Instruções de Operação Sears, Modelo 536.884821
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® Cut allfourcomersof the cartonfromtop to bottom and lay laythe panelsflat,. e Removethe packingmaterialfrom the shifterplate and upperhandleassembly. e Rollthesnowlhmweroffthecartonby pullingonthe lower handle,, NOTE: Thedrive systemmay betightwhenyoufirstuse yoursnowthrower.It loosensup as youuse ito e To completeupper handle installationand install chutecrankassembly,see To InstallThe UpperHandle and CrankAssemblyparagraphon page8. NOTE: Ifthecableshave becomedisconnectedfromthe clutchlevers,reinstallthe cablesasshowninFig.3, HOW TO SET UP YOUR SNOW THROWER o Your snow throweris equippedwithheightadjust skids (See Fig. 2) on the outsideof the auger housing,, To adjust the skid height for different conditions, seeTo AdjustSkidHeightparagraphon page 17._ CAUTION: IF YOU ARE REMOVING ,_ SNOW FROM ANY ROCKY OR UNEVEN SURFACE, RAISE THE FRONT OF THE SNOW THROWER BY MOVING THE SKIDS DOWN. THIS WILL HEt.P TO PREVENT ROCKS AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM BEING PICKED UP AND THROWN BY THE AUGER, .............. _ ;; _ .......... ....... ± ........................ ii ll.i ill _,_ ,,, .__..:. ...................... .......................................... .,_:.. LOWER HANDLE CONTROL PANEL CLUTCH CABLE UPPER HANDLE ASSEMBLY CRANK ASSEMBLY CHUTE CLUTCH DEFLECTOR CABLES SHIFTER FIG. 2 TRACTION DRt!/E "Z" FITTING LEVER FIG. 3 7 i i illll, ii,i ii ,ll .... , .................................... i/ J iui MBLY TO INSTALL THE UPPER HANDLE AND CRANK ASSEMBLY • Removethe screws,flatwashers,to.washers and hexnutssecudngthe shifterplateinthelowerholes of the lower handle.. • Loosen,t_Jtdonotremove,thescrews,flatwashers, lockwashers, and hexnutsinthe upperholesof the lowerhandle_ _'tB" • Raiseupperhandle into operatingposition.,Upper handleshouldbe to the outsideof the lower handle and shifterplate to the inside. • Replacethe screws0flatwashers,lockwashers, and hex nutsthroughthehandlesandshifterplate.Donot lightenuntilallbolts are in ptace_T'_jhtenlefthand FIG. 4A sidefirst. NOTE: Unless you have the assistanceof anotherperson, itmay be easierto installonesideofthehandleatthe time. • Tightenthe screw,flat'washer,Iockwasherand hex nutat the upperdght hand holeonly (See Fig,4A), • Removethe screw,flatwasher,Iockwasherandhex nutfrom the upperlefthand holeofthe lowerhandle and discard, • Removethe 3/8" nyloniocknutand flatwasherfrom theeye bolt assembly(onlhe chutecrankassembly eadier)_Checktomakesurethetwo3/8"jamnutsare tight.The jam nutsshouldbe3.75 inches fromthe endof the eye bolt (Fig. 4B). • Installeye bolt throughlowerholeon the left hand sideof the handle(See Fig.,4B)_ • Installthe 3/8"ftatwasherandthe3/8"nylonlocknut looselyon the eye bolt as showninFig_4Bo • Removetheptasticcap,thecotterpinandthewasher from thewormedend ofthecrankassemblyandset aside (See Fig°5)_ • Rotatethenotchedsectionofthedischargechute towardthe crank*adjustingrod.. • Installthewormedendofthecrankthroughthehole in theadjustingrodand securetheendwiththeflat washer andcotterpin, as shownin Fig.5 • Bendthe ends of the cotter pin aroundthe rodand reinstallthe plasticcap. • Tighten the eye bolt installedearlier, keepingeye in linewiththe rodwhiletighteningthe insidesecurely • Makesurethe outside3/8"jamnutisupagainstthe other3/8"jam nutandslidethebootoverthe adapter = _ (See F_,.4B). FIG. 5 • Rotate the chute crank fully clockwiseand fully counter-clockwise, The discharge chute should • If thechutecrankneedsto be adjusted, go to the rotatefullywith approximately 1/8 inchclearance Service and Adjustments section on page 17_ betweenthe wormand the bottom of the notch(See Screwssecuringchuteclipsatthebase ofthechute Fig.5). shouldbe slightlyloose for easyrotation. NOTE: Besurethe crankdoes nottouchthe sideofthe ................................................. engineorthe coverwillbe scratched,:...................................................................... 8 ASS LY TO iNSTALL SHIFTER LEVER KNOB Threadthe shifterlever knobontothe threadedend of the shifterlever untilitis snug against the hex rut andthe lipis pointedtowardthe engine.T_jhten the hexnutagainstthebottomoftheshiftleverknob_(See Fig,6,) ..................... i ,,I,L SNIFTER KNOB NUT LEVER FIG. 6 ,llll TO CHECKJADJUST CLUTCH CONTROL CABLES Thecontrolcables,Fig.7,attachedtothe augerclutch lever andtractionclutchlever may needto be adjusted before youuse yoursnowthrower,, For instructionson checkingor adjusting the control cables,seeToAdjustClutchControlCablesparagraphon page 18, i I I i,,11 iiiiiiiiiiii _T : : AUGER CLUTCH TRACTION CLUTCH LEVER LEVER OFF OFF ON ON CONTROL CABLES ................ F,G.7 .......... IJWIILIIlU III IIII , , iiiiii IIIIIIIII I I II I IIIIII _ IIIII i ..... III1'1111 i ii OPERA: ION KNOwYOUR SNow THROWER ............................................................................. READ THIS OWNER'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOUR SNOW THROWER. Comparetheillustrationswithyoursnowthrowertofamgiarizeyourseffwiththe locationof vadous commlsand adjustments.Save thi...