por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
Standard features
The fol owing SANtegrity features do not require a license or SANtegrity Binding.
• CHAP Authentication for HAFM/SWAPI—This provides authentication
of connections from the HAFM appliance service processor and SWAPI Direct
Connect. This ensures that requested HAFM management sessions or SWAPI
Direct Connect sessions are from a trusted source.
• Encryption of Passwords and Secrets Shared with HAFM—Al secrets
and password information are passed in encrypted format for greater security.
This prevents “snooping” of Ethernet connection to capture user login and
authentication secret information.
• RADIUS Server Support—This provides support for IETF RADIUS (Remote
Authentication Dial In User Service) protocol for password authentication.
Firmware 07.00.00 allows users to configure set ings for using a RADIUS server.
RADIUS provides centralized authentication services for multiple devices on a
network. This means that several switches can be configured to use a single
RADIUS server.
• Prompted Change of EWS and CLI Passwords from Default—This
prompts users to modify the password settings for both the CLI and EWS
interfaces the first time they log in using either of these interfaces.
• RBAC Phase I: Enhanced User Rights Configuration—RBAC is role
based access control. This is the first phase of more comprehensive role-based
access control planned for the CLI and EWS interfaces. Multiple users can now
be configured for EWS or CLI, or both, through either interface. This allows
users to configure additional user name/password combinations.
• SSH for CLI—Secure Shell (SSH) provides an encrypted connection, as an
alternative to Telnet, to secure CLI access to switches and directors.
• Enhanced Maintenance Port Security—This allows users to enable
enhanced authorization on the maintenance port, which is the switch or director
RS-232 connection. Enhanced Authorization mode enforces stronger security
policies, requiring users to change the well-known password to a case- sensitive
private password the first time they use the maintenance port. Subsequent access
by service personnel requires log in through the private customer-level access.
• Security Log—The Security Log is a new log available in EWS, CLI, and
HAFM that records various events concerning the integrity of a switch. This
includes authorization or authentication problem detection, and approved and
invalid access attempts. Each log entry provides an event number or reason,
a date/time stamp, a trigger level (a type of security event severity), an event
count, and a category and data pertaining to the specific event. The log wraps
at 200 entries. This log provides customers with details to track down attempted
security threats and identify the source of problems that might jeopardize the
switch integrity.
HP StorageWorks Director release notes
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