Fabricante : Hobart Welding Products
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STICK WELDING (SMAW) GUIDELINES 12-1. Stick Welding Procedure stick2007.04 . ST-151 5931WorkpieceMakesure workpiece is clean be- forewelding. 2Work Clamp3ElectrodeA small diameter electrode requireslesscurrent than a large one. Fol- lowelectrode manufacturer’sinstructionswhen setting weld am- perage(see Section 12-2). 4Insulated Electrode Holder5Electrode Holder Position6Arc LengthArc length is the distance from theelectrodetothe workpiece. A shortarc with correct amperage will givea sharp, crackling sound. 7SlagUsea chipping hammer and wirebrushtoremove slag. Remove slagandcheck weld bead before mak- ing another weld pass. Tools Needed: 1435276Weld current starts when electrode touches workpiece. Weld current can damage electronic parts in vehicles. Disconnect both battery cables before welding on a vehicle. Place work clamp as close to the weld as possible. OM-4418 Page 36 12-2. Electrode and Amperage Selection Chart ELECTRODEDIAMETERAMPERAGERANGE 501001502002503003504004506010 & 6011 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 6013 1/16 5/64 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 7014 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 7018 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 7024 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 Ni-Cl 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 308L 3/32 1/8 5/32 ELECTRODEDC*ACPOSITIONPENETRATIONUSAGE 6010 EP ALL DEEP MIN. PREP, ROUGH HIGH SPATTER 6011 EP ALL DEEP 6013 EP,EN ALL LOW GENERAL 7014 EP,EN ALL MED SMOOTH, EASY, FAST 7018 EP ALL LOW LOW HYDROGEN, STRONG 7024 EP,EN FLAT HORIZ FILLET LOW SMOOTH, EASY, FASTER NI-CL EP ALL LOW CAST IRON 308L EP ALL LOW STAINLESS *EP = ELECTRODE POSITIVE (REVERSE POLARITY) 13 EN = ELECTRODE NEGATIVE (STRAIGHT POLARITY) Ref. S-087 985-A 12-3. Striking an Arc . Scratch Start Technique 1 Electrode 2 Workpiece 3 Arc Drag electrode across workpiece like striking a match; lift electrode 2 slightly after touching work. If arc goes out electrode was lifted to high. If electrode sticks to work- piece, use a quick twist to free it. 12-4. Striking an Arc . Tapping Technique 1 1 Electrode 2 Workpiece 3 Arc 3 Bring electrode straight down to workpiece; then lift slightly to start 2 arc. If arc goes out, electrode was lifted too high. If electrode sticks to workpiece, use a quick twist to free it. OM-4418 Page 37 12-5. Positioning Electrode Holder S-006090° 90° 10°-30° 45° 45° GROOVE WELDSFILLETWELDSEnd View of WorkAngleSide View of Electrode AngleEnd View of WorkAngleSide View of Electrode Angle10°-30° 12-6. Poor Weld Bead Characteristics S-0053-A1LargeSpatter Deposits2Rough, Uneven Bead3Slight Crater During Welding4Bad Overlap5Poor Penetration54231 12-7. Good Weld Bead Characteristics S-0052-B1FineSpatter2Uniform Bead3Moderate Crater DuringWeldingWeld a new bead or layer for each1/8in. (3.2 mm) thickness in metalsbeingwelded. 4No Overlap5Good Penetration into BaseMetal15234 OM-4418 Page 38 12-8. Conditions That Affect Weld Bead Shape . Weld bead shape is affected by electrode angle, arc length, travel speed, and thickness of base metal. S-0061ELECTRODE ANGLEARC LENGTHTRAVEL SPEEDSlowNormalFast10° -30° DragToo ShortNormalTooLongSpatterAngleTooSmallAngle Too LargeCorrectAngle 12-9. Electrode Movement During Welding . Normally, a single stringer bead is satisfactory for most narrow groove weld joints; however, for wide groove weld joints or bridging across gaps, a weave bead or multiple stringer beads work better. S-0054-A1Stringer Bead . SteadyMovement Along Seam2Weave Bead . Side to SideMovement Along Seam3Weave PatternsUse weave patterns to coverawideareain one pass of the electrode. Donot let weave width exceed2-1/2times diameter of electrode. 123 OM-4418 Page 39 12-10. Butt Joints S-06621Tack WeldsPreventedges of joint from drawingtogether ahead of electrode by tackwelding the materials inposition be- forefinal weld. 2Square Groove WeldGood for materials up to 3/16 in (5mm) thick. 3Single V-Groove WeldGoodfor materials 3/16 . 3/4 in(5-19mm) thick. Cut bevel with oxy- acetyleneor plasma cutting equip- ment. Remove scale from materialafter cutting. A grinder can also beused to prepare bevels. Create30degree angle of bevel onmaterialsinV-groove welding. 4Double V-Groove WeldGoodfor materials thicker than 3/16in (5 mm). 30° 211/16 in(1.6 mm) 34 12-11. Lap Joint S-0063/ S-00641Electrode2Single-LayerFillet WeldMove electrode in circular motion. 3Multi-Layer Fillet WeldWeld a second layer when a heavi- er fillet is needed. Remove slag be- foremaking another weld pass. Weldboth sides of joint for maxi- mum strength. 30° Or LessSingle-Layer Fillet WeldMulti-Layer Fillet Weld30° Or Less1123 12-12. Tee Joint S-0060/ S-0058-A / S-00611Electrode2FilletWeldKeeparc short and move at definiterateof speed. Hold electrode asshownto provide fusion into thecorner. Square edge of the weldsurface. Formaximum strength weld bothsidesof upright section. 3Multi-Layer DepositsWeld a second layer when a heavi- erfillet is needed. Use any of theweavingpatterns shown in Section12-9.Remove slag before makinganotherweld pass. 45° Or Less12132 OM-4418 Page 40 12-13. Weld Test ...
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