Instruções de Operação Carrier, Modelo TOTALINE GOLD P274-0150
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GENERAL Totaline® thermostats are wall-mounted, low-voltage thermostats which maintain room temperature by controlling theoperation of an HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system using separate heating and cooling set points andauto-changeover capability. Batteries are not required. During power interruption theinternal memory stores set points indefinitely. OPERATION Thermostat Display — The thermostat display is located in the top center of the thermostat. See Fig. 1. The followinginformation can be displayed on the screen: • mode (OFF, COOL, AUTO, or HEAT) • fan setting (ON or AUTO) • room temperature • desired temperature • clean filter status • outdoor temperature (optional) Thermostat Buttons and Operation — The Up andDown Arrows are used to change the current, desired temperature set point. The Up and Down Arrows are accessible fromthe outside of the thermostat. Press the up or down arrow. TheLCD readout will be illuminated and the heating or coolingtemperature set point will be displayed, but will not change. HEAT, or COOL next to the temperature display indicateswhich temperature set point is being displayed. Continue topress up or down arrows until desired heating or cooling temperature set point is displayed. Press the Mode button to selectthe second temperature setting (either HEAT or COOL). NOTE: Your COOL setting must be at least 2 degrees higherthan the HEAT setting. The thermostat will automaticallychange the previously set temperature to maintain that 2-degree difference. FAN BUTTON OPERATION — The Fan button selects fan operation. When the fan is set to ON, the fan will run continuously for improved air circulation. The FAN icon will be displayed on the LCD. When the fan is set to AUTO, the fan willrun during heating and cooling operation only and providesenergy savings. MODE BUTTON OPERATION — The Mode button selects the operating mode of the thermostat. If OFF is selected, thethermostat will not enter Heating or Cooling mode. If HEAT isselected, the thermostat will only enter Heating mode (if theroom temperature is below the heating set point). If COOL isselected, the thermostat will only enter Cooling mode (if theroom temperature is above the cooling set point). If AUTO isselected, the thermostat will enter Heating or Cooling modebased on the room temperature and the heating and cooling setpoints. Auto-Changeover — When the thermostat mode is set to AUTO, the thermostat will provide automatic changeoverfrom Heating to Cooling mode and Cooling to Heating modewhen required. The thermostat will automatically switch tomaintain the desired temperature setting. The thermostat doesnot need to be manually changed from heating to cooling orcooling to heating operation. When the auto-changeover mode is selected, a change fromheat to cool (or vice versa) will not occur until an oppositemode demand has existed for 20 minutes. If the set point ischanged, the 20-minute requirement is ignored. NOTE: It is recommended that auto-changeover mode not beused if the outdoor temperature is consistently lower than 50 For greater than 80 F. In these cases, select Heating or Coolingmode only. Reset Filter — The CLEAN FILTER icon reminds the user when it is time to change or clean the filter of the unit. TheReset Filter function is initiated by Pressing the RESETFILTER button after you have changed or cleaned your filter torestart the timer. The Reset Filter function is used to clear the CLEAN FILTER icon on the display screen. Display Outdoor-Air Temperature — When the Upand Down Arrows are pressed at the same time, the displaywill show the temperature of the sensor wired to the thermostat. The display then returns to normal. If a sensor is not connected, then “--” is displayed. The valid temperature range for the outdoor-air sensor is –38 to 145 F. POWER OUTAGE — An internal power source maintains the desired temperature settings indefinitely. System Error — The temperature sensor failure indicatorsends a -- reading to the LCD display. This indicates your thermostat’s internal or outdoor temperature sensor is no longerable to measure temperatures. An E2 reading on the LCD display means there is not enough voltage for the system to operate. Manufacturer reserves the right to REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS DIVISION LITERATURE NUMBER P274-6SO discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice © CARRIER CORPORATION 1106 6-01 REPLACES: NEW and without incurring obligations. PRINTED IN U.S.A. CATALOG NUMBER 570-458 *OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE DISPLAY SHOWS THE OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE FAN BUTTON CHOOSES BETWEEN ON OR AUTO ROOM TEMPERATURE Thermostat FAN MODERESET FILTER AUTO FAN AUTO ON CLEAN FILTER MODE OFF COOL HEAT DISPLAY SHOWS THE CURRENT ROOM TEMPERATURE ON THE LCD READOUT. FAN OPERATION. RESET FILTER BUTTON RESTARTS THE TIMER THAT DETERMINES THE NEXT AIR FILTER CHANGE OR CLEANING UP AND DOWN ARROWS INCREASE OR DECREASE THE DESIRED TEMPERATURE SETTING. MODE BUTTON SELECTS BETWEEN OFF, HEAT...
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