Facilidade de uso
Stereo,DualorNICAMreceptionandthe correspondingchoicesareonlyavailable onStereoorNICAMStereotelevisions. Select this line, then select the type of sound you desire. Sound mode : Select this line, then choose the desired mode using the Left/Right keys. The choices available to you depend on your television model and the type of sound. Magic and Dolby Virtual modes are only available in stereo on TV’s equippedwithVirtualDolbySurround. Stereo wide isonlyavailableonStereoor Nicam televisions not equipped with VirtualDolbySurround. Balance L/R : Select this line, then balance the sound between the Left and Right loudspeakers. Treble, Bass : Select each of these lines and adjust to suit you. Surround effect : Thislineappearsonlyifyouhaveselected Dolby Virtual onthe Sound mode line. Select this line and adjust the surround effect to suit you. Exit the menu using . PICTURE Return Colour Contrast Sharpness Contrast expand Tone Neutral Cold Select the line marked Return to return to the previous menu. SOUND Return Brightness Sound type Sound mode Balance L/R Treble Bass Surround effect Automatic Normal Broadcast Choice mono automatic -mono stereo mono -stereo dual sound 1 -sound 2 NICAM-3 sound 1 -sound 2 -sound 3 AV stereo -sound 1 -sound 2 Mode Effect Normal : reproduces the original sound ( mono or stereo). Wide : gives a stereo effect on mono sounds. Stereo wide : accentuates the stereo effect. Magic : accentuates the stereo effects and adds echo. Dolby Virtual : Virtual Dolby Surround. Virtual Surround Dolby is based on Dolby Pro Logic decodingforthereproductionoftheLeft,Right,Centreand VirtualSurroundsoundchannelsusingtwoloudspeakers. “”Dolby”,“”ProLogic”andthedouble-Dsymbolaretrademarksofthe DolbyLaboratoriesLicensingCorporation. Manufactured under licence from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. 12 Daily viewing Daily viewing Time Youcanusethis menuto switchyour televisiononoroffautomaticallyataset time. Display the SUMMARY using the key on the remote control. Select the line marked Time. Validate using .The TIME menu is displayed. Sleep timer : Use the Left/Right keys to choose how long you wish to view before the television switches off. The television will switch off automatically at the end of this period. To cancel, set to 00:00. Oneminutebeforeswitchingoff,amessagewil ll informyouthatthetelevisionisabouttogooff. Ifyouwishtokeepiton,pressanykeyonthe remotecontrolorthelocalkeyboard. ThetelevisionswitchestoChildlockmodeafter anautomatic stop. It canonly beswitchedon againfromtheremotecontrol. Current time : The current time is given by the Teletext (see PERSONAL SETTINGS menu). You can also set the time manually using the number keys (0 to 9) on your remote control. Wake-up timer : Ifyouwishtobewokenupbyyourtelevisiononthechannelofyourchoice,youmustfirstsetthetelevision clocktothecorrecttime(seeabove). Use the Left/Right keys to tick the box and display the Wake-up timer menu. Thelines Wake-up time, Programme number and Daily only appear if you have ticked the box on the line marked Wake-up timer. Wake-up time : Use the number keys (0 to 9) on the remote control to set the time at which you wish to be woken. Programme number : Select theprogramme youwishtobewoken by. Daily : Tick this box if you wish to be awakened at this time every day. Exit the menu using . Set the television to standby using the key on the remote control. The red indicator light on the television flashes. The television will come on automatically at the programmed time and will go off one hour later if you do not use the remote control. TIME Return Sleep timer Current time Wake-up timer Wake-up time Programme number Daily 00 : 00 11 : 28 07 : 07 01 BBC1 Select the line marked Return to return to the previous menu. GB 13 Daily viewing Daily viewing GB List of Channels Thislistcontainsupto10pages.Thenumberofpagesdependson thenumberofprogrammesmemorized.Foreachprogramme,thelist indicatesthestationnameortypeandtheprogrammenumber.The 3AVprogrammesarelistedonpage11. To display the list, press the key on the remote control or Display the SUMMARY using the key on the remote control. Select the line marked List. Validate using . The page displayed is the page containing the programme you are watching. It is identified in the list by the symbol TV. To display the next page, press the Right key. To display the previous page, press the Left key. If you wish to watch one of the programmes on the page displayed: Enter the last digit of the programme number (e.g. for 25 simply enter 5) on the remote control. The list disappears and your programme is selected. Or, -Select the programme using the Up/Down keys. -Validate using . -Exit the menu using . LIST Exit 01 BBC 1 02 BBC 2 03 FR 3 04 CC19 05 ARTE TV 06 M6 07 CNN 08 PREM 09 EURO Page /+ Programme:0-9 14 Daily viewing Daily viewing Selecting Programmes For channels 1 to 9, press the number key corresponding to the desired channel on the remote control. For programme numbers higher than 10, pre...
Este manual também é adequado para os modelos :TV - 2 1 D U 2 1 C (617.89 kb)
TV - 2 9 D L 2 1 C (617.89 kb)
TV - 2 5 D G 2 1 C (617.89 kb)
TV - 2 8 D G 2 1 C (617.89 kb)