Facilidade de uso
Please note that there are two gaskets provided with the dlverter. Use the thick gasket. Thread the Dlverter Valve onto the faucet "hand-tight* only, (See Figure B.) Do not overtlghten! Overtlghten ing can damage the threads. If the dlverter will not thread on properly, use the thin gasket, If the Diverter Valve is not compatible, an Adapter and Gasket Kit is provided to obtain a proper fit, (See Figure 1.) B. To run water through the filter, turn on the COLD WATER faucet and slide the dlverter mechanism. To stop the flow, turn off the cold water faucet or slide the diverter mechanism in the opposite direction. [See Figure 6,) Figure 5 Figure 6 Page 3 Screen 1: Caoacltv Remalnina FLUSHING THEFILTER starta FilterThis display shows the turnthe water on and rinsefor5 capacity of your filter in gallons, (see On initialup orafterchange, mode remaining theFiltermlnutestoremove carbon finesand figure 7), in this case 500 gallons, expelexcessair. The unit of measure is either galtons or For best results, after setting over night or liters, depending on the programming at after several hours of non-use, turn the the factory. The water drops at the bottom of the screen graphically show seconds before using. how much of the capacity of your filter remains, much like a fuel gauge. ByYou are now ready to enjoy your system on and rinse the filter for 15 pressing the display button you can EcoWater Countertop Water Filter. move on to the next display mode, Months Remaining, NORMAL OPERATION System performance and reduction of contaminants Isdetermined by proper flow rote. This unit as tested under ANSI/ NSF Standards 53 & 42 must be used at a flow rate no greater than 0.75 gpm. Exceeding this flow rate will affect the ability of the system to reduce contami- DISPLAY / nant levels. BUTTON WATERMETEROPERATION SECTION Figure 7 Your Countertop Water Filter comes with a digital meter that shows you how much filter fife is left at any given time. To preserve battery life the display is only acltvated when you draw water through the tilter or press the "Display* button. There are three informational screens that can be viewed by pressing the display button. Figure8 Page 4 Screen 2: Months Remainlna This display mode shows the remaining capacity of your filter In months, In this case, 6 months. (See figure 8.) Bypressingbutton thedisplayyouconmove ontothenextdlsplay mode,FlowRate. Screen 3: Flow Rate Thisdisplay mode shows you at what rate water Isflowing through your filter. (See figure 9,) This unit Is designed and tested to operate at 0.75 gpm through the use of an Internal flow restrlctor that Isdependant upon water pressure.As sllghtvariationsInwaterpressuremay occur,yourdisplaymay flicker between 0.7and 0.8gpm. The drawing shows that water Isflowing through your filter at 0.7 gallons per minute. (See figure 9.) The water drop scrolls along the gauge at the bottom as a second Indicator that water Is flowing through your filter and the water meter is working properly. Pushing the display button again would return you to Screen 1-Capacity Remaining. DISPLAY I BUTTON Figure 9 ALARM MODES Advisory Beep -50 gallons left The water meter will alert you with an advisory beep when there is less than 60...
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