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Instruções de Operação Lincoln Electric, Modelo IM870-A

Fabricante : Lincoln Electric
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and thoughtful operation on your part. DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT. And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful. R NRTL/C OPERATOR.SMANUAL QMSANSIRAB DesignedandManufactured Under a QualityProgram Certified by ABSQualityEvaluations,Inc. toISO9001Requirements. ISO9001 CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 30273 Copyright © Lincoln Global Inc. •World'sLeaderinWeldingandCuttingProducts• •SalesandServicethroughSubsidiariesandDistributorsWorldwide• Cleveland,Ohio44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL:216.481.8100 FAX:216.486.1751 WEBSITE:iSAFETYi WARNING CALIFORNIAPROPOSITION65WARNINGS Dieselengineexhaustandsomeofitsconstituents are known to the State of California to cause can- cer,birthdefects,andotherreproductiveharm. The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer,birthdefects,orotherreproductiveharm. TheAboveForDieselEngines TheAboveForGasolineEngines ARCWELDINGCANBEHAZARDOUS.PROTECTYOURSELFANDOTHERSFROMPOSSIBLESERIOUSINJURYORDEATH. KEEPCHILDRENAWAY.PACEMAKERWEARERSSHOULDCONSULTWITHTHEIRDOCTORBEFOREOPERATING. Read and understand the following safety highlights. For additional safety information, it is strongly recommendedthat you purchase a copy of “Safety in Welding & Cutting -ANSI Standard Z49.1” from the American Welding Society, P.O. Box 351040,Miami,Florida33135orCSAStandardW117.2-1974.AFreecopyof“ArcWeldingSafety”bookletE205isavailable fromtheLincolnElectricCompany,22801St.ClairAvenue,Cleveland,Ohio44117-1199. BESURETHATALLINSTALLATION,OPERATION,MAINTENANCEANDREPAIRPROCEDURESARE PERFORMEDONLYBYQUALIFIEDINDIVIDUALS. FORENGINE poweredequipment. 1.a. Turntheengineoffbefore troubleshootingandmaintenance workunless themaintenancework requiresit toberunning. 1.b.Operateenginesinopen,well-ventilated areasorventtheengineexhaustfumes outdoors. 1.h. To avoid scalding, do not remove the radiatorpressurecapwhentheengineis hot. 1.c.Do not add the fuel near an open flame welding arc or when the engine is running. Stop the engine and allow it to cool before refuelingtopreventspilledfuelfromvaporizing on contact with hot engine parts and igniting. Do not spill fuel when filling tank. If fuel is spilled, wipe it up and do not start engineuntilfumeshavebeeneliminated. 1.d.Keep all equipment safety guards, covers and devices in position and in good repair.Keep hands, hair, clothing and tools away from V-belts, gears, fans and all other moving partswhenstarting,operatingorrepairingequipment. 1.e. In some cases it may be necessary to remove safety guards to perform required maintenance. Remove guards only when necessary and replace them when the maintenance requiring their removal is complete. Always use the greatest care when working near moving parts. 1.f.Do not put your hands near the engine fan. Do not attempt to override the governor or idler by pushing on the throttle control rods whiletheengineisrunning. ELECTRICAND MAGNETICFIELDS maybedangerous 2.a. Electric current flowing through any conductor causes localized Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF). Welding current creates EMF fields around welding cables and weldingmachines 2.b. EMF fields may interfere with some pacemakers, and welders having a pacemaker should consult their physician beforewelding. 2.c. Exposure to EMF fields in welding may have other health effectswhicharenownotknown. 2.d. All welders should use the following procedures in order to minimize exposure to EMF fields from the welding circuit: 2.d.1.Routetheelectrodeandwork cablestogether -Secure themwithtapewhenpossible. 2.d.2.Never coil the electrode lead around your body. 2.d.3.Do not place your body between the electrode and workcables.Iftheelectrodecableisonyourright side,theworkcableshouldalsobeonyourrightside. 2.d.4.Connect the work cable to the workpiece as close as possibletotheareabeingwelded. 2.d.5.Donotworknexttoweldingpowersource. 1.g. Topreventaccidentallystartinggasolineengineswhile turningtheengine orweldinggeneratorduringmaintenance work, disconnect the spark plug wires, distributor cap or magnetowireasappropriate. Mar.95 iiii SAFETY ELECTRICSHOCKcan kill. 3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuits are electrically “hot” when the welder is on. Donottouchthese“hot”partswithyour bare skin or wet clothing. Wear dry, hole-free glovestoinsulatehands. 3.b. Insulateyourselffromworkandgroundusingdryinsulation. Makecertaintheinsulationislargeenoughtocoveryourfull areaofphysicalcontactwithworkandground. Inadditiontothenormalsafetyprecautions,ifwelding mustbeperformedunderelectricallyhazardous conditions(indamplocationsorwhilewearingwet clothing;onmetalstructuressuchasfloors,gratingsor scaffolds;whenincrampedpositionssuchassitting, kneelingorlying,ifthereisahighriskofunavoidableor accidentalcontactwiththeworkpieceorground)use thefollowingequipment: •SemiautomaticDCConstantVoltage(Wire)Welder. •DCManual(Stick)Welder. •ACWelderwithReduc...

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