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ProKeys SonoB, £^«u^to ProKeys Sono£USB^—7JU^=i:yL°a—^lCfê!Itn№^X=]:y^17:yKüS^|:K5i;^aÆ)D^tUTiriæ*n^toO^DK51A£SiM, 1>XI—JUU&

ProKeys Sono 88 is a semi-weighted 88-key digital piano, a USB-compatible MIDI controller, and a computer audio interface. Play the on-board premium keyboard sounds as a standalone instrument, or plug a microphone and guitar into ProKeys Sono to record audio utilizing the included recording software. ProKeys Sono instantly transforms your computer into an incredibly versatile music studio. We recommend you spend a few minutes reviewing this Quick Start Guide to ensure proper setup. ProKeys Sono

What’s in the Box Besides the product itself, the ProKeys 88sx package will include the following items: • Software CD (drivers and applications) • 5-foot USB cable • Printed user manual • Power supply (12V DC) • Sustain pedal If any of these items are missing, please contact the retail outlet where you purchased this product. ProKeys 88sx Overview The ProKeys 88sx is an 88-note digital piano with MIDI controller features. The ProKeys 88sx offers seven high-quality sounds and can be used in stan

Technische Anderungen vorbehalten. Alle Abbildungen sind Symboldarstellungen und konnen vom tatsachlichen Produkt abweichen. Alle Daten Stand Oktober 2003. Alle Produkt- und Firmennamen sowie Logos sind Eigentum und ™ und ® der jeweiligen Besitzer. © BPR, MIDIMAN M-Audio Deutschland 2003 Inhalt Lieferumfang 4 Produktspezifikationen 4 Systemvoraussetzungen 4 Geratelayout 5 Grundfunktionen 6 Schaltschema 8 Installation der Hardware 8 Geratetyp & Geratetreiber 8 Anschlusse 9 Installation unter Wind

software include or header files, application examples, target boards, evaluation boards, engineering samples of IC’s etc.), its performance and any consequential damages, on the use of the Product in accordance with (i) the terms of the License Agreement and the Sale and Purchase Agreement under which agreements the Product has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials. In addition, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Mic

49Ш7и^<Х'©^пУхн •ЪУУтнУUSB MIDI+—#'— К T. Mac OS Xé4féKíftfc=iyt°a.—'£¿ffi^(cM'e'tá£,5^1+íftTX'Sto KeyStudiotö. GarageBand. Logic Express. Logic Pro^©fM^ %f^^l№V7h^x7KMß LSto mm 2 • 49Ш^пУтН • ЪУУтнУ' • *—#'—К • И°'У^УК • t^—иШт • MIDmrn^mtí.^'j^u—'УаУ • *^—ишт • MIDI^i^^^^'Ua—A • я^^шт • MIDIl'M^t^*^ — ?' • 7'У71$ЪУ • ХЯУШт • шшштьуп^-У^стъъ^шш^—кяяУтт • ^хт^—у•х'уь^'иллаш^т • к^^//Ф^Уяь—и^Ш:Т^У¥1—$1стт^т%%:*У№ъштт№т • USBM'xm^TK# Ша/У^-Уйт 3 • KeyStudio In' • USB^—7'U 1* • ^*№K

KeyStudio 49i is ideal for a multitude of music creation applications . KeyStudio 49i is a USB keyboard controller and standalone digital piano . It contains Octave shift buttons, Modulation and Pitch Bend wheels, and a Piano Volume knob, all of which can be re-assigned to control different MIDI functions. KeyStudio 49i is also a computer audio interface featuring XLR microphone, 1/4” instrument, and RCA inputs, as well as two 1/4” outputs . KeyStudio 49i functions as a class-compliant device

и-УзУ/Ь^Х^УК-/-Kf-U,t°7y-1Ua-A-y7^^gffiU,;inô®^r&MIDI CC£lfâT^fg'«^&MIDlдаg£□УЬ□-,I^ïS£¿Й''í KeyStudio 49iй,:;í-тV;^'<У^-7I'<Я£ЪgffiUXLR7f^□7:íУЛЛS?, 1 М^УЯ^МУКАЛ*?,RCAЛЛS?£gffiU 1 /4 KeyStudio 49iй,^Я□У^f7УЬ^ЙSrcй;£^$£□УЬa-^[CШIï;5¿□УЬa-^й'KeyStudio 49^ЙШП$и|-^Я£В1Ш^ УЯI—Uï S^^fe»<,^rФí-хС:ÍЛЩЛ^ШШÆnruSMIDIfУ^-7I'<Я^feИШ^7^tЯÏS^¿№^í^ï(M^яg»«Ш^7^tЯЬrKeyStudio 49i£fël'i£&ï^êiai,KeyStudio 491Н^Я£ВШ^ УЯ—UÎ^^Itf$DSÎ)o WindowsЩif'KeyStudio 49iK5fЯ^fУЯI—UïS¿,MIDIЛЛ(V7Ь0I7•'>УtVf^-ffifflЙ)^í-хС:ÍЛЛШ^№

This complete music production package contains the KeyStudio 25-note velocity sensitive USB keyboard and powerful Session music creation software. This provides you with everything you need to compose great music on your computer. This User Guide covers setup and features of the KeyStudio 25 USB keyboard and installation of the Session music creation software. Even if you are experienced with computer-based music production, we still recommend reading this User Guide to help you get the most ou