por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
instructed to do so by an HP Support engineer. Always verify configuration settings after installing
Added support for LDAP.
Increased library security by requiring the security user password to be changed from the default
password before the security user can use the RMI.
Added a wizard accessible from the OCP to unlock multiple magazines in series before performing
a library inventory. Only one magazine can be open at a time.
Multiple mailslots can now be removed at the same time. Mailslots should be returned to their
original locations. The library supports two generations of magazines and mailslots, which are
not compatible. Do not force a mailslot into an incompatible magazine.
Added support for 2048-bit certificates for https RMI sessions.
Added an option for OCP/RMI session locking so a new user login will not terminate the current
Added an option for the MSL Encryption Kit token to remain logged in across library reboots. The
security user will still need to enter the token password if the library is powered off from the front
panel or has a hard shutdown.
Added support for KMIP servers that use certificate-only authentication.
Made various network protocol security improvements.
Added a wizard to configure the library RMI to connect to a server via https using a self-signed
Improved library network security by disabling the SSL 3.0 and supporting the TLS 1.2 protocols.
The OCP panel dims when in screen saver mode.
Made various OCP and RMI user interface improvements.
Made various library event reporting improvements.
Fixes in version 4.60
Fixed a rare sensor monitoring issue where sensor failure events were incorrectly reported. The
most commonly incorrectly reported events were module interlock, magazine removal, and top
and bottom cover sensor failures.
Fixed a USB encryption token detection issue where the library reported “Incompatible token” or
the library was unable to detect the token.
Fixed an issue where configuring a community string other than "public" required a library reboot
for the change to take effect.
Fixed a corner case where a library firmware upgrade could fail if the library could not connect
to an NTP server.
Fixes in version 4.50 and later
Resolved a case where the RMI would log out with a disconnect error when using specific browsers.
Upgraded the Bash protocal version to address “ShellShock” vulnerabilities.