Downloads : 12   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

•Desde la parte delantera de la unidad, colocar la almohadilla en la silla. •Levantar la parte inferior de la almohadilla. Introducir los dos aros elasticos de la almohadilla en los orificios del asiento. •Desde la parte posterior e inferior del asiento, enganchar los aros elasticos en las lenguetas del asiento. eBack and Bottom View fVue de l’arriere et du dessous SVista posterior e inferior e•Lift the assembly upright. •From the front of the assembly, place the pad onto the seat. •Lift the bot

Downloads : 4   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

Jalar el extremo libre del cinturon de la cintura .B A B A B A eWaist/Shoulder Belt fCourroie ventrale et d’epaule SCinturon de la cintura/hombro eCrotch Belt fCourroie d’entrejambe SCinturon de la entrepierna 2 eFree End fExtremite libre Passant SExtremo libre eBuckle fBoucle SHebilla eTighten fSerrer SAjustar eWaist/Shoulder Belt fCourroie ventrale et d’epaule SCinturon de la cintura/hombro 15 eSecuring Your Child fInstallation de l’enfant SAsegurar al bebe 1 e•Place your child in the seat. Po

Downloads : 4   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

Tool needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver (not included). Product features and decoration may vary from the photo above. ™ IMPORTANT! KEEP INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. WARNING Healthy Care High Chair Model Number: B8866 Please read these instructions before assembly and use of this product. Adult assembly is required. Tool needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver (not included). Product features and decoration may vary from the photo above. ™ IMPORTANT! KEEP INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE R

Downloads : 6   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

f•Placer le haut du coussin sur le dossier du siege. •Plier le bord inferieur du coussin sous le bord du siege pour le fixer en place. •Inserer la partie pour l’epaule de la courroie ventrale et d’epaule dans les fentes du coussin et du dossier du siege. - Utiliser les fentes du bas pour un petit enfant. - Utiliser les fentes du haut pour un enfant plus grand. S•Ajustar la parte superior de la almohadilla sobre el respaldo. •Doblar el borde inferior de la almohadilla debajo del borde del asiento

Downloads : 7   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

Glisser le regleur vers le bas. Remarque : Apres avoir ajuste le systeme de retenue, tirer dessus pour s’assurer qu’il resiste bien. S•Para ajustar los cinturones de los hombros: Sujetar el ajustador y jalar para abajo la cinta frontal del hombro. •Para desajustar los cinturones de los hombros: Deslizar el ajustador para abajo. Nota: Despues de ajustar el sistema de sujecion a la medida del bebe, tirar del mismo para verificar que esta bien seguro. eLoosen fDesserrer SDesajustar eSlide Adjuster

Downloads : 15   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

S•Desde el frente de la silla alta, jalar para afuera la parte del hombro de los cinturones de la cintura/hombros y, luego, introducirla en las ranuras de los cinturones de hombro deseadas en la almohadilla del reposacabeza, almohadilla del asiento y respaldo. Tirar de los cinturones para verificar que estan seguros en el respaldo. eShoulder Portion fPartie pour l’epaule SParte del hombro 5 eTo change shoulder belt slots: •From the back of the high chair, push the shoulder portion of the waist/s

Downloads : 37   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

• At an angle, fit the footrest on the seat bottom, as shown. Seat Bottom Footrest IMPORTANT! Before assembly, inspect this product for damaged hardware, loose joints, missing parts or sharp edges. DO NOT use if any parts are missing or broken. Contact Fisher-Price® for replacement parts and instructions if needed.Never substitute parts. Assembly • Slide a seat bottom tube through each set of plastic rings on the seat bottom. • Align the holes in the plastic rings and the seat bottom tubes. • In

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

• From the front of the assembly, place the pad onto the seat. • Lift the bottom of the pad. Insert the two elastic loops on the pad through the holes in the seat bottom. • From the back and bottom of the seat, hook the elastic loops to the tabs on the seat. 15 Wheels Front Base Holes Back Base Holes Hole Wheels Wheel Peg Bottom View Pad Hole Hole Elastic Loops 16 Tabs Elastic Loops Back and Bottom View Hint: To remove the wheels from the front and back base, simply pull and remove. Store the wh

Downloads : 1   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

Tool needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver (not included). Product features and decoration may vary from the photo above. Deluxe Plus Healthy Care High Chair ™ Discover what’s possible™…Model Number: B0325 Please keep this instruction sheet for future reference, as it contains important information. Adult assembly is required. Tool needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver (not included). Product features and decoration may vary from the photo above. Deluxe Plus Healthy Care High Chair ™ Dis

Downloads : 0   Arquivo Tamanho: 1 mb   Fabricante : Fisher-Price  
Categoria : Cadeiras

Please read these instructions before assembly and use of this product. Adult assembly is required. Tool needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver (not included). Warning and Caution WARNING Prevent serious injury or death from falls or sliding out: • The child should at all times wear a safety harness correctly fitted and adjusted. The tray is not designed to hold the child in the chair. • Always keep child in view while in the high chair. • Never leave child unattended. • It is recommended tha
