Instruções de Operação ZTE, Modelo S217(Digicel)
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22 L E GA L INFORM AT ION Cop yrig ht © 2012 Z T E C OR P ORA TI O N. A ll rights reserved. No p ar t of thi s p ubl i c ati on m ay b e ex cer pte d, r epro du ce d, t r ans l at ed o r ut i l i z ed i n a ny f o r m o r b y a ny m e a ns , el ectro ni c or m e ch ani c al , i n cl udi n g pho toco pyi n g an d m i cr o f i l m , w it ho ut th e pr i o r w r it te n per m i s s i on o f ZTE C or por ati o n. T he m a nual is p ubl i s he d b y Z TE Co rp or a ti o n. W e r e s er ve th e r i g ht t o m a ke m odi f i cati ons on pri nt erro rs or up dat e s peci f i cati ons w i thou t pri or noti c e. Security • To protect your m obil e phone from illegal us e, take the security measures as follows: • Set PIN codes of the SIM card. • Set handset lock code. • Set call restrictions. Safety Precautions This section includes some important information on safe and efficient operation. Please read this information before using the phone. Operational Precautions • Please use your phone properly. When making or receiving a call, please hold your phone as holding a wireline telephone. Make sure that the phone is at least one inch (about two point f ive centimeters) from your body w hen transmitting. • Do not touch the antenna when the phone is in use. Touching the antenna area affects call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed. 1 Precautions for Medical Devices and Facilities • When using your phone near pacemakers, please always keep the phone more than eight inches (about twenty centimeters) from the pacemaker when the phone is switched on. Do not carry the phone in the breast pocket. Use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference. Switch off the phone immediately if necessary. • Some phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, you may consult your hearing aids manufacturer to discuss alternatives. • If you use any other personal medical device, please consult the manufacturer of your device to determine if it is adequately shielded from RF energy. • In those facilities with special demand, such as hospital or health care facilities, please pay attention to the restriction on the use of mobile phone. Switch off your phone if required. Mobile Phone • Pleas e use o rigi nal accesso ries o r acc ess ori es approved by the phone m anufacturer. Using any unauthoriz ed accessories may affect your mobile phone’s performance, damage your phone or even cause danger to your body and violate related local regulations about telecom terminals. Precautions for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres • Switch off your phone prior to entering any area with potentially explosive atmospheres, such as fueling areas, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities. • Do not remove, install, or charge batteries in such areas. Spark in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosion or f ire resulting in bodily...
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