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Instruções de Operação Bosch, Modelo PP5140/01

Fabricante : Bosch
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Hold the plates closed for a few seconds, floating plate can help the hair full contact with the plate, pulling downward from the roots to the tip, in a single even movement the strand of hair should be kept straight when doing this to prevent it from becoming wavy. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure two or three times on medium- length or long hair (Fig. 6). When somebody else is helping you with the straightening, the wide support area will help them to keep the plates closed. Repeat the process with the rest of the hair, working strand by strand. NOTE: Never leave in one place longer than 2 seconds. KEY LOCK FUNCTION Press Ў button and hold it for 2 seconds to put into the key lock mode, then ^ or Ўbutton will be locked and the LCD will appear a lock symbol (Fig. 7). This function can help you to lock the setting as you want. Then press Ў button and hold it for 2 seconds to release. The ^ or Ўbutton will be re-active and the lock symbol will be disappeared on the LCD. NOTE: Key lock function will not influence the ON/OFF switch. AUTOMATIC SWITCH OFF This hair straightener has an automatic switch off safety feature. After approx. 45 minutes the appliance automatically switches to standby mode, the numeral is still displayed. To reactivate the appliance, you can: - Switch it off and on again with the ON/OFF switch, or press ^ or Ў button within 15 minutes, otherwise the appliance turns off completely. -Unplug the appliance and plug it again. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING Once you have finished, switch off the appliance, unplug it and let it cool down. Make sure that the plates are completely cold before cleaning the appliance. Wipe the outer casing down with a dry cloth. The plates can be cleaned with a slightly dampened cloth to remove the remains of any hairdressing products. Never immerse the appliance into water. Do not use a steam cleaner. Use the Lock/Unlock to close two plates. Do not store the appliance away if it is still hot. ADVICE ON DISPOSAL: Our goods come in optimised packaging. This basically consists in using non-contaminating materials which should be handed over to the local waste disposal service as secondary raw materials. This product complies with EU Directive 2002/96/EC. The crossed wheelie bin symbol shown on the appliance indicates that when it comes to dispose the product it must not be included in the household refuse. It must be taken to a special refuse collection point for electric and electronic appliances or returned to the distributor when purchasing a similar appliance. Under current refuse disposal regulations, users who fail to take discarded appliances to special refuse collection points may be penalised. Correct disposal of discarded appliances means that they can be recycled and processed ecologically, helping the environment and allowing materials used in the product to be reused. For more information on available waste disposal schemes contact your local refuse service or the shop where the product was purchased. Manufacturers and importers are responsible for ecological recycling, processing and disposal of products, whether directly or via a public system. Your local town council can provide you with information about how to dispose of obsolete appliances. FRANCAIS CONSIGNES & MODE D’EMPLOI • Lire attentivement cette notice et gardez-la pour de prochaines consultations! • Brancher uniquement a une prise electrique dont la tension est celle indiquee sur la plaque signaletique. • Pour plus de protection il est conseille d’installer sur le circuit electrique de la salle de bain un disjoncteur differentiel (RCD) avec un courant operationnel residuel inferieur a 30 mA. Pour en savoir, informezvous aupres d’un electricien. • En branchant comme en debranchant l’appareil, l’interrupteur d’allumage / d’extinction (ON/OFF) doit etre eteint. • NE PAS IMMERGER L’APPAREIL DANS L’EAU NI DANS AUCUN AUTRE LIQUIDE. • ATTENTION : Ne pas utiliser l’appareil a proximite de l’eau. • ATTENTION : Ne pas utiliser l’appareil a proximite de baignoires, douches, lavabos ou autres conteneurs d’eau. • Si l’appareil est utilise dans une salle de bain, le deconnecter apres utilisation car la proximite de l’eau represente un danger meme si l’appareil est eteint. • Ne pas toucher l’appareil avec les mains ou les pieds mouilles. • Ne pas faire fonctionner l’appareil avec le cordon enroule. • Cet appareil ne peut pas etre utilise par des personnes handicapees physiques ou mentales, souffrant de troubles sensoriels ou ne possedant pas d’experience ni de connaissance relative a cet appareil si ce n’est sous la surveillance d’un adulte ou apres avoir recu les instructions requises. Il en est de meme en ce qui concerne les enfants. • ATTENTION : Les enfants, les personnes insensibles a la chaleur ou les personnes souffrant de troubles de la sensibbilite peuvent ne pas se rendre compte que leur peau est soumise a une trop forte chaleur, ce qui risque de provoquer des brulures. • Les enfants ne doi...

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