Fabricante : Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment
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Contact your Welch Allyn Sales Coordinator for the revision/model to fit your needs. The SAMPLE BAR CODES page (near the end of the programming menu) contains bar code symbols that you may use to verify that you have programmed your SCANTEAM 2380 correctly. Disclaimer Welch Allyn) reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Welch Allyn to determine whether any such changes have been made. The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of Welch Allyn. Welch Allyn shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Welch Allyn, Incorporated. . 1999 Welch Allyn, Inc. All rights reserved. SCANTEAM 2380/PM Programming Menu STATUS CHECK SHOW FIRMWARE REVISION LEVEL Scan the bar code below to display the revision level of the SCANTEAM 2380 firmware. For example: After scanning the Firmware Revision Level bar code, “(C) WA93C” is output to the terminal/host device. The “C” at the end indicates the firmware is at revision level C. Firmware Revision Level SHOW SOFTWARE NUMBER Scan the bar code below to display the SCANTEAM 2380 software number. The resulting information will show if there is a special or custom download program resident in the scanner. For example: After scanning the Software Number bar code, “33961001” is output to the terminal/host device. That number is the software number. Software Number SCANNER LABELING The drawing below shows the serial number label that is attached to the scanner cord. The top number shows the SCANTEAM 2380 model number. This may also be a special 6 digit part number (custom orders). The serial number is on the second line. The “C” after the serial number indicates that the firmware Mask revision is C. 2380/B–211DX J01 1234C USER’S USER’S SCANTEAM 2380 Programming Menu NOTES SYSTEM SCANTEAM 2380/PM Programming Menu GUIDE USE THIS PAGE As a general overview of the programming menu. The programming menu consists of two basic components as shown below. BAR CODE CHART selections variables Programming Menu CODE SELECTION II USE THIS PAGE To select the pre–programmed asterisked (*) values by scanning DEFAULT symbol. To enable or disable listed code selections. UPC Version A Version D(2) Version E0 scan scan scan scan scan *Yes/No No* *Yes/No (RETAIL) ID = c (HEX 63) Version E1 Check Digit Xmit Number System Xmit Version E Expand A B C D E F *Yes/No *Yes/No Yes/No* *Yes/No Notes: (2) UPC Version D is not supported at this time. EAN EAN/JAN 13 EAN/JAN 8 Check Digit Xmit *Yes/No *Yes/No ID = d (HEX 64) *Yes/No 2–Digit Addenda 5–Digit Addenda A B C D E *Yes/No *Yes/No UPC & EAN Enable Yes/No* MSI Enable Minimum Length Maximum Length Yes/No* *04–Max Min–48* ID = g (HEX 67) Plessey Enable Minimum Length Maximum Length *04–Max Yes/No* Min–48* ID = n (HEX 6E) G Addenda Req’d. 2–Digit Addenda 5–Digit Addenda H *Yes/No *Yes/No I scan ENTER DEFAULT EXIT A B A B (1) * Designates DEFAULT selections. SAMPLE MENU PAGE USE THIS PAGE In combination with the adjoining menu pages to program the unit. Programming Menu BAR CODE CHART The bar codes on this page correspond to symbols in shaded areas on adjoining menu pages. SCAN these bar codes in the sequence indicated on menu page to program desired selections and variables. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX A B C D E F G H I J 0 (YES) 1 (NO) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ESCAPE DEFAULT EXIT ROMAN NUMERALS LETTERS DIGITS OTHERS MENU PAGE Each menu page represents one section of the programming menu. Use individual menu pages in combination with the bar code chart on the back page foldout to program the decoder. USE THIS PAGE – is a summary of the programming options (parameters) of each menu page. ENTER – Each menu page has its own unique ENTER bar code; scan this bar code to activate desired menu page. DEFAULT – Most menu pages have a DEFAULT bar code which allows the user to independently default menu pages to astericked (*) values without affecting, in any way, the rest of the programming menu. Default values can be easily selected from the desired menu pages by scanning the bar code sequence ENTER, DEFAULT, EXIT. Individual defaults for a specific selection can be made by scanning ENTER, ROMAN NUMERAL, DEFAULT, EXIT. EXIT – To move from one menu page to another, scan the EXIT bar code. This bar code must be scanned to end programming selection on each menu page before beginning to program on a different menu page. SELECTIONS/VARIABLES – Lists all of the options available on each menu page. Followi...