All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Belkin SAS 130 rue de Silly 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France +33 (0) 1 41 03 14 40 +33 (0) 1 41 31 01 72 fax RK5001ek Instructions P35753ec
All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Belkin SAS 130 rue de Silly 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France +33 (0) 1 41 03 14 40 +33 (0) 1 41 31 01 72 fax RK5001ek Instructions P35753ec
After installing is complete, plug in the adapter. 2. When you plug in the adapter, Windows will find a new device, (if Windows does not find a new device, follow the uninstall instructions first). 3. Windows will ask, What do you want the wizard to do, choose: Install the software automatically (recommended). Click next. 4. You will see a warning stating that the Belkin USB PDA Adapter Interface Controller has not passed Windows Logo testing, Continue Anyway. And click on Finish. 5. Windows