Downloads : 1   Arquivo Tamanho: 772 kb   Fabricante : H2O Audio  
Categoria : Bicicletas

W aranty does not extend to cover damage fr omo ar cmcioddeinfitc, aatbiounsse ,b tya amnpyeornineg o, tlhaeckr tohfa mn aainn tAeuntahnocreiz, ethde Hft2, Oo rA lousdsi.o S aegrveincet wil void warranty . H2O Audio wil not be r esponsible for r ecovery or r eplacement of the pr oduct in thevent of los or theft. H2O Audio, its Authorized Inter national Distributors, and Authorized Dealers make nother waranties, either expr es or implied or oraly , or in writing, with r especto any other waranty

Downloads : 4   Arquivo Tamanho: 772 kb   Fabricante : H2O Audio  
Categoria : Bicicletas

mSloiduen th uen Utinl yivoeurs hale Laor caknin agu dPliabtle 'acli cthk'e. wTay into the ry to r emove the caQse. Wto verify it is locked in place. il these atachments fit any H2O Audio Housing or CasAe?. No. Our earlier housings & cases do not featur e a mehthoudsi nfogr o artcacshei.n gFo trh aen U unpivdeartseadl Lloisct koinf gc oPmlaptea tiob , please see www .h2oaQud. iHoAo..c woTh mdeo O I utsdeo tohri sS seyrsietes mC awseit hco amn easr mwbitahn ene armatbtaBancehdlthe Ctedh l iatport
