The solid lines on switches show continuity. NOTE: All switches are viewed from the rear. OFF M G S2 B S1 A RUN M G S2 B S1 A START M G S2 B S1 A Key Switch (01563700) Relay 87 87A 86 85 30 NOT ENERGIZED (03042800) 87 87A 86 85 30 ENERGIZED PTO Switch 3 9 4 71 DISENGAGED (down position) 3 9 4 71 ENGAGED (up position) (01545600) Parking Brake Switch (02777200) 12 OFF 12 ON Seat Switch 1 OPERATOR OFF SEAT 2 1 OPERATOR ON SEAT 2 (02754100) OFF Light Switch (03656800) ON Solenoid NOT ENERGIZED ENERG