Facilidade de uso
SYMPTOM: THEPOWER TURNS OFF DURING USE a. Make sure that the power cord is plugged in. b. Check the circuit breaker located on the front of the frame. If the circuit breaker has tripped, the switchwill protrude. (See the drawing above.) To reset the circuit breaker, allow the CROSS WALK to cool for five minutes,and then pushthe switchback in. c. Removethe safetykey from the console. Reinsertthe safetykey fullyinto the console.Turnthe speed control knob to the "RESET"position. 3. SYMPTOM: THEMOTIVATIONAL FITNESSMONITOR DOES NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY a. Checkthe batteries in the console. (See INSTAllING BATTERIESon page 7.) Most problemsare the resultof drained batteries. 4. SYMPTOM: THECROSSWALK DOES NOT INCLINE a. Stand at the back of the foot rails while increasingthe incline. Stand at the front of the foot rails and lean forward while decreasing the incline.You may need to raise and lower the treadmill several timesto break in the incline shock.(SeeCHANGING THE INCUNE on page 8.) 5. SYMPTOM: THEWALlaNG BELTSLOWS WHEN WALKED ON a. Silicone lubricant mustbe applied to the walking platform before the CROSS WALK is used. Lubricantshould be reapplied after every 10 hoursof use,and whenever a decrease inperformanceisnoticed. (SeeAPPLYING SIUCONE LUBRICANTon page 6 for application instructions.)Uni*Sport silicone spray is recommended. CAUTION: ALWAYS UNPLUG THEPOWER CORD WHEN APPLYING LUBRICANT. b. Ifan extensioncord is needed, use only a 14-gauge general-purpose cord of five feetor lessin length. If the walking belt is overtightened, performance may be reduced C. _"-3" Rear Roller and the walking belt permanently damaged. UNPLUGTHEPOWER _..__en_,_lts CORD. Using the allen wrench included, turn both rear roller adjustment bolts counterclockwise 1/4_ of a turn. When the tension of the walking belt is correct, you should be able to lift each side of the walking belt 2-3 inches; the center of the walking belt should just touch the surface of the walking platform. Besure to keep the walk ing belt centered. Run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the tensionof the walking belt iscprrect.Note: Storethe allen Wrench Clip _ _----_-_)/ wrench in the handy wrench clip. 6. SYMPTOM:THEWALKING BELTIS OFF-CENTEROR SUPS a. If the walking belt has shiftedto the left, first removethe safety key r °and UNPLUG THEPOWER CORD. Using the allen wrench, turn the left rear roller adjustment bolt clockwise, and the right bolt counterclockwise, 1/4 of a turn each. Be careful not to overtighten the walking belt. Plug in the power cord, insertthe safetykey and run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the belt is centered. b.ff the walking belt has shifted to the right, first remove the safety key and UNPLUG THEPOWER CORD. Using the allen wrench, turn the left rear roller adjustment bolt counterclockwise, and the right bolt clockwise, 1/4 of a turn each. Be careful not to overtighten the _i_lking belt. Plug in the power cord, insert the safety key and run _ the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the belt is centered. c. If the walking belt slipswhen walked on, first remove the safety key .... and UNPLUG THEPOWER CORD. Using the allen wrench, turn both _ i rear roller adjustment bolts clockwise, 1/4 of a turn. When the walking belt is correctly tightened, you should be able to lift each side of the walking belt 2-3 inches off the walking platform. The center of the walking belt should just touch the walking platform. Be careful to keep the walking belt centered. Plug in the power cord, in_rt the safety key and run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the walking belt is properly tightened. 7. SYMPTOM: IT IS DIFFICULTTO INSERTOR REMOVETHELOCK PIN a. If it is difficultto insertthe lock pin, do not hit the end of the lockpin; twisteach upper body arm slightlyin order to align the holes.Do not twistthe upper body arms too for or the treadmill may be damaged. STORAGE Before convertingtheCROSSWALKtothe stowaway position,turntheresistancecontrol(seethe drawing on page 8) counterclockwiseuntil the control turns freely. Next, unplugthe power cord. Remove the lock knob and washer fromthe upright and lay the uprightand the upperbody armson the walking belt. Keep the lockknobandwasher ina securelocation. CONDITIONING GUIDELINES The following guidelines will help you to plan your exercise program. Remember that proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential for successful results. WARNING: Before beginning Ibis or any exercise program, consultyour physician. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or individuals wiib pre-existing healthproblems. EXERCISEINTENSITY To maximize the benefits of exercising, it is important to exercisewith the proper intensity.The proper intensity levelcan be found by usingyour heart rate as a guide. For effectiveaerobic exercise, your heart rate shouldbe maintained at a levelbetween 70% and 85% of your maximum heart rate asyou exercise. This is known as your training zon...
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