Instruções de Operação Panasonic, Modelo WVPB5548
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Otherwise components on by sialic electricity. mm Th* WV-PBS548 Switch and Ihe Data Board is used to transmit/receive only control dau between N Maun APPEARANCE 1. Oata Connector (TA/TB/RA/RB/GND, 1 - 8) Thor.o connectors arc used to transmit/receive control data lo/trom the camera site Use data grade cable, suitable lor RS-485 (shielded, twisted pairs). Cable length may be extended up lo 1.200 m (4.000 It). (!) П- Terminaton Resistor. 150Q Î/2W sw Sucten Switch. R* Duplex/ Hai Dupie» GNO Grouxt Comeaed to eacfi channel and common groird. BOARD SETTING Before installing this board, the following settings should be made by qualified service personnel or system installers. 1. Set switches (SW1) on ihe board to meet the data board number as shown in the following (able. Initially, board number 1 is selected at the factory. swioo swtso SW200 SW2S0 SW300 SW350 SW400 -JSW450 SW1 3D- 3D- D> CD* D> □> n> n> SW6 mH (BP-. mir-1 BOARD NO. SW1 SETTING OFF ÛBBÉ1 OFF El B E3B OFF bSbb OFF BBSS OFF OFF OFF SBBB OFF _ 2. Set switches (SW100/SW150/SW200/SW250/SW300/ SW350/SW400/SW450) on the board to choose the communication lines as either Full Duplex (FULL) or Hall Duplex (HALF). Initially, Full Duplex(FULL) positions are selected at the lactory. FULL HALF □ Full: 4 Lines Half: 2 Lines SW100 - SW450 3. Set switch (SW5) on the board to choose the LED indicator as either “ON" or “OFF" mode. The indicator displays that the control data are activated normally on the board. Initially. “ON" position is selected at the factory. □ SW5 HE] FledI it nu 4. Confirm switches (SW3/SW6) on the board are set to the following positions. Note These switches are used only for factory test. Always keep these switches in these positions in the field. 1Mb SW3 SW6 INSTALLATION -Caution- Before installing this board be sure to turn off the Power Switch of the Matrix Switcher. The following installation should be made by qualified service personnel or system installers. 1. Remove the screws from the rear panel(s) of the Matrix Switcher. . 2. Remove the rear panel(s). 3. Place the Data Board into the desired position in the rear of Matrix Switcher by sliding it inside the board guides. -Note- Each slot is identical, so the board can installed in any slot. However it is recommended to install the board as shown below for an orderly installation. Alarm Board Data Board Video Input Board Video Output Board Rear Pancl(s) 4. Make sure to push in the Data Board until it is seated firmly. 5. Secure the Data Board by tightening the two screws on the board. 6. Close olf open spaces on the rear ol the Matrix Switcher by using WV-Q63 Blank Panels (Optional) or supplied rear panel(s). (Refer to the instructions for WV-Q63) Note Tighten screws. Refer to the Operating Instructions of WJ-SX550A for further details. Blank Panel Data Board Tighten screws. -3- CONNECTIONS Connect the Data Board and the Camera Controller by specified data cable. Basically, connect shown right. Then the following settings should be made by using the Setup Menu. DATA ^ tns«*s>© - DAt B) R(t) '—CND—* Camera Controller ** Communication ** Unit Number 1 Baud Rate 19200 Data Bit 8 Parity Check None Stop Bit 1 Xon/Xoff Not Use Wait Time Off Delay Time Off Alarm Data Off Return Direct Connection between the Data Board and Camera Controllers In this type of connection there is one control cable directly connecting each Data Connector to the WV-RM70 Camera Controller. Refer to the connections and settings shown below. ► 4 Line (Full Duplex) Connection (Internal Switch: SW5. 4 line) SW100, 150. 200.250 300. 350. 400. 450 FULL: 4 lines U id © mi ur 'Icr GO OB Combina lion Camera Rociver 0-°f O90B UJ w U-uj. :d»e)0 u/ I—# ' D8 00 w DÎ0 0 V__l 1—r t 1 1 1 □*GI |diî3b ■ L_T -4- • 2 Line (Half Duplex) Connection (Internal Switch: SW5. 2 lines) m ™ ur SQH ((o)) EC □ w Combination Camera Hocivof SW100, 150, 200.250 300, 350. 400. 450 HALF: 2 lines □ r U*u( ::do00 LJ LJ l—^ r Q.cj. DÎ00 u..... i_i 0-4 :iD800 U u-°|- Sjj—* D»00 [7J.Q "|d6 0 0 Set the same Communication Parameters on the Setup Menus of the Matrix Switcher and Camera Controller. ■ Indirect Connection between the Data Board and Camera Controllers ("Daisy-Chain” Type Wiring) In ihis type ol connection only one control cable directly connects belween the Oata Connector #1 and the Camera Controller #1. The rest ol the Camera Controllers connect to Camera Controller #1 in a Daisy-Chain of connection. Refer to the connections and settings shown below. • 4 Line (Full Duplex) Connection (Internal Switch: SW5,4 lines) nr © $ i ■~o a w (7J.CI . D»B0 --n GD-°( D«00 LJ LJ □ IQQ U —”IZ/ 0*G: S=I— |dI00 Combination Camera Roclver n SW100, 150, 200.250 300. 350. 400. 450 FULL: 4 linos □ R(A) =j R(8) GND T(A) T(B) I GND ~;;^oooooooo<^' L.. H"-°i ; dies ¡¿L, .,1_...
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