin Oase eoniplele, NTos. 2005üti\ 200081k, 202050. 204214. 20421 0, 204474, 204471, 204048 nrnl 241005 ............ 1 00 2Ю011 11018 Face Plate ............................ 05 202145 14242 “ “ Position Pin ................ 01 200474h 1.4242 “ “ Tlninih Serew .............. 00 Parts for Machine No. 112w110 !) No. Plate Name Each 223i»2fi 132hf, Feed liar with 200(l75i.-, ami 2(11 Mr.K .... $1 10 223027 -------- “ “ 223020 witli 201 :!52ie and 223054 2 DO 201223c I 3232 “ “ 11 in Screw (driving) ...... 40 20151 Sk 13232 " “ “ “ Nut............. Ill 223037 132IX Feed Dug, 50 noodle liolo, for needle sizes I t iiild 15, in (¡¡nUROS 1 nild in., for 22 1030 ....................... 1 50 22303!) 1321,S Feed Dor, 50 noodle liolo, lor noodle sizes It and 15, in gauges and ill, for 221031 ....................... I 50 22303,S 132IS Food Dog. 50 noodle' Imlo. for no-'dlo sizes I t and 15, in gauges from to I in.. in stops of ¡A, in., for 223.XN4 ...... I 50 223034 1322!) Feed Dog, 50 noodle hole, for needle size's II and 15, in gauges from to ;!A in., in slops of ..!, in.. for 221033 ... I 5II 223,011 13.21S Food Hog. 50 noodle hole, for needle sizes 11 and 15. in gauges from I lo I in., in steps of in., for 22IH.35 ...... 2 00 2011100k 12222 I'Ved I log Serow 12) .................. I'L’ 200075k 13232 " “ Support Serow ............... 02 201535k 13232 “ “ " " i\'ul ........... 1)3 22301 I 12200 “ l)i,i\'iug ('on r.eel ion wit h 201MI i! 111 ami 202277 ............................... S5 201171c 1323,2 Feed Driving (’onneet ion Ilinge Screw .. .",0 2015171> 1323,2 “ “ “ “ “ Nut 05 202277 -------- “ “ “ “ “ Oil racking iwlek) ..................... 01 202277 --------- Ki'pd Driving ('oniieclion Oil Packing (wick) .............................. 01 2000l!ln 1.3232 Feed Driving Conne-fion Pinch Screw .. 03 223015 1 3200 “ “ Eccentric .................. 2 00 223040 1320 1 “ “ “ llrackof with 200303c and 2003110c ......................... 1 25 223,017 ■ Feed Driving, Eccentric 1 ¡rack el 223 0 10 with 22305!) and (wo 2f)00!iSi■ ....... 2 00 2003!)0e 1320 1 Feed Driving Eccentric llrackof Position Screw .............................. 03 200303O 1100S Feed Driving Eccentric itrackol. Set Screw ............................... 03 200013k 13201 Feed Driving Eccentric Fulcrum Serow 05 20 I 525c 12201 Nut ................................. 03 2230IS 13204 Feed Driving Eccentric Ciil) ............ 05 2001 32k 1100!) “ “ “ “ Screw .... 02 22301!) 1320 1 " “ “ Washer .......... 10 20n5S211 1 3232 “ “ “ “ Screw (2) .. 02 223050 13213 “ “ Hock Shaft ................ 75 10 Parts for Machine No. 112w110 No. Plate Name Each 223051 -- Food Driving Kook Shaft. 223050 w i t 11 201223c, 201518k, and 2 223052 1 o 204 Food Driving Rook Shaft Crank with 200019k . 00 200019k :t:!20i Food Driving Kock S11 ; i f t. Crank l’iiloh Screw .____ . 00 202025 1320 1 Food Driving Rook Shaft Slop Collar with (wo 200383c (2) 20 200383c 13204 Food Driving Rook Shall Slop Collar Sot. Sorow . . . 02 2 2,'! 05,'! 13204 Food Filling Cam with I’l 11220c 7 r> 223054 13204 “ “ “ Fork with 20(11(3 o and 223055 ... . 1 <)!) 20l352it 13232 Food Lifting Ca.m Fork Sorow .... 10 2 2.'! 05 5 __ “ " “ Oiliwg Kelt ...... 02 20017.'!i) 13204 “ Screw Ui 201220c 13205 “ Kol So l'OW 22.'!810 13221 " Kogulaling Inilox 1,i ■vor with 200...
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