Instruções de Operação Sony, Modelo CCD-TRV89E
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ia aaiiie aeaaieaia.a a .a.eia LP, aini.iecaiaeon. ia a.oaeo oeiao 8 ii aeaaieaia. eee ..., ea.anoai aini.iecaaaaie. auou ia oaeei oi.ioei, eae i.e aini.iecaaaaiee ia aaiiie aeaaieaia.a. Advanced .niaa.oainoaiaaiiua Changing the mode settings .ciaiaiea onoaiiaie .a.eiia Changing the mode settings .ciaiaiea onoaiiaie .a.eiia n REMAIN* •Select AUTO when you want to display the remaining tape bar •for about 8 seconds after the camcorder is turned on and calculates the remainder of the tape. •for about 8 seconds after a cassette is inserted and the camcorder calculates the remainder of the tape. •for about 8 seconds after (is pressed in VTR mode. •for about 8 seconds after DISPLAY is pressed to display the screen indicator. •for the period of tape rewinding, forwarding or picture search in VTR mode. •Select ON to always display the remaining tape indicator. COUNTER* (CCD-TRV99E only) •Normally select NORMAL. •In VTR mode, select TIME CODE to display the RC time code in order to edit more precisely or to check the total time of the recorded part from the beginning of the tape. The RC time code indicates “hours, minutes, seconds, frames” in the form of “0:00:00:00”. However, “frames” is not indicated in CAMERA mode. AUTO TV ON* (CCD-TRV99E only) You can use this feature only with Sony TVs. •Select ON to turn on the TV automatically when using the LASER LINK function. •Select OFF not to turn on the TV. TV INPUT* (CCD-TRV99E only) Select 1 or 2 or 3 of the video input on the TV which the IR receiver (not supplied) is connected to when using the LASER LINK function. n REMAIN* • .uaa.eoa AUTO, anee .u oioeoa ioia.aceou oeaeo inoaaoaen. eaiou • i.eaeeceoaeuii 8 naeoia iinea aee..aie. aeaaieaia.u e au.eneaie. inoaoea eaiou. • i.eaeeceoaeuii 8 naeoia iinea onoaiiaee eannaou e au.eneaie. inoaoea eaiou. • i.eaeeceoaeuii 8 naeoia iinea ia.aoe. (a .a.eia VTR. • i.eaeeceoaeuii 8 naeoia iinea ia.aoe. DISPLAY ae. ioia.a.aie. eiaeeaoee ia ye.aia. • ia ia.eia onei.aiiie ia.aiioee eaiou iacaa, aia.aa eee iienea ecia.a.aie. a .a.eia VTR. • .uaa.eoa ON ae. iinoi.iiiai ioia.a.aie. eiaeeaoi.a inoaaoaen. eaiou. COUNTER* (.ieuei CCD-TRV99E) • .au.ii auae.aeoa NORMAL. • . .a.eia VTR auaa.eoa TIME CODE ae. ioia.a.aie. a.aiaiiiai eiaa RC a oae.o auiieiaie. aieaa oi.iiai iiioa.a eee ae. iauaai a.aiaie caienaiiie .anoe io ia.aea eaiou. ..aiaiiie eia RC oeacuaaao “.anu, ieioou, naeoiau, eaa.u, a oi.ia “0:00:00:00”. .aiaei, “eaa.u” ia aoaoo iieacaiu a .a.eia CAMERA. AUTO TV ON* (.ieuei CCDTRV99E) .u ii.aoa eniieuciaaou aaiio. ooieoeг oieuei n oaeaaeci.aie Sony. • .uaa.eoa ON ae. aaoiiaoe.aneiai aee..aie. oaeaaeci.a i.e eniieuciaaiee ooieoee LASER LINK. • .uaa.eoa OFF, .oiau oaeaaeci. ia aee..aen. aaoiiaoe.anee. TV INPUT* (.ieuei CCD-TRV99E) .uaa.eoa 1 eee 2 eee 3 aeaaiaoia i . oaeaaeci.a, e eioi.iio iianiaaeiai ..i.eaiiee (ia i.eeaaaaon.) i.Ґ eniieuciaaiee ooieoee LASER LINK. Changing the mode settings.ciaiaiea onoaiiaie .a.eiia Changing the mode settings.ciaiaiea onoaiiaie .a.eiia LTR SIZE* •Normally select NORMAL. •Select 2x to display selected menu item by twice size of normal. BEEP* •Select ON so that beeps sound when you start/ stop recording, etc. •Select OFF when you do not want to hear the beep sound. COMMANDER •Select ON when using the supplied Remote Commander for the camcorder. •Select OFF when not using the Remote Commander. DISPLAY* •Normally select LCD. The display appears on the LCD screen. •Select V-OUT/LCD to show the display both on the TV screen and LCD screen. INDICATOR* •Select BL ON to light up the display window. •Select BL OFF to turn off the back light of display window. When you use the AC power adaptor as a power source, this item is not displayed in the menu. LTR SIZE* • .au.ii auae.aeoa NORMAL. • .uaa.eoa 2x ae. ioia.a.aie. aua.aiiie onoaiiaee iai. a aaa .ac aieuoa ii.iaeuiiai .acia.a. BEEP* • .uaa.eoa ON, .oiau coiia.iua neaiaeu cao.aee, eiaaa .u ia.eiaaoa/ inoaiaaeeaaaoa caienu e o.a. • .uaa.eoa OFF, anee .u ia oioeoa neuoaou coiia.iue caoeiaie neaiae. COMMANDER • .uae.aeoa ON i.e eniieuciaaiee i.eeaaaaiiai e aeaaieaia.a ioeuoa aenoaioeiiiiai oi.aaeaie.. • .uaa.eoa OFF, anee ioeuo aenoaioeiiiiai oi.aaeaie. ia eniieucoaon.. DISPLAY • .au.ii auae.aeoa LCD. .enieae ia ye.aia .... • .uaa.eoa V-OUT/LCD ae. ioia.a.aie. eiaeeaoi.ia e ia ye.aia oaeaaeci.a e ia ye.aia .... INDICATOR* • .uaa.eoa BL ON ae. iianaa.eaaie. ieioea aeniea.. • .uaa.eoa BL OFF ae. auee..aie. caaiae iianaaoee ieioea aeniea.. .iaaa .u eniieucoaoa naoaaie aaaioa. ia.aiaiiiai oiea a ea.anoaa enoi.ieea ieoaie., aaiia. onoaiiaea ia ioia.a.aaon. a iai.. Advanced .niaa.oainoaiaaiiua Changing the mode settings .ciaiaiea onoaiiaie .a.eiia C...
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