por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
2. Repeat Step 1 to enter the remaining characters.
• If you registered previously, License owner (End-User) information
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the EZPilot management
7. To create the logical drive, verify the logical drive parameters, and
automatically populates.
then click Create Logical Drive.
3. Press Enter to accept the WWN and select the checksum entry
• If you did not register previously or if you did not select the I am
8. When the creation is complete, click Next.
the License owner box, enter your contact information under
4. Verify that the initial WWN checksum displays 0 in both positions.
License owner (End-User) information.
Section 9. Installing EZPilot on a
The Finish window opens.
5. Press
until the first checksum character is displayed.
Click Next.
Windows non-management server
9. To create an additional logical drive, click Next, and then repeat
Step 4 through Step 8.
to accept this character and select the second character.
The License certificate page appears.
10. When you are finished creating logical drives, clear the Create
6. Press
until the second character is displayed. Press Enter
7. Click the link on the certificate page to save the license
You must install the EZPilot software on all Windows non-management
another logical drive box, and then click Finish.
to accept the checksum and exit.
key/password file in the format
servers connected to the EVA4100.
8. Save the licence key/password file to a location of your choice.
1. Insert the EZPilot Windows Installation CD into the drive on the
You will use it in Section 8.
Windows non-management server.
Section 7. Obtaining an HP Command
9. Exit the web browser.
Section 11. Installing the Emulex driver
The server must be running Windows Server 2003 SP2.
View EVA license
The EZPilot dialog box opens.
and utilities on a Linux non-management
2. Click Next.
HP recommends that you obtain the license key from the HP Webware
Prerequisites for installing EZPilot
website. See your License Entitlement Certificate for other options to
The Installation Options dialog box opens.
This section applies only if you are connecting Linux servers to the
request a license key if you are unable to use the online option.
Before installing the EZPilot software, ensure the following conditions
EVA4100. A Linux non-management server must be running one of the
are met:
3. Click Install.
following Linux versions:
• Record the switch IP address, gateway, and subnet mask. You will
Do not select the HP EVA Management Server box.
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (latest update)
use this information during installation.
If the Windows management server has Internet access, you
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the non-management
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (latest service pack)
can obtain a license key during instal ation of the EZPilot
• Remove any Emulex, Brocade, or HP StorageWorks software
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (latest service pack)
management software See Section 8. The installation procedure
currently installed on the server.
includes a link to the HP Webware website in the EVA Setup
Repeat this procedure to install EZPilot on all Windows non-management
For complete instructions on installing the Emulex drivers and utilities
license options window.
servers connected to the EVA4100.
for Linux, see the documentation on the Emulex Linux Installation CD
Section 8. Installing Emulex EZPilot on
included in the HP EVA4100 SAN Starter Media kit.
To create a Linux non-management server:
To obtain a license key from HP Webware:
the Windows management server
Section 10. Creating logical drives using
1. Ensure a supported version of the Linux operating system is instal ed
1. Go to ht p://webware.hp.com and click Generate license(s) under
There must be only one Windows management server connected to the
EZPilot Manager
on the server.
Webware licensing.
EVA4100. During the instal ation, the SAN components are configured
2. Obtain the HP order number from the License Entitlement Certificate,
and the EVA4100 is initialized. For more information on EZPilot, see
2. Update with the ProLiant Support Pack (for HP servers).
To make the EVA4100 storage available to your servers, you must create
enter it in the Order number box, and then click Next.
the Emulex EZPilot User Manual.
logical drives and assign them to the appropriate host. This is done
3. Install the Emulex driver for Linux.
Based on information obtained from the order, a list of available
To install Emulex EZPilot Manager and HP Command View EVA on
using EZPilot Manager. For complete information on creating logical
4. Install the Emulex HBAnyware utility to configure the HBAs with the
products appears on the Product selection window.
a Windows management server:
drives, see the Emulex EZPilot User Manual.
correct firmware/BIOS.
3. Select the product identified on your License Entitlement Certificate
1. If you did not save the license key/password file on the server
5. Install the Emulex MultiPulse utility on your system to allow for
from the product list, and then click Next.
or on a networked drive mapped to the server, copy the license
multipathing in a High Availability (HA) environment.
key/password file generated in Section 7 to the management server.
You must install the Emulex driver and utilities on any Linux
The Order product(s) detail window opens.
servers connected to the EVA4100 to make them visible to
2. Insert the EZPilot Windows Installation CD into the drive on the
4. Enter the fol owing information:
EZPilot Manager and to assign logical drives to your Linux
Windows server you will use as the management server.
servers (see Section 11).
• The Number of LTUs listed as Quantity Ordered on your License
Entitlement Certificate (typical y 4)
The server must be running Windows Server 2003 SP2.
• The WWN for the array
3. After the file is verified, the EZPilot dialog box opens. Click Next.
1. On your Windows management server, click Start.
Use the WWN value that you entered in Section 6. Use the
The Installation options window opens.
2. Select All Programs > Emulex > EZPilot Manager Utility.
exact format displayed in the OCP (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx [19
alphanumeric characters including dashes]).
EZPilot Manager launches, displaying the Discovery Information
If you are obtaining the license key during EZPilot installation,
you can copy the WWN from the EZPilot EVA Setup license
3. If there are no logical drives on the EVA4100, you wil be prompted
options window and paste it into the web browser.
to create them with the EZPilot Add logical Drive Wizard. Click Yes.
Click Next.
4. Select the Logical Drive Type you want to create, assign a size, and
optionally a name to the new logical drive, and then click Next.
The Members sign-in window opens.
The Logical Drive Host Assignment dialog box opens.
5. Enter your information:
5. Select the host (and its adapters) to which you want to assign the
• If you registered previously, enter your email address and
logical drive. If Assign to this host only is selected, only
password in the Existing members box, and then click Sign-in.
the local host and its adapters are displayed. Typically, a logical
• If you did not register previously, enter your email address,
drive is assigned to only one host. Click Next.
create a password, and then reenter your password in the First
time users box. Click Sign-in.
The Logical Drive Initialization and Volume Access dialog box
The Address Information window opens.
6. You can optionally format the drive and assign a drive let er or
6. Complete the requested information.
mount directory, and then click Next.
If you are the license owner, select the I am the License owner box.
The Logical Drive Creation dialog box opens.
4. Select the HP EVA Management Server box, and then click Install.