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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

Maximum water temperature is 190°F. The package consists of the hot water coil, four plenum angles, and four plenum adapter angles. For cooling only, an optional control assembly (P/N 59684D02) is available. It consists of a terminal block, a tranformer, an SPDT relay, and a box. When adding a hot water coil, a UL listed relay package is used to control the fan in the heating cycle. Valves, may be used to control water flow through the coils in multiple installations, if desired. NOTE: Hot wa

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

Filtrol Package (Up to 75,000 Btuh Input) KBAFP0101DNK Filtrol Package (Up to 150,000 Btuh Input) KBAFP0201DNK Filtrol Package (Over 150,000 Btuh Input) KBAFP0301DNK High Limit Control KBAHL0101DNK Combustible Floor Base (2 thru 6 section models) KBASB0301DNK Combustible Floor Base (7 thru 9 section models) KBASB0401DNK Zoning Valve 3/4 in. KBAZV0101DNK Zoning Valve 1 in. KBAZV0201DNK Gas Conversion Kit Natural to Propane (After 1799V) KBANP0201DNK Gas Conversion Kit Propane to Natural KBAPN0201

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

Circulator pump covered by 3-year warranty. All other parts are covered by a 1-year limited warranty. SPECIFICATIONS UNIT SIZE 042 075 112 150 187 225 Sections—Fine Grain Cast-Iron No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 GAS CONTROLS INTERMITTENT PILOT Gas Valve Honeywell Inlet Size In. 1/2 FPT Pilot Assembly Honeywell Spark Generator Honeywell Burners—Stainless/Titanium Alloy No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Burner Orifice—Drill Size Natural 32 34 34 34 34 34 CONTROLS Limit Control Range °F 180–240 Pressure/Temperature Gage Psig °F 0–

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

† A 4-in. vent damper is supplied. A 4-in. to 3-in. reducer is also furnished. —9— DIMENSIONS BW1 and BW2 MODELS 23 1.4 . 31 3.8 . 5 3.8 . 4 3.4. 1 1.4. SUPPLY 26 1.2 . 12 1.4. A 8. TEMPERATURE/ PRESSURE GAGE SPILL SWITCH DRAIN VALVE INT. PILOTROLLOUT SWITCH GAS 1 1.4. RETURN1 1.4. NPT AQUASTAT VENT DAMPERASME RELIEF VALVE CONTROL VALVE LEFT SIDE FRONT RIGHT SIDE DIMENSIONS (In.) CLEARANCES (In.) UNIT SIZE A VENT CONNECTION 037 8 3 070 11-1/4 5 105 14-1/2 6 140 17-3/4 6 175 21 7 210 24-1/4 7 245

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

Maximum heat is produced at a lower level on the thermal-pin sections, leading to peak efficiency. TITANIUM COMPOSITE BURNERS—Provide quiet operation, corrosion resistance and improved combustion efficiency. Propane convertible – with accessory kit. CONTROLS—An automatic gas valve and continuous pilot or intermittent pilot provide quiet, dependable operation of the burners. Factory-installed safety components assure protection against overheating, pressure buildup, and low-water operation. INSUL

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

Assembled sections are tested to 75 psig at the factory. The maximum allowable pressure is 50 psig for hot water boilers. PROPANE CONVERTIBLE—With factory approved conversion kit accessory. WARRANTY—The aluminum sections are covered by a limited 15-year warranty on the entire assembly. Circulator pump is covered by a limited 3-year warranty. All other parts are covered by a 1-year limited warranty. SPECIFICATIONS UNIT SIZE 050 075 100 Sections 1 GAS CONTROLS Gas Valve Honeywell Inlet Size In. 1/

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

† 7–9 Section Models on BS1, BS2, BW1, and BW2; 6–7 Section Models on BW3. Note: Accessory High Limit Control is a strap-on aquastat used as an auxiliary limit or reverse acting circulator control. —3— CIRCULATOR CURVE WATER FLOW M3/H WATER FLOW GPM TOTAL HEAD METERS TOTAL HEAD FEET 1 40 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 12 16 20 24 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 WATER BOILER CIRCULATOR CURVE ELECTRICAL DATA ALL MODELS Voltage—Hertz—Phase 115 — 60 — 1 Minimum Branch Circuit Wire Size (AWG) 14 Maximum Fuse Size (Amps) 15 Control C

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

FACTORY INSTALLED FEATURES—A factory-installed drain is provided should the boiler ever need to be drained. Oil primary control prevents boiler in operation in the event of flame loss. SECTIONS TESTED—Each section is hydrostatically tested to 50 psig. Individual sections are tested to 125 psig at factory. Assembled sections are tested to 75 psig at the factory. The maximum allowable pressure is 50 psig for hot water boilers. EASE OF INSTALLATION—Circulator is shipped pre-wired with 6 ft bx condu

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

Net water boiler ratings are based on an allowance of 1.15. ‡ In accordance with U.S. Government test procedures. —12— MODELS BW4 and BW5 The modern design and attractive appearance of the models BW4 and BW5 Oil-Fired Water Boilers make them ideal for installation in any area. The boilers are shipped fully assembled and wired, including all controls (except barometric draft regulator). The compact 22-gage steel cabinet has a baked-on enamel paint finish for durability. A 1-in. layer of thermal i

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Categoria : Aquecedores de Água

This air must be : supplied through two openings of equal area; 'one ¡located above draft diverter relief opening and .other near floor.. Total free area of each openiiig should be equal to 1 square inch for, each 1,0.00 Btuhof boiler input. There should be a minimum of 100 square inches ¡for each opening. If air openings are directly to outdoors, minimum free area should be 1 square inch per 2,000 Btu .per hour of input rating, or in accordance with ANSIZ21.30 or the latest edition of “American
