Facilidade de uso
A cable channel line-up chart is supplied by your cable company. • A list of Guide (VCR Plus+) channel numbers assigned to the stations you receive. This list is available in TV Guide and the TV listings found in selected newspapers. 1 Make a chart with 3 columns like the example below. In the left column, fill in the name or call letters of the stations you receive. 2 In the middle column, fill in each station’s assigned Guide (VCR Plus+) number found in TV Guide, newspapers, etc. 3 In the right column, fill in the channel number that your TV receives the station on from your channel line-up. < EXAMPLE ONLY > Broadcast or Cable Station Name Assigned Guide (VCR Plus+) Channel No. Channel No. your TV receives the station on HBO 33 15 Nickelodeon 38 20 CBS 34 04 FOX 11 IMPORTANT NOTE: For step “d”, use the list you prepared at left. You may leave lines blank if you don’t receive that station, or if the GUIDE CM number and the CABLE (or TV) CH numbers are the same. d Press ► to move the shaded area to the right side. Then, press AT to change the CABLE (or TV) CH number. Next, press 4 to set the CABLE (or TV) CH number. Now, press AT to continue. Repeat this operation until the list is complete. To Make Corrections Press AT and ► to select the incorrect CABLE or TV CH number. Then, press AT to change, or ADD/DLT to delete the channel. G Press ACTION three times to exit the VCR Plus+ CH SET UP mode. • Make each entry within 5 minutes or the Combination VCR will leave this mode. • Once local channels have been programmed, they will stay in memory, even in the case of a power failure. 29 VCR Plus» CH SET UP GUIDE CH CABLE CH -» eh — 02 SELECT:* » KEY SET :► KEY END :ACT I ON KEY More you Can Do VCR Plus+ Programming Easy Taping. |\^Before you begin, make sure... □ The clock is set. Q VCR P1us+ Setup is complete (See pages 28,29). Model PV-M2058 unit is shown here. a »o O© PROGRAM TIMER Indicator MWlS) Pl/Y PFftib 0ÖE) □ffCEDl if's B Model PV-M2058 remote is shown here. ‘Important: If the remote control POWER, CH AT , ACTION, PROG, INDEX, ON-TIMER, R-TUNE, FM/TV and ADD/DIT button does not work when pressed, press the TV/VCR button on the remote and try the button again. 1 Press PROG* to display the SET PROGRAM screen. 2 Press AT to select “VCR Plus+ PROGRAM” and then press ► to display the Plus Code screen. SET PROGRAM VCR Plus* PROGRAM TIMER PROGRAM ENTER PLUSCODE NUMBER USING 0-9 KEYS O Press NUMBERED keys to enter the PlusCode number from your local TV listings. To Make Corrections Press 4 repeatedly to delete the PlusCode number. Then, enter the correct number. ENTER PLUSCODE NUMBER 123456 USING 0-9 KEYS BACKSPACE: KEY ENTER : PROG KEY 4 Press PROG to lock in your program. 5 Press the 1, 2, or 3 key to select the program type. 1 ONCE 2 DA I LY (MON-FR I) 3 WEEKLY TO SELECT PUSH 1, 2 OR 3 END : PROG KEY 6 Press AT and ► to select and set each of the remaining items as follows. Remaining Items: • Category [N/A (not applicable), SPORTS, MOVIE, COMEDY, MUSIC, DRAMA] • Speed (SP, LP, SLP) To Make Corrections Repeatedly press ► or < to move the cursor to the right or left, and then make the correction. 28 TUE 12:30P 13:30P 69 CATEGORY :lilH iöiäüiK&f PBS SP SELECT:* * KEY SET :■* ► KEY END :PR0G KEY If you use connection type “A” on page 28, the channel shown in this on-screen display will always be the cable box output channel number. Use normal Timer Recording steps if: • the PlusCode for a program is not listed. • you anticipate the program, such as a sporting event, to run over the scheduled stop time. See page 19 to: • cancel a timer recording in progress. • replace program contents. • review or clear program contents once set. Press PROG to end the program. * This screen appears for confirmation. P DT START STOP CH SPD 1 day 9:00a 12:00a 08 SP CANCEL:ADD/DLT KEY SELECT 1-0:* v KEY ENTER > KEY END : PROG KEY 8 Press PROG twice to exit this mode and return to the normal screen. • The PROGRAM TIMER indicator lights on the front panel. • If you’re using a cable box, make sure that it is tuned to the desired channel and the power is left on for timer recording. LEAVE CABLE BOX POWER ON FOR TIMER RECORDING • This display appears if you use a cable box. You can obtain unlisted PlusCode numbers by calling 1-900*454-7587. Call costs approximately $.95 per minute. Avoid overlapping program times. An on-screen display will indicate if an invalid PlusCode number has been entered. An on-screen display will indicate when all timer programs are full. 30 Cable Box Universal Remote Control Operation The Remote Control may be set up to control some of the functions on your Cable box. О © 0 О © © © © © © oo G3 Ö ED BfiS ® в МЖ comrw gty s a Q DSS CABLE ENTER
VCR jogadores / vídeo - PVM2048 (1.46 mb)
TV - OMNIVISION VHS PV-M2048 (1.46 mb)