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Many different factors affect your blood pressure, something you should be aware of when taking your blood pressure. For instance, be aware of the following: • Blood pressure is higher during the day than at night. • Blood pressure increases slightly after you have just eaten. A lot of salt in food can also increase blood pressure. • Light exercise (e.g. walking and jogging) causes the systolic blood pressure to rise slightly, while hard exercise will cause it to rise dramatically. However, it will fall again when the body relaxes. A lack of exercise raises blood pressure permanently. • Blood pressure can increase if you are excited, stressed or tense. • Sudden climatic changes can cause blood pressure to rise. 31 • The systolic pressure increases with age. • Women have a greater risk of increased blood pressure after the menopause. • Insufficient sleep, smoking, obesity, alcohol and certain illnesses cause blood pressure to rise. • Bathing and toilet visits may cause blood pressure to rise. When is my blood pressure too high or too low? High blood pressure is also called hypertension. Low blood pressure is also called hypotension. The table below shows general guidelines for when your blood pressure is too high or too low. You should always consult your doctor for exact readings. Why should I measure my blood pressure? Blood pressure rises naturally with age. But high blood pressure can also be the first sign of illness, being overweight or of the arteries beginning to stiffen, which increases the risk of blood clots, among other things. It is therefore a good idea to keep an eye on your blood pressure and consult a doctor if it seems unusually high or low. Write down your own readings, or save them using the memory function, to be able to show them to your doctor. Important! Do not use to make medical diagnoses. For use only as reference. Consult a doctor if your blood pressure readings seem abnormal. Always follow the procedure specified in these user instructions when taking readings. PRIOR TO FIRST USE Inserting the batteries • Caution! To save readings in the memory, change the batteries within one minute. If changing the batteries takes more than one minute, the display will show all its symbols for a moment, and will require resetting (all saved readings will be deleted). • Change the batteries when the battery symbol (g) is shown in the display (6). • Remove battery cover by pressing the lock tab and lift up. • Insert four AAA batteries. Check batteries are correctly polarised (see diagram in battery compartment.) • Replace the cover. Fitting cuff and air hose • Connect hose connector (8) to air hose hole (5). • Check connector is pushed in as far as possible and is secure. USING THE APPLIANCE Preparing for a blood pressure reading • Sit or lie down for 5-10 minutes before the reading. • Avoid eating, smoking, exercising, bathing or drinking alcohol, coffee or tea before taking the reading. • Do not go to the toilet immediately before the reading. • Do not take a blood pressure reading if you are excited, stressed or tense. Range Systolic Diastolic Very high blood pressure (hypertension) > 140 mmHg > 90 mmHg High normal 130-139 mmHg 85-89 mmHg Normal 91-129 mmHg 51-84 mmHg Very low blood pressure (hypotension) < 90 mmHg < 50 mmHg 32 • Relax during the reading and do not talk. Blood pressure reading • Rest arm on a cushion or table top with palm upwards. • Place cuff (2) on upper arm, approx. 2-3 cm above the elbow. o The cuff should be approximately level with your heart to obtain an accurate reading. • Turn the cuff so that the "0" (3) mark just under the air hose (4) is on the inside of arm, facing downwards. • Slip your fee hand under the cuff and grasp the Velcro strap (1) at the "INDEX" mark (11). • Pull strap around cuff, and bind tightly. • When cuff is securely on arm, the "INDEX" mark should be between "OK>" and "<-OK" (9 and 10). If this is not possible, the cuff is too small for your arm. • NB: o The cuff should be taut but should not pinch. o The "0" mark must be on the inside of the arm, over the major arteries. o The side of the cuff facing your hand must be 2-3 cm from the hand. • Switch on using the on/off button (d). • All symbols and figures will flash on the display. • Pump cuff up to approx. 165 mmHg. The pressure will be constantly shown on the display. o The appliance will hum while the cuff is pumped up and tightens. • When the cuff is pumped up to approx. 165 mmHg, the figures on the display will drop, and blood pressure reading starts. o The appliance will show the pressure continuously on the display while reading is in progress. o The pulse is also measured, and the pulse symbol (h) is shown on the display. • When the reading is complete, the systolic pressure (a), diastolic pressure (b) and pulse (c) will be displayed. • The pulse symbol will flash if the blood pressure reading is too high or too low (see table ab...